[Heritage] Oregon Heritage News 2017-04-07

INFO Heritage * OPRD Heritage.Info at oregon.gov
Fri Apr 7 13:15:25 PDT 2017

1. Nationally known fundraising consultant featured at the Oregon Heritage Summit
2. Architectural Heritage Center partners with City of Portland to document African American historic resources
3. Comment period open for Travel Oregon's 2017-2019 draft strategic plan
4. UO emerging historic preservation scholars lecture series
5. NEH grant opportunities
6. Call for Oregon Archaeology Celebration events


Donna Harris of Heritage Consulting, Inc. will join us for both days of the Oregon Heritage Summit on Funding, April 26-27 in Newberg. She will present her research on the variety of ways heritage is funded around the country. The next day she'll provide training on annual appeals, membership and donor appreciation.
Donna is the principal of Heritage Consulting Inc., a Philadelphia-based Women's Business Enterprise (WBE) consulting firm that aids non-profit organizations and government agencies nationwide. Prior to starting her firm, Donna was the state coordinator for the Illinois Main Street program and the manager of the Illinois suburban Main Street program for.

Since starting her firm, Donna has worked with state, regional, and local Main Street programs in 23 states. She has written six feature articles in the National Main Street Center's quarterly publication Main Street Now and is a regular contributor to their Main Street Week blog. She has also spoken at the Main Street Center's annual conference for the last dozen years and has conducted webinars for the Center on fundraising and organizational development topics. Donna has authored scholarly articles in the American Association for State and Local History's History News and the National Trust's Forum Journal. Donna's book New Solutions for House Museums: Ensuring the Long-Term Preservation of America's Historic Houses was published by AltaMira Press in 2007. Ms. Harris is a Certified Main Street Manager.

The Oregon Heritage Summit will take place April 26-27 in Newberg. Today is the last day to get the BEST RATE possible so Register now<http://www.oregon.gov/oprd/HCD/OHC/Pages/Conference.aspx> for the Summit!


the Bosco-Milligan Foundation/Architectural Heritage Center was selected through an RFP process by the City of Portland's Bureau of Planning & Sustainability to partner on a project to identify and document potentially significant historic properties associated with Portland's African American history. With grant funding from the Oregon State Historic Preservation Office, the initiative will study the themes, trends, and patterns of history shared by the historic resources related to the African American experience in Portland and compile them in a Multiple Property Documentation (MPD) form. The importance of the MPD lies in the fact that it is a National Register of Historic Places umbrella document that groups historic resources associated with a significant historic context to allow individual property owners to more easily list their property in the National Register.

You can read the City of Portland's announcement of this collaborative project here<https://www.portlandoregon.gov/bps/72560>.

Next Steps
The Architectural Heritage Center welcomes submission of photos, stories, or other documentation that may aid in the documentation of African American historic resources. To share your information, please contact Stephanie Whitlock, AHC Executive Director (stephanie at visitahc.org<mailto:stephanie at visitahc.org>, tel. 503-231-7264) or Cathy Galbraith, MPD project lead (tel. 503-543-6813).
A community open house will be held on April 29, 2017 to collect additional stories and share progress on the project. To keep informed of this event and receive other information about this project, sign up for the AHC newsletter<http://visitahc.org/newsletters/> and follow them on Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/pg/ArchitecturalHeritageCenter/posts/?ref=page_internal>.


Travel Oregon's 2017-2019 Draft Strategic Plan opened for public comment on March 21, 2017. A public hearing and comment opportunity will be held on Tuesday, April 11 at the Oregon Tourism Commission Meeting in Hood River<https://t.e2ma.net/click/xtw9t/x162xs/5jiq0h>. Review the draft plan by clicking here<https://t.e2ma.net/click/xtw9t/x162xs/lcjq0h>.

This biennial strategic plan was developed with extensive input from Oregon's travel and tourism industry, community leaders and others, through an industrywide survey and a series of town halls and meetings throughout the state, and by incorporating the latest industry research and data.
The strategic overview is designed to give the reader a quick and substantive look at the strategic priorities that will guide Travel Oregon for the next two years. Further, the full plan provides the context for Travel Oregon's strategic imperatives, initiatives and measures.
This plan is relevant to everyone even tangentially engaged in the travel and tourism industry. The vitality and viability of the travel and tourism industry is a critical asset for all Oregonians now, more than ever.

