[Heritage] Oregon Heritage News 2012-10-31

Heritage Info heritage.info at state.or.us
Wed Oct 31 08:31:40 PDT 2012

1. Oregon Heritage Preservation Scholarships Available
2. Oregon Geographic Names Board to Meet in Carver
3. McMath Award nominations close Nov. 19
4. Grant Deadlines Set For December and January
The Elisabeth Walton Potter Oregon Heritage Preservation Scholarship
provides financial assistance for Oregon residents to attend a
preservation-related conference, workshop, or training in the United
States. Scholarships are competitive and offered twice per year.
Awardees must attend a conference by June 30, 2013. The second round
deadline is December 1.
Available to individuals actively involved in local preservation
efforts, successful applicants will demonstrate how attendance at a
preservation-related conference, workshop, or training helps to meet the
preservation needs of their local community. Eligible travel expenses
include registration fees, transportation, lodging and meals. 
Visit www.oregonheritage.org/OPRD/HCD/FINASST/Scholarships.shtml for
further information.
The Oregon Geographic Names Board will discuss proposals for new names
and name changes at 9:30 a.m., Nov. 3 at the Stone Cliff Inn, 17900
South Clackamas River Drive, Carver. Chosen for its proximity to the
Clackamas River, the meeting site is near the rock where Rudyard Kipling
fished in 1889. The Board will consider the name, Kipling Rock, during
its meeting.
Other names under consideration include changing the name O’Toole
Spring to Bartlett Spring, located on the Burns District of the BLM in
Harney County; changing the name of Squaw Creek to Beal Creek in Harney
County; and naming an unnamed feature Chance Creek in Tillamook County.
The meeting room is located upstairs without an elevator. For
assistance in attending, call Mary McArthur at (503)970-3336. For
further information, contact Sharon Nesbit, by phone at (503) 665-0423
or by email at snesbit at aol.com.
The University of Oregon (UO) will accept George McMath Historic
Preservation Award applications through Nov. 19.
UO presents the award annually for exceptional and commendable work,
with special consideration given to the development of new ideas,
approaches, and innovations in historic preservation. The McMath award
raises public awareness of historic preservation and promotes excellence
in preservation practice through the recognition of significant leaders
in the field. Prior honorees include Hal Ayotte, Elisabeth Walton
Potter, Cathy Galbraith, and James Hamrick.
In its fifth year, the award ceremony will take place in May 2013 at
the UO campus in Portland.
Visit http://hp.uoregon.edu/mcmath for the nomination application and
additional information or email hpgtf at uoregon.edu. 
The Institute of Museum and Library Services’ (IMLS) Museums for
America grant program guidelines (
) are now available. The grant program includes funding for projects
previously under Conservation Project Support. The deadline to apply is
January 15, 2013. For an extended summary, review the latest Heritage
Hotline (
) from Heritage Preservation, or visit www.imls.gov (
http://www.imls.gov/ ).
The deadline for Sustaining Cultural Heritage Collections grants from
the National Endowment for the Humanities is Dec. 4 for projects
beginning in October 2013. This program helps cultural institutions plan
and implement preservation strategies aimed at mitigating the greatest
risks to collections. For information and guidelines visit


Oregon Heritage, part of the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department,
provides technical support and services to people and organizations
documenting, preserving, interpreting and sharing Oregon's heritage.
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Oregon Heritage News is a service of the Oregon Heritage Commission.
Contact us by emailing heritage.info at state.or.us .
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