[Heritage] Oregon Heritage News 2018-02-15
INFO Heritage * OPRD
Heritage.Info at oregon.gov
Thu Feb 15 15:11:59 PST 2018
In this issue:
1. Register your cemetery now for statewide clean-up day May 12th
2. AAM report reveals economic impact of museums
3. Oregon State Archives to host first-ever Black History Month exhibit
4. Salem historic photo contest
5. Minoru Yasui Essay Content
6. Mt. Hood Territory Tourism Tech Symposium March 7
SOLVE and the Oregon Commission on Historic Cemeteries are partnering for a statewide day of service in historic cemeteries. May 12, 2018 will be the first ever, statewide cemetery clean-up. The goal is to bring as many volunteers out to as many cemeteries as possible.
SOLVE has great experience bringing people together to better their communities. They provide resources to the organizations hosting the clean-up including: project planning assistance and coordinator training, event flyers and pre-event publicity, assistance with volunteer recruitment, online cemetery and volunteer registration, free supplies (litter bags, vinyl gloves, safety vests, first aid kits and more), and access to a small grant for supplies.
If you would like to host a clean-up at your cemetery, now is the time to register. The deadline to have your cemetery included is April 15, 2018. Visit the SOLVE website<https://www.solveoregon.org/cemetery-cleanup-day> or contact Monica Gunderson at 503-844-9571 ext. 336, monica at solveoregon.org<mailto:monica at solveoregon.org>. For information on the Oregon Commission on Historic Cemeteries contact Kuri Gill at Kuri.Gill at oregon.gov<mailto:Kuri.Gill at oregon.gov> or 503-986-0685 or visit Oregon Heritage<http://www.oregon.gov/OPRD/HCD/Pages/index.aspx>.
Did you know that the total financial impact that museums have on the economy in Oregon is $585 million? This statistic and more found in a recent AAM report, Museums as Economic Engines, helps museums make the case for the economic impact museums have on the state of Oregon. You can access the full report here<http://www.aam-us.org/about-us/media-room/new-national-data-reveals-the-economic-impact-of-museums-is-more-than-double-previous-estimates> and you can find information specific to Oregon here<http://www.aam-us.org/upload/ee-Oregon.pdf>.
On February 5, the Oregon State Archives<http://links.govdelivery.com:80/track?type=click&enid=ZWFzPTEmbXNpZD0mYXVpZD0mbWFpbGluZ2lkPTIwMTgwMjAyLjg0NzYwNzMxJm1lc3NhZ2VpZD1NREItUFJELUJVTC0yMDE4MDIwMi44NDc2MDczMSZkYXRhYmFzZWlkPTEwMDEmc2VyaWFsPTE2ODkzNzAwJmVtYWlsaWQ9bGF5bmUuZy5zYXd5ZXJAb3JlZ29uLmdvdiZ1c2VyaWQ9bGF5bmUuZy5zYXd5ZXJAb3JlZ29uLmdvdiZ0YXJnZXRpZD0mZmw9Jm12aWQ9JmV4dHJhPSYmJg==&&&101&&&https://www.facebook.com/OregonStateArchives/>, a division of the Oregon Secretary of State's office, unveiled its first ever Black History Month exhibit entitled, Black in Oregon, 1840-1870. The exhibit features stories, photos, and documents of early black pioneers in the Pacific Northwest.
"For the first time in Oregon history, we will unveil an exhibit written through the eyes of black Oregonians, for the benefit of all Oregonians," said Secretary of State Dennis Richardson. "Our state has a long history and record of racial inequality and prejudice. Using the records in the Oregon State Archives, this exhibit attempts to give voice to the brave and resilient black pioneers who overcame incredible barriers to make a life for themselves and their families in Oregon. This exhibit also seeks to challenge a new generation of Oregonians to learn about these stories and be made aware that discrimination continues today."
The first exclusionary law in Oregon was written in 1844. In 1857, the barring of African-Americans from Oregon was explicitly written and adopted into Oregon's Constitution. Also enacted during this time were various laws prohibiting property ownership, interracial marriage, lash laws (the public beating of blacks until they left the territory), and settlement by African-Americans in Oregon. Despite these obstructions, African-Americans did settle in Oregon. Some came of their own accord, while others were brought as slaves. The Exclusionary Clause was not removed until 1926 by Ballot Measure 3 (the vote was 108,332 to 64,954). In 2002, Ballot Measure 14 passed with 71% of the vote and removed all lingering racist language from the Oregon Constitution.
