[gis_info] Tutorial: Introducing the Field Statistics to Table tool in ArcGIS Pro 2.9

Eric Pimpler eric at geospatialtraining.com
Tue Jan 18 13:21:53 PST 2022

*In this tutorial, we’ll cover the Field Statistics to Table tool, that
gives more flexibility to calculating field statistics from attribute table

As the name suggests, the Field Statistics to Table tool creates a
standalone table of descriptive statistics for one or more input fields (=
columns) in a table or feature class. It was added in Pro 2.9 as users
demanded a way to export the Field Statistics when performing data
The data engineering toolset was added to Pro 2.8 to help users explore,
visualize, clean, and prepare data.

The new Field Statistics to Table tool is an extension of the data
engineering toolset: although it uses the same statistics for each column
as in the Data Engineering view, you have now the option to output
statistics using only a single field type, or use a Group By Field
parameter for the output table, which calculates input field statistics
separately for each unique value in the specified field. We’ll have a look
at how this works below.

Read the entire tutorial.


Eric Pimpler
Geospatial Training Services
215 W Bandera #114-104
Boerne, TX 78006
Twitter - @gistraining
eric at geospatialtraining.com
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