[gis_info] invitation to the next CUGOS Meeting Wednesday March 16th

karsten karsten at terragis.net
Thu Mar 10 18:42:45 PST 2022

Hi GIS and geospatial enthusiasts,
the next CUGOS (online) meeting will be next week Wednesday - see
Meeting connection details will be posted on the site the day of the

If you have ever joined our open source geospatial group or not you are
invited and we have lined up two awesome talks: 
Russell Mercer will join us to talk about building an enterprise GIS at a
small city using FOSS4G technologies. Russell is the GIS Coordinator of GIS
department of the City of Imperial Beach in California.

Martin Davis will be talking about two services that make it easy to access
PostGIS data from web clients:
<https://github.com/CrunchyData/pg_featureserv> pg_featureserv and
<https://github.com/CrunchyData/pg_tileserv> pg_tileserv. He might also talk
about GEOS and JTS if there's interest in geometry things. Here you can find
Martin's blog, aka  <http://lin-ear-th-inking.blogspot.com/> Dr.JTS (Java
topology Suite)

Hope so see many of you Wednesday 

Karsten  Vennemann

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