[gis_info] GIS Technician position located in Redmond, Oregon

Turo, Tiffany tturo at cec.coop
Fri Dec 29 11:50:40 PST 2023

Full time career position located in Central Oregon.  Excellent benefits, and potential for growth with Cooperative.

GIS Technician in Redmond, OR for Central Electric Cooperative Inc.<https://careers.electric.coop/jobs/19513873/gis-technician>

Tiffany A. Turo * Central Electric Cooperative, Inc. * GIS Analyst, GISP
Office: 541.312.7734 | Cell: 541.848.7087 | tturo at cec.coop<mailto:tturo at cec.coop>
2098 NW 6TH ST, PO Box 846, Redmond OR  97756 www.cec.coop<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.cec.coop&d=DwQGaQ&c=euGZstcaTDllvimEN8b7jXrwqOf-v5A_CdpgnVfiiMM&r=d9fZjb6sSPDWEtlTGbnYqA&m=HeN_BKIBM9MtUrn09ocHy43sppeobgNAVLm4USIIaAw&s=I5dshGh-HcohYOb3sDAvTF6Qi8Wl_0jKxEV7ICiI_v4&e=>

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