[gis_info] WEB GIS collaboration ?

karsten karsten at terragis.net
Sat Jan 27 16:06:29 PST 2024

Hi All, 

I'm reaching out to the community with a unique proposition. We are
exploring commission-based collaboration opportunities for customer
acquisition, sales, and marketing as well as technical collaboration (Mainly
targeting the North American and/or European market). 
If anyone is interested or knows someone who might be, please contact me via
email at your earliest convenience. 

Over the past few years, I've been involved in the development of a Web GIS
at TerraGIS using open-source tools, collaborating with some fantastic
After three years of dedicated effort, we now have a versatile "product"
that has been successfully deployed in approximately 10 projects spanning
three continents and supporting multiple languages. While it's versatile,
there are already some projects where it has been tailored for specific
markets, such as: 

*	Microgrid Networks: Comprehensive and sophisticated site searches
for companies building micro grids (island networks) and associated battery

*	Academic Sector: Agricultural sciences, e.g., agricultural projects
in Africa with model calculations for the suitability of crop locations. 

*	Parcel information for municipal property offices in Germany
(adapted to cities and ALKIS data). 

*	"Voter Engagement" / Political campaigns in the USA. See e.g.,
https://vitalvoters.com/,  <https://vitalvoters.com/#team>

*	"Blue and Green Infrastructure" (Water harvesting from run-off,
irrigation of parks and gardens)
and more... 


Karsten Vennemann

Seattle, WA, USA

Terra GIS Deutschland
Schriesheim (bei Heidelberg)

 <http://www.terragis.net/> www.terragis.net
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