[gis_info] FW: Local Wetlands Inventory Datasets Available for Download Now

ANTONSON Dan * DSL dan.antonson at dsl.state.or.us
Mon Apr 5 16:03:52 PDT 2021

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Local Wetlands Inventory Datasets Available for Download Now
All approved local wetlands inventories (LWI) are now available as GIS datasets on the Department of State Lands LWI webpage<https://oregon.us10.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3aede381082a1d987046c7b41&id=e74181b6e0&e=d0aa19517b>.

The new LWI datasets are the definitive source for approved local wetlands inventory mapping.  All approved LWIs have been digitized and standardized according to DSL’s Local Wetlands Inventory GIS Data Description<https://oregon.us10.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3aede381082a1d987046c7b41&id=e8ab1f8c79&e=d0aa19517b> (pdf). See guidance below on using the SWI or LWIs for wetland land use notices.

Additional dataset details:

  *   Some annotations on the original paper maps could not be added to the datasets. Scanned paper maps remain available on the LWI webpage to double-check for annotations. DSL will continue to explore options for adding annotations during future dataset updates.
  *   All other original map features and attributes are included in the datasets.
  *   The Oregon Rapid Wetland Assessment Protocol and Stream Function Assessment Method mapping should not be used in place of LWI datasets. The datasets represent the approved maps.
  *   The new LWI datasets will be added to the Statewide Wetlands Inventory in the future.
The LWI digitization project was funded by an Environmental Protection Agency wetlands program improvement grant.

Statewide Wetlands Inventory Web Map Updates
Recent updates to Statewide Wetlands Inventory map features:

  *   The Print SWI Map tool has been fixed.
  *   The SWI configuration document<https://oregon.us10.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3aede381082a1d987046c7b41&id=6755522f2e&e=d0aa19517b> (pdf) has been updated to address an identified issue with web services.

Guidance for Planners: Which map should I use to determine whether a Wetland Land Use Notice is required?

If the proposed project area is outside of any approved LWI study area use the Statewide Wetlands Inventory<https://oregon.us10.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3aede381082a1d987046c7b41&id=f8e98a3363&e=d0aa19517b>.

If the proposed project area is within an approved LWI study area, use the LWI – with these considerations:

  *   LWIs approved prior to 2002 do not include mapping of wetlands smaller than 0.5 acre in size. Local planning offices may consider using both the local and statewide inventories to determine whether a wetland land use notice needs to be submitted.
  *   LWIs approved prior to 2009 have a goal accuracy of +/- 25 feet. It is good practice to buffer the LWI features by 30 feet (or more) when determining whether a wetland land use notice needs to be submitted.
  *   LWIs approved after 2009 have a goal accuracy of +/- 5 meters (16.4 feet). It is good practice to buffer the LWI features by 20 feet (or more) when determining whether a wetland land use notice needs to be submitted.
Creating office-wide practices that reflect the considerations above helps ensure consistent use of the approved LWIs in screening for wetland land use notice submittal.

For More Information
Jevra Brown, Aquatic Resource Planner
Department of State Lands
Aquatic Resource Management Program
jevra.brown at dsl.state.or.us<mailto:jevra.brown at dsl.state.or.us>
503-580-3172 (cell)
775 Summer Street NE, Salem, OR 97301
Copyright © 2021 Oregon Department of State Lands, All rights reserved.
Information on DSL's Statewide Wetlands Inventory project

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Oregon Department of State Lands
775 Summer St NE Ste 100
Salem, OR 97301-1279

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