[gis_info] ArcGIS Pro Workshops at 2021 Intermountain GIS Conference

Eric Pimpler eric at geospatialtraining.com
Tue Mar 16 09:35:46 PDT 2021

Geospatial Training Services <http://geospatialtraining.com/> will be
teaching two workshops at the 2021 Intermountain GIS Conference on May 17th
and 18th. Registration to these workshops is open to both members and

Students will need to provide ArcGIS Pro software and a valid login. Class
will be taught live-online through our GoToTraining platform.

Registration will be processed directly through the Geospatial Training
Services website at the links below.

Monday, May 17th - Learning ArcGIS Pro 1

Tuesday, May 18th - Geoprocessing Automation in ArcGIS Pro with Tasks


Eric Pimpler
Geospatial Training Services
215 W Bandera #114-104
Boerne, TX 78006
Twitter - @gistraining
eric at geospatialtraining.com
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