[Heritage] Oregon Heritage News 2019-08-16
INFO Heritage * OPRD
Heritage.Info at oregon.gov
Fri Aug 16 12:26:24 PDT 2019
Oregon Heritage News 2019-08-16
In this issue:
* 6 IMLS grants open for application
* McLoughlin Memorial Association seeks Association Administrator
* Women’s History Highlight: Learn about suffragist Hattie Redmond on the Oregon Heritage Exchange blog
* OHS features Pietro Belluschi in public lecture Aug. 18
* Have you registered for the Oregon Museums Association Conference yet?
* Education opportunities for nonprofit professionals
* Connecting to Collections webinar on archival processing Sept. 5
* Digital collections featured in the recent edition of Oregon Library Association Quarterly
6 IMLS grants open for application
Museums across the United States have six opportunities in the coming months to apply for grants from the nation’s primary source of federal museum funding. The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) is now accepting applications for six grant programs:
* Museum Grants for African American History and Culture<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Lkik9aVuJheqQvqJJraYVM7KafJ5olPpTvCrwXo5KrHwBZO2oF58QSVaJcmfB7S9U2LrqDJxqpCEuMtGOlcm82yFT5rjVjdv04klvcHzcr5PN_Jswl6niyU0JvE_zHe6BJJd3KgoOIJMCu9OIGpJbAhdYsfTi2KRDGmxjeoncv1CwmV58PwKlWZENsYnWYMHg_rkfZQN7-Bib1cdxlDJLzJ3UnCsSoO7U9qK5V8yn9Y=&c=YuU_QbxafFqlwBIlE9J4areHX0GYB1x1QQ5HZ_Ypxw_QShNbqL2w6A==&ch=o_v3F7kQmn_YT9dI1jtx94B4mLoTtx3BDgqdhBVsOKBoLOwPaW0eqw==>
* Native American/Native Hawaiian Museum Services<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Lkik9aVuJheqQvqJJraYVM7KafJ5olPpTvCrwXo5KrHwBZO2oF58QSVaJcmfB7S95LpL_O_6VObuloTOO7YQuqD02ICR3tI0gOxmExwE_tXFjtxZOimW9Ew4NjtaLCkiudhfJXCwltR4uEK53L1gjdbqMoGtq9qMoP05Oi1NV5DIOZsfXHlU_Eley-iTW4Puzyb6_zPfMNQvPodYiwOVOF8uQQKH6eSc08Bgb2NdTBKBAlwl0JMQQg==&c=YuU_QbxafFqlwBIlE9J4areHX0GYB1x1QQ5HZ_Ypxw_QShNbqL2w6A==&ch=o_v3F7kQmn_YT9dI1jtx94B4mLoTtx3BDgqdhBVsOKBoLOwPaW0eqw==>
* Inspire! Grants for Small Museums<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Lkik9aVuJheqQvqJJraYVM7KafJ5olPpTvCrwXo5KrHwBZO2oF58QRlRd-wh5hmt9wUZhYq58YigFYU-FcCRAXRh7wS0so1rUao63cxaCE801yh6_QREmV__fE0KTnY2IwTZJ6Cc1U73kJ1xrvLvIzDeSNPZmVaG2LQEtc-skQIg7MX8JQ-gIKWxLwzaZ4Zojz1nkJ4nkHQ=&c=YuU_QbxafFqlwBIlE9J4areHX0GYB1x1QQ5HZ_Ypxw_QShNbqL2w6A==&ch=o_v3F7kQmn_YT9dI1jtx94B4mLoTtx3BDgqdhBVsOKBoLOwPaW0eqw==>
