[gis_info] Oregon Statewide Imagery 2024 1ft Acquisition is Underway!

CALLAHAN Brady * OPRD Brady.CALLAHAN at oprd.oregon.gov
Mon Jun 10 09:35:11 PDT 2024

Oregon Statewide Imagery 2024 1ft acquisition is underway!

I wanted to share with the community that our contractor, Surdex, has started our 1ft acquisition as of this morning. The current plan is for the use of 1-2 aircraft for the acquisition with the flight window ending by August 31st.
We had a great kick-off meeting with the team last week and as things progress will have more information to share. Stay tuned!



Brady Callahan, GISP Geospatial Lead, sUAS Coordinator, Oregon Imagery FIT Lead
Oregon Parks and Recreation Department
stateparks.oregon.gov<http://stateparks.oregon.gov/> | oregon.gov/oprd<http://oregon.gov/oprd>

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