[gis_info] Intermountain GIS calls for presentations

Narsavage, Dan Dan.Narsavage at idwr.idaho.gov
Fri Apr 16 12:38:44 PDT 2021

Looking to present your work to your peers and receive constructive feedback?  Please consider registering for the Intermountain GIS conference<https://whova.com/web/inter2_202105/> and submitting an abstract for a talk, a poster, a map, or a story map.  Documents describing those calls are attached, but also available at the links below.  If you've got questions, please email presentations at intermountaingis.org<mailto:presentations at intermountaingis.org> or conference at intermountainGIS.org<mailto:conference at intermountainGIS.org>.  Hope to see you (virtually) in Coeur d'Alene!

Conference website: https://whova.com/web/inter2_202105/
More info: http://www.intermountaingis.org/conferences
Call for Presentations:  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1d-bMPGRuSp5XRgfYq0k04AK7VysrLEKgigWBrhuF1l8/edit
Call for Posters, Maps, & Story Maps:  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe2FqSicLwkfNbFTfg7NnQueKZ0rlqwXFlKo7PZ_PYfTB1mjQ/viewform?c=0&w=1

Dan Narsavage  |  Conference Workshops Chair |  Northern Rockies URISA
208.287.4868  |  322 E Front St, Boise, ID  83720-0098

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