[gis_info] Upcoming Utilities FIT Meeting

Sephe Fox SFox at clatskaniepud.com
Thu Sep 22 13:12:19 PDT 2022

Thursday 9/29 from 10-11:30, we are holding a Utilities Framework Implementation Team meeting (virtual). If you are interested in attending, please drop me a line or add yourself to the listserv here<https://omls.oregon.gov/mailman/listinfo/utilities_fit>. I will be mostly out of the office before then, but I will be sure to send you the meeting link/info before the meeting start time.

The agenda will be as follows:

Update on Existing Data
Continued Discussion on Current/Potential Data Elements
Current & Future Work

Sephe Fox
GIS Analyst, Clatskanie PUD
Oregon Utilities Framework Implementation Team Lead
(503) 308-4621, sfox at clatskaniepud.com<mailto:sfox at clatskaniepud.com>
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