[Heritage] 1859 panel opens third Extravaganza day

Heritage Info Heritage.Info at state.or.us
Mon Mar 9 12:38:29 PDT 2009

A plenary panel in which speakers from diverse backgrounds discuss what 1859 Oregon means to them will open the third day of the Northwest History and Heritage Extravaganza in Portland.

The panelists will include Bobbie Conner of the Tamastslikt Cultural Institute; Oregon poet laureate Lawson Inada; historian David Johnson and pioneer descendant Bill Lang of Portland State University are among the scheduled speakers. Professor Jackie Peterson of Washington State University-Vancouver will serve as the moderator.

The Extravaganza, scheduled for April 15-18, combines the 62nd annual Pacific Northwest History Conference, the 10th Oregon Heritage Conference, along with the annual meetings of the Northwest Archivists and the Northwest Oral History Association. Gathered together as Oregon marks its 150th statehood anniversary, participants will share the cultures, skills and ideas that have made and will make the Northwest's history and heritage distinct and vibrant. More than 100 scholars and practitioners will make presentations, give workshops or lead tours during the Extravaganza.

Complete conference information, including a registration form, is available at the Extravaganza website at http://www.oregon.gov/OPRD/HCD/OHC/Conference.shtml  The conference hotel will be the Holiday Inn at the Portland Airport, which is making a special conference lodging rate available until March 23.

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