[gis_info] Willamette Valley GIS Users Group Fall Meeting Scheduled

Hegewald, Lesley LHegewald at mwvcog.org
Thu Sep 29 13:43:44 PDT 2022

The fall Willamette Valley GIS Users Group (WVGISUG) meeting has been scheduled for Thursday, October 27th, 2022, from 1-4pm at the Corvallis-Benton County Public Library. Doug Sackinger at Benton County is hosting, and he is looking for presentations for this meeting. Anyone interested in presenting can contact him at Douglas.A.Sackinger at co.benton.or.us<mailto:Douglas.A.Sackinger at co.benton.or.us> .

The agenda and other information will be posted on the Upcoming Quarterly Meeting page of our website at https://www.orurisa.org/WVUG . We do not know yet if we will be able to offer a virtual option for attending but will update the info on the website when we know more.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions.


Lesley Hegewald
GIS Program Coordinator
Mid-Willamette Valley Council of Governments
100 High St. SE Suite 200
Salem, OR 97301
(503)540-1622 (direct)
lhegewald at mwvcog.org<mailto:lhegewald at mwvcog.org>

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