Here are important next steps regarding the consideration of this plan:

  1.  Please take a moment to review the plan and then submit your feedback to us online<https://t.e2ma.net/click/xtw9t/x162xs/14jq0h>.
  2.  You may also mail your comments to Travel Oregon, ATTN: Comments on 2017-2019 Plan, 250 Church Street SE, Suite 100, Salem, OR 97301.
  3.  A public hearing on this plan will be held in conjunction with the Oregon Tourism Commission public meeting scheduled for Tuesday, April 11, 2017 in Hood River.
  4.  In order to adequately review and consider your recommendations, we need to receive your written feedback by 5 p.m. on Monday, May 1, 2017.

After reviewing this public input, the strategic plan for the 2017-2019 biennium will be considered and adopted by the Oregon Tourism Commission at their public meeting on Tuesday, June 20, 2017 in Bend


Over the first two weeks in April, the University of Oregon Historic Preservation Program will host talks by emerging scholars in our field. Friends of the program are invited to attend these presentations in our classroom space, room 442, on floor 4R of the White Stag Building or via videoconference from Eugene in Lawrence Hall (rooms noted below.)

Please join us for what promises to be an interesting set of conversations!

12:30 pm - Wednesday, April 12th
White Stag room 442 / Lawrence Hall 263
Dr. Brent Fortenberry is an architectural historian and preservationist with research interests in the vernacular architecture of North America and the Caribbean.  He is an expert in building recording techniques, including both traditional methods and new digital technologies. Dr. Fortenberry has a Ph.D. in Archaeology from Boston University and a Master's of Science in Historic Preservation from Clemson University.  He is an Adjunct Professor in Clemson's Graduate Program in Historic Preservation in the School of Architecture as well as Associate Director of the Warren Lasch Conservation Center in the Clemson University's Restoration Institute in Charleston, South Carolina.

12:30 pm - Thursday, April 13th
White Stag room 442 / Lawrence Hall 249
Dr. Gabrielle Harlan is an architect and architectural historian with more than ten years of professional experience in historic preservation in the American West.  Dr. Harlan's research interests include the use of Native American building types by Anglo architects in the stylistic revivals of the early nineteenth century and the work of Judith Chafee and other women architects in the western U.S. Dr. Harlan, who is currently a lecturer in the Architecture Department at University of Oregon, has a Ph.D. in the History of Art and Architecture and a Master's in Architecture  from the University of Virginia.  She was previously a Principal Associate at Chattel, Inc. in southern California and a historical architect at Yosemite National Park.


NEH Common Heritage Grants - Deadline: June 1, 2017 - Grant Amount: Up to $12,000 - Eligible Grant Activities: Organization and presentation of digitization events for the community.

NEH Humanities Collections and Reference Resources Grants (HCRR) - Deadline: July 20, 2017 - Grant Amount: Up to $350,000 for Implementation grants; Up to $50,000 for Foundation Projects - Eligible Grant Activities: Planning; Assessments; Digitization, including audio recordings; Rehousing; Conservation treatment leading to enhanced access. HCRR offers two kinds of awards: 1) for implementation and 2) for planning, assessment, and pilot efforts (HCRR Foundations grants).

NEH Preservation Assistance Grants (PAG) - Deadline Approaching - May 2! - Grant Amount: up to $6,000 - Eligible Activities: Preservation Needs Assessments; Consultations; Training; Purchase of storage or environmental monitoring equipment.

Details and contact information: http://bit.ly/2NEH6


The OAC committee would like to encourage you to submit events for the Oregon Archaeology Celebration annual calendar of events. A submittal form is available through the Oregon SHPO Archaeological Services<http://www.oregon.gov/oprd/HCD/ARCH/Pages/index.aspx> web page and linked to this email. Please note, the submission deadline is June 15, 2017.

The purpose of the annual "Celebration" is to inspire and inform people about Oregon's prehistoric and historic heritage with activities offered throughout the state. The activity you or your group gives for OAC, along with those activities others give, is the basis for the "Celebration."

Share your photos of Oregon's heritage on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter using #oregonheritage.

Oregon Heritage News is a service of Oregon Heritage, a division of the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department. The news editor can be contacted at heritage.info at oregon.gov<mailto:heritage.info at oregon.gov>.

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