[Heritage] Oregon Heritage News 2017-03-02

INFO Heritage * OPRD Heritage.Info at oregon.gov
Thu Mar 2 14:13:37 PST 2017

1. Preservation Plan Public Meeting March 8 in La Grande
2. Get to know the newest Oregon Heritage All-Star Community - Bend
3. 75th anniversary of the signing of Executive Order 9066
4. Connecting to Collections Webinar


As part of its mission, the Oregon State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) in partnership with the community creates a statewide historic preservation plan every five years to identify what is special about Oregon and how best to preserve it for future generations. The plan addresses identifying and preserving historic places, educating the public about the State's history, and building support for the organizations that curate our cultural legacy.

This spring Oregon SHPO is asking Oregonians what makes Oregon's heritage special to them in a series of 90 minute public meetings across the state. Participants will identify what issues matter most and how to best preserve our history. The next meetings will take place in La Grande on March 8. More meetings will follow in April.

March 8, 2017, 6:00-7:30p.m.
La Grande City Hall Council Chambers, 1000 Adams Ave, La Grande

Those interested in or associated with local historic preservation efforts, museums, governments, cemeteries, archaeology, archives, historic trails, main streets, and other heritage related interests are encouraged to attend.

Can't make a meeting? Comment online! Our short survey asks for feedback on our services. Go to : https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ORHeritagePartnerSurvey.

To learn more about the Oregon SHPO and Oregon Heritage programs, visit www.oregonheritage.org<http://www.oregonheritage.org>.Please contact Ian Johnson, Associate Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer, at (503) 986-0678 or ian.johnson at oregon.gov<mailto:ian.johnson at oregon.gov> with any additional questions or comments.


Bend was recently designated an Oregon Heritage All-Star Community by the Oregon Heritage Commission. The commission created the All-Star program to recognize the strong efforts by communities to broadly preserve and develop heritage resources. Learn more about Bend and its commitment to its heritage resources in the most recent post on the Oregon Heritage Exchange Blog<https://oregonheritage.wordpress.com/2017/03/02/bends-sense-of-place/>.


This year commemorates the 75th anniversary of the signing of Executive Order 9066 by President Roosevelt on Feb. 19, 1942. This legally binding order led to the wartime incarceration of over 120,000 Japanese Americans - including thousands of Oregonians - during WWII.

Events are happening throughout the year and Oregon Heritage will be including notices in the Heritage News of many of these events as the year unfolds. We wanted to share the following video that is featured on Oregon Humanities website.
The Portland Expo Center: A Hidden History
By Jodi Darby
In 1942, the United States government imprisoned 3,676 Japanese Americans from Oregon and southwest Washington at the Pacific International Livestock Exposition Center, now known as the Portland Expo Center. This month's video<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001wj6j11INS3Y1A1ZXN8bdZL2J_g1_Wi51rd5UGASfTrIeeNsE8gha33PqurDUS75XcDNpm1cadTWrAe9BsPE3RrCqzEZ-GXvO2XEMky7PN5do2VnBNe2YWsLF857So5UQB8kXwpR3c5gYBA_zGbGDVLGz9vEjCQs_f9UMs5F0rRkSt_VJoQwBVBoIMDBfZUKl3IaCoADPOwMxlJxWhhIKKvkk1EZxd-c0qjeI6i82XNjn9ZGoydEsHg==&c=C_nTlo18yuiiVJ-fM4zBdogTeBZZlb-6ryoXdLUKnLRo77HlcMrdmw==&ch=V-jJaCdeOxi0KkK0N_LMovIT4ggUnHRwlM8-PUKE9Di00PeZU6shOw==>, produced by Jodi Darby for Oregon Humanities, explores the hidden history of the Expo Center through the words of people who were there. Watch it on our website<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001wj6j11INS3Y1A1ZXN8bdZL2J_g1_Wi51rd5UGASfTrIeeNsE8gha33PqurDUS75XcDNpm1cadTWrAe9BsPE3RrCqzEZ-GXvO2XEMky7PN5do2VnBNe2YWsLF857So5UQB8kXwpR3c5gYBA_zGbGDVLGz9vEjCQs_f9UMs5F0rRkSt_VJoQwBVBoIMDBfZUKl3IaCoADPOwMxlJxWhhIKKvkk1EZxd-c0qjeI6i82XNjn9ZGoydEsHg==&c=C_nTlo18yuiiVJ-fM4zBdogTeBZZlb-6ryoXdLUKnLRo77HlcMrdmw==&ch=V-jJaCdeOxi0KkK0N_LMovIT4ggUnHRwlM8-PUKE9Di00PeZU6shOw==>. The video was inspired by an article in the Fall/Winter issue of Oregon Humanities magazine<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001wj6j11INS3Y1A1ZXN8bdZL2J_g1_Wi51rd5UGASfTrIeeNsE8gha30-9olKJpJSD5Cx5aV6opatsw9Y1IlgYtF-TqWrXPdz39akkJMLTEw0xWYgMilvWGVNQk_mWG7aUq-BFJy_EMI_fn6bPXkbZEkyVd5DfpO8pK2GduCwfLpM=&c=C_nTlo18yuiiVJ-fM4zBdogTeBZZlb-6ryoXdLUKnLRo77HlcMrdmw==&ch=V-jJaCdeOxi0KkK0N_LMovIT4ggUnHRwlM8-PUKE9Di00PeZU6shOw==>.


Oversize, overwhelmed? Caring for Maps and Architectural Drawings in Your Collection
March 16, 2017 2:00-3:30 EST
Sign up here<http://www.connectingtocollections.org/oversize-overwhelmed/>

What can you do with large maps, posters, architectural drawings, and other items that often are rolled up and pushed to the back of storage or placed on high shelves in hopes they might disappear or go away? How can you make these materials available to your patrons without worry? This webinar will address organizational, storage, handling and reformatting challenges for the safe access and preservation of these often fragile, oversized materials. Particular consideration is given to the variety of processes used to produce maps and architectural drawings, and the special degradation processes particular to these materials. Our focus is on pragmatic, low cost methods for processing, preserving and using large volumes of these records.

Share your photos of Oregon's heritage on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter using #oregonheritage.

Oregon Heritage News is a service of Oregon Heritage, a division of the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department. The news editor can be contacted at heritage.info at oregon.gov<mailto:heritage.info at oregon.gov>.

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