[gis_info] Workshops at Intermountain GIS!

Narsavage, Dan Dan.Narsavage at idwr.idaho.gov
Mon Apr 12 15:28:15 PDT 2021

Idaho & neighboring GISers:

I'm pleased to let you know about the exciting lineup of workshops we've got pinned to Intermountain GIS for 2021.  You can find the conference website tucked away in this corner of the internet [ https://whova.com/web/inter2_202105/ ], but below is a quick listing of what's lined up so far:

*         NG911 & the GIS Workflow<https://whova.com/embedded/session/inter2_202105/1564986/>  -  A popular workshop from URISA designed to get GISers familiar with what's new in Next-Generation 9-1-1

*         Changes Afoot After 2022: State Plane and the Death of the U.S. Survey Foot<https://whova.com/embedded/session/inter2_202105/1563218/>  -  Michael Dennis from NGS prepares you for changes to state plane coordinate systems

*         Communicating with Maps<https://whova.com/embedded/session/inter2_202105/1564030/>  -  Keith Weber from the ISU GIS Center lays the foundational concepts behind the need for actionable information and provides hands-on experience with ArcGIS Pro to learn how to improve your web maps to engage the consumer

*         What's Coming from Esri<https://whova.com/embedded/session/inter2_202105/1564036/>  -  Several movers and shakers from Esri share the exciting stuff the near future holds in their products

*         Remote Sensing with Free and Open Source Software: Land Cover Analysis<https://whova.com/embedded/session/inter2_202105/1563995/>  -  Karsten Vennemann shows some of the powerful capabilities that Free and Open Source Software has to offer for remote sensing tasks and beyond.

*         Learning ArcGIS Pro 1: Maps & Projects<https://geospatialtraining.com/learning-arcgis-pro-1-maps-and-projects/>  -   Eric Pimpler of Geospatial Training Services gets you started with ArcGIS Pro

*         Geoprocessing Automation in ArcGIS Pro with Tasks<https://geospatialtraining.com/geoprocessing-automation-in-arcgis-pro-with-tasks/>  -   Eric Pimpler of Geospatial Training Services gets you started with using tasks to leverage ArcGIS Pro

*         Introduction to Python Programming<https://whova.com/embedded/session/inter2_202105/1607195/>  -  David Howes gets you off the ground with programming in Python using modern IDEs like PyCharm

*         Introduction to ArcGIS Pro Python Tools and Processes Development<https://whova.com/embedded/session/inter2_202105/1607196/>  -  David Howes builds upon the previous day to extend ArcGIS Pro and automate your GIS work using Python

Please check us out and reply directly to me if you have any questions.  Also note that our calls for papers, posters, and maps<http://www.intermountaingis.org/conferences> are open as well!

See you (virtually) in May!
Dan Narsavage  |  Conference Workshops Chair |  Northern Rockies URISA
208.287.4868  |  322 E Front St, Boise, ID  83720-0098

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