[gis_info] Registation still open for Intermountain GIS!

Narsavage, Dan Dan.Narsavage at idwr.idaho.gov
Mon May 10 10:34:56 PDT 2021

Here's a reminder that registration for Intermountain GIS is still open for Intermountain GIS and our associated workshops. You can find the conference website here [https://whova.com/web/inter2_202105/], and below is a listing of the workshops currently on offer:

*         NG911 & the GIS Workflow<https://whova.com/embedded/session/inter2_202105/1564986/>  -  A popular workshop from URISA designed to get GISers familiar with what's new in Next-Generation 9-1-1

*         Changes Afoot After 2022: State Plane and the Death of the U.S. Survey Foot<https://whova.com/embedded/session/inter2_202105/1563218/>  -  Michael Dennis from NGS prepares you for changes to state plane coordinate systems

*         Communicating with Maps<https://whova.com/embedded/session/inter2_202105/1564030/>  -  Keith Weber from the ISU GIS Center lays the foundational concepts behind the need for actionable information and provides hands-on experience with ArcGIS Pro to learn how to improve your web maps to engage the consumer

*         What's Coming from Esri<https://whova.com/embedded/session/inter2_202105/1564036/>  -  Several movers and shakers from Esri share the exciting stuff the near future holds in their products

*         Remote Sensing with Free and Open Source Software: Land Cover Analysis<https://whova.com/embedded/session/inter2_202105/1563995/>  -  Karsten Vennemann shows some of the powerful capabilities that Free and Open Source Software has to offer for remote sensing tasks and beyond.

*         Learning ArcGIS Pro 1: Maps & Projects<https://geospatialtraining.com/learning-arcgis-pro-1-maps-and-projects/>  -   Eric Pimpler of Geospatial Training Services gets you started with ArcGIS Pro

*         Geoprocessing Automation in ArcGIS Pro with Tasks<https://geospatialtraining.com/geoprocessing-automation-in-arcgis-pro-with-tasks/>  -   Eric Pimpler of Geospatial Training Services gets you started with using tasks to leverage ArcGIS Pro

*         Introduction to Python Programming<https://whova.com/embedded/session/inter2_202105/1607195/>  -  David Howes gets you off the ground with programming in Python using modern IDEs like PyCharm

*         Introduction to ArcGIS Pro Python Tools and Processes Development<https://whova.com/embedded/session/inter2_202105/1607196/>  -  David Howes builds upon the previous day to extend ArcGIS Pro and automate your GIS work using Python

See you (virtually) very soon!
Dan Narsavage  |  Conference Workshops Chair |  Northern Rockies URISA
208.287.4868  |  322 E Front St, Boise, ID  83720-0098

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