Black in Oregon, 1840-1870 is open to the public Monday - Friday, 8am-4:45pm and will run from February 5 - August 24, 2018. The Oregon State Archives is located at 800 Summer St NE, Salem, OR 97310<http://links.govdelivery.com:80/track?type=click&enid=ZWFzPTEmbXNpZD0mYXVpZD0mbWFpbGluZ2lkPTIwMTgwMjAyLjg0NzYwNzMxJm1lc3NhZ2VpZD1NREItUFJELUJVTC0yMDE4MDIwMi44NDc2MDczMSZkYXRhYmFzZWlkPTEwMDEmc2VyaWFsPTE2ODkzNzAwJmVtYWlsaWQ9bGF5bmUuZy5zYXd5ZXJAb3JlZ29uLmdvdiZ1c2VyaWQ9bGF5bmUuZy5zYXd5ZXJAb3JlZ29uLmdvdiZ0YXJnZXRpZD0mZmw9Jm12aWQ9JmV4dHJhPSYmJg==&&&102&&&https://www.google.com/maps/place/800+Summer+St+NE,+Salem,+OR+97310/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x54bfff05126dc1ab:0x6ecd634d492377f4?sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiV44rjqojZAhVW1GMKHT5eD_wQ8gEIKDAA>.
The Oregon State Archives will be open Saturday February 17th from 10-2 in conjunction with festivities at the Oregon Capitol in celebration of the anniversary of statehood.
The Salem Historic Landmark Commission (HLC) announces the fourth annual "This Place Matters" Historic Photo Contest. Every person in Salem has a place that is important to them, places they care about, a place that matters! We want to see and celebrate the places that matter to you. Please see the attached flier and link below for details on how to enter the contest.
Oregon middle-school and high-school students have the opportunity to learn about local civil-rights hero Minoru Yasui and enter an essay contest sponsored by the Oregon Nikkei Endowment and the Minoru Yasui Tribute Project. Winners will be awarded cash prizes and a trip to Portland for the Minoru Yasui Day celebration on March 28. The celebration will include a march from the Oregon Nikkei Legacy Center to Portland Center Stage at The Armory beginning at 4:00 pm, followed by an Awards Ceremony, a screening of the film Never Give Up! Minoru Yasui and the Fight for Justice and discussion with film producer Holly Yasui and Peggy Nagae, Min Yasui's attorney.
The essay contest encourages young people to engage in research about an important chapter in Oregon history - the forced removal of all persons of Japanese ancestry from their homes, and incarceration in concentration camps - and to reflect upon how the lessons of the past relate to immigration and national security issues in 2018.
The essays can be from 500-1000 words and the deadline for submission is March 1. For complete rules and a list of resources see: www.minoruyasuitribute.org/essaycontest<http://www.minoruyasuitribute.org/essaycontest>. All Oregon students, whether in public, private or home-schools are encouraged to submit their work. The winning essays will be selected by March 15, and will be eligible for publication in the award-winning multicultural magazine Stepping Stones.
Minoru (Min) Yasui was born in Hood River, Oregon in 1916. He graduated from the University of Oregon School of Law and was the first Japanese American to pass the state bar. During World War II, he initiated a legal test case by deliberately violating military orders that lead to the forced removal and incarceration of over 110,000 persons of Japanese ancestry in U.S. concentration camps. He spent nine months in solitary confinement awaiting his appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court, which ruled against him.
After the war, he moved to Denver, Colorado and continued to defend the human and civil rights not only of Japanese Americans but for ethnic and religious minorities, children and youth, the aged, low income people, etc. As Executive Director of the Denver Commission on Community Relations, he helped to initiate and oversaw a plethora of programs and organizations serving diverse communities. In the 1970s and 80s, he spearheaded the redress movement to win reparations and a formal apology from the government for the injustices against Japanese Americans during World War II. He also reopened his wartime case, and it was on appeal when he died in 1986. He is buried in his hometown of Hood River, Oregon.
Thanks to a generous grant from the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde "Spirit Mountain Community Fund," Holly Yasui is offering her recently completed film, Never Give Up! Minoru Yasui and the Fight for Justice, free of charge to libraries and schools to help students to prepare for the essay test.
For more information: minyasui.essaycontest at gmail.com<mailto:minyasui.essaycontest at gmail.com> or call (503) 224-1458 (ask for Cynthia).
The 2018 annual Tourism Tech Symposium, hosted by Mt. Hood Territory, will take place Wednesday, March 7, 9:00am - 3:00pm. This fun and informative event is a great chance for you to improve your digital marketing skills as well as network with other tourism industry professionals. Admission is $10, and includes lunch and six diverse information sessions.
This year's topics will include: managing social media; website design and content; online business presence and current trends in digital marketing. The keynote speaker will be Andrew Parkin of Tripadvisor, who will present strategies for managing your business's online reputation and reviews. We hope to see you there!
Register Here<https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2018-clackamas-county-tourism-tech-symposium-tickets-42538301204>
Share your photos of Oregon's heritage on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter using #oregonheritage.
Oregon Heritage News is a service of Oregon Heritage, a division of the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department. The news editor can be contacted at heritage.info at oregon.gov<mailto:heritage.info at oregon.gov>.
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