[gis_info] GIS Internship Opportunity

Soto, Angela R VOL USARMY CENWP (USA) Angela.Soto at usace.army.mil
Mon Dec 27 11:08:06 PST 2021


The Army Corps of Engineers, Willamette Valley Project is seeking a GIS Intern to work in the Environmental Stewardship section for a one year service term beginning in March 2022. Full details for this position can be found at the following link:

Please note: Applications are processed through the Student Conservation Association, which will necessitate creating an account on their website. The Student Conservation Association is the official employer for this position, but the intern will be directly supervised by and work with Army Corps of Engineers employees.

Application review will take place January 7th, so please indicate your interest in the position on the SCA website no later than January 6th.

Please share with others who may be interested! Feel free to reach out to me with any questions.

Thank you,

Angela Soto
Willamette Valley Project
(541) 903-2896
Angela.Soto at usace.army.mil<mailto:Angela.Soto at usace.army.mil>

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