[Heritage] Oregon Heritage News 2012-05-21

Heritage Info heritage.info at state.or.us
Mon May 21 07:51:47 PDT 2012

In this Issue: 
1. Oregon Heritage Preservation Scholarships Available 
2. Women’s History Project Discussion Topic on Heritage Exchange
3. Architect, Women’s “Ultimate Power Tool” Subjects of Talks. 
4. "Post to Park" Ceremony Set at Vancouver Barracks
Would you like to attend a preservation-related conference, workshop,
or training in the next year? The Elisabeth Walton Potter Oregon
Heritage Preservation Scholarship provides financial assistance for
Oregon residents to attend a preservation-related conference, workshop,
or training in the US between July 1, 2012 and June 30, 2013. Eligible
travel expenses include registration fees, transportation, lodging and
Oregon Heritage offers the scholarships to those actively involved in
local preservation efforts and who demonstrate how attendance at a
preservation-related conference, workshop, or training will help meet
the preservation needs of their local community.
Scholarships are competitive and offered twice per year. The first
round deadline is June 15.
Visit www.oregonheritage.org/OPRD/HCD/FINASST/Scholarships.shtml to
learn more.
Do you have a place in mind you’d like to include in the Oregon Women’s
History Project? Oregon Heritage put together a quick list of buildings
and created a process for nominating other buildings for inclusion. To
learn more, read the latest entry at Oregon Heritage Exchange:
http://oregonheritage.wordpress.com (
http://oregonheritage.wordpress.com/ ) . To review the list of
buildings and supplemental background information on each (usually a
completed site form or National Register of Historic Places nomination),
visit the Oregon Historic Sites Database at
http://heritagedata.prd.state.or.us/historic . 
Bob Clay will talk about notable Oregon architect W.C. Knighton and
some of the iconic structures he designed in Salem, including Deepwood
Estate and others across the state, from 6 – 8 p.m., May 22 at the
Historic Deepwood Estate, 1116 Mission Street, NE, Salem.
Marge Harding will present two sessions of “A Woman’s Ultimate Power
Tool”, a talk about the time and culture surrounding the development of
the sewing machine at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m., June 2 also at the Historic
Deepwood Estate. The talk includes a tour of the Deepwood Estate, a
Queen Anne Victorian home and the opportunity to view a new exhibit that
showcases antique and vintage sewing machines.  
For more information on either event, visit
www.historicdeepwoodestate.org (
http://www.historicdeepwoodestate.org/ ) . To make reservations, call
(503) 363-1825.
The East and South Vancouver Barracks will close as a US Army Reserve
post and become a national park on Memorial Day, May 28. A “Post to Park”
ceremony marking the official post closure will take place at 1 p.m., at
the Artillery Barracks building, 600 East Hatheway Road in West
Vancouver Barracks, followed at 2 p.m. by National Park Service tours
and Fort Vancouver National Historic Site’s annual Soldiers Bivouac
living history encampment on the park’s historic Parade Ground. This
Post to Park event will follow and build upon the community Memorial Day
observance, scheduled for 11 a.m. at the Clark County Veterans' Memorial
on Fort Vancouver Way and McClellan Road in East Vancouver Barracks.
At 3:00 p.m. and again at 5:00 p.m., volunteers portraying the Civil
War-era soldiers from the First Oregon Volunteers will conduct Drill and
Ceremony on the historic Parade Ground, complete with marching and
weapons drill.  At 3:30 p.m., National Park Service volunteer and
retired soldier Fred Bridges will share his accounts of World War II. At
4:00 p.m. National Park Service staff and volunteers will demonstrate
historic weapons, including the firing of the mountain howitzer and
various small arms. The Soldiers’ Bivouac will include numerous camps
with costumed interpreters who will help visitors learn more about the
post’s link to the Civil War, Indian War, Spanish American War, and
Philippine War eras. Other camps will interpret the post’s World War I
and World War II history, including home front perspectives from the
Kaiser Shipyard’s “Wanda the Welders” and Army aviation at Pearson
Field. A display of vintage military vehicles will also be open to the
For 187 years, Vancouver Barracks was formative and instrumental in the
development of the Northwest, providing a place for Soldiers to train in
order to defend our nation. The post closure ceremony, led by the U.S.
Army Reserve with the support of the National Park Service, will include
traditional military elements, including the rendition of honors, honors
to the nation, and remarks from several dignitaries. In addition, staff
and volunteers from the national park will provide a traditional 21-gun
salute in costumes reflecting important eras in the barracks’ military
history. The ceremony’s highlight will be the retiring of the Army
Colors and passing of the United States Flag from Brigadier General
Alton Berry to National Park Service Pacific West Region Director Chris
Lehnertz, symbolizing the final action of military personnel on
Vancouver Barracks.
For more information, visit
http://www.nps.gov/fova/planyourvisit/events.htm .


For a complete list of Historic Preservation Month events, go to
www.oregonheritage.org/OPRD/HCD/calendar.shtml .

Keep up with the latest issues and trends by following our blog at

Oregon Heritage News is a service of the Oregon Heritage Commission.
Contact us by emailing heritage.info at state.or.us .
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