* Museums for America<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Lkik9aVuJheqQvqJJraYVM7KafJ5olPpTvCrwXo5KrHwBZO2oF58QdGTb2iHSBvei9hvWlK4i8UHqbJWdvlqWHQS0Vrrmud5bT4emVdE1GwIxQtV9hvlFRggfhWU-IoLhV5BwFy1Jiivugbl5Jh-DXm4CN8lz99M88rb2LhQMRaHSbNQ7dkQGONbBr0TRiMJ&c=YuU_QbxafFqlwBIlE9J4areHX0GYB1x1QQ5HZ_Ypxw_QShNbqL2w6A==&ch=o_v3F7kQmn_YT9dI1jtx94B4mLoTtx3BDgqdhBVsOKBoLOwPaW0eqw==>
* Museums Empowered<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Lkik9aVuJheqQvqJJraYVM7KafJ5olPpTvCrwXo5KrHwBZO2oF58QRagXqBH3pUdGU2l0o2GCpg1nTsRViOne76R_sjmKOha9QJ7k-_dYUyq-fdSA9xklq028bt04PbDwOohEih5j2k4RNrFMO7U9EwGoPnifDdD5-olAkAHl-zw6HgNY7Hq6GB6TlymJpQnrj2U2fb3umCpHKZ_aZ4jam0OkuNjFqSYbWmbXXG_p4Syr3OLJBBYgAgY-wBy2Gle8_RTQFgFw0E=&c=YuU_QbxafFqlwBIlE9J4areHX0GYB1x1QQ5HZ_Ypxw_QShNbqL2w6A==&ch=o_v3F7kQmn_YT9dI1jtx94B4mLoTtx3BDgqdhBVsOKBoLOwPaW0eqw==>
* National Leadership Grants for Museums<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Lkik9aVuJheqQvqJJraYVM7KafJ5olPpTvCrwXo5KrHwBZO2oF58QdGTb2iHSBvesbSHWUxIt4HVL36-ko2oChEWQy_al-SPMUhdJ2PNhylgl-SQhmzn8EetYHS1aYNIW-vawFYcgf97qfRANdjnFupNv6ed2i9YfE5deh1Mrtp920VFkr61EmuZk5Mm_8M0C6ot5EGgykcOQ04DvUG6Rw==&c=YuU_QbxafFqlwBIlE9J4areHX0GYB1x1QQ5HZ_Ypxw_QShNbqL2w6A==&ch=o_v3F7kQmn_YT9dI1jtx94B4mLoTtx3BDgqdhBVsOKBoLOwPaW0eqw==>
Applicants should note that IMLS has made changes to deadlines for its museum grant programs for FY 2020: applications for all six programs are due on November 15, 2019. Applicants should review the notices of funding opportunity carefully to understand these program goals and changes, which align with the 2018-2022 IMLS Strategic Plan<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Lkik9aVuJheqQvqJJraYVM7KafJ5olPpTvCrwXo5KrHwBZO2oF58Qf2Sst1pWdf3PC6qxqc9MuWDF5VXpWbcuv9kApnnQTc7bQCV5nWWQnZjCh7y9jq3e-oHk00vCa8Ft-HF6g7j7AcioCqU-igt3sgVjg1WYlGlSEAViU9-ZUgq581dlsFe4vRb1P4-eGvnyLijqfrmT3JExTsPi0PeE_RMOXxpDWVkXRVeQkvWCpw=&c=YuU_QbxafFqlwBIlE9J4areHX0GYB1x1QQ5HZ_Ypxw_QShNbqL2w6A==&ch=o_v3F7kQmn_YT9dI1jtx94B4mLoTtx3BDgqdhBVsOKBoLOwPaW0eqw==>.
Potential grant applicants are invited to view a webinar on how to choose the appropriate funding opportunity, as well as to learn more about specific programs. Please review the webinar listing<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Lkik9aVuJheqQvqJJraYVM7KafJ5olPpTvCrwXo5KrHwBZO2oF58QWyw5LkS-MEhYRf6HkT1FGAk2U4ZTPqQwplMniNy-PUfqKvZ25iC-eJ3CiXnURR2v-LyW-J92m5fOA3v5xe_H7mJBIWNPQK5U860nljFTEII&c=YuU_QbxafFqlwBIlE9J4areHX0GYB1x1QQ5HZ_Ypxw_QShNbqL2w6A==&ch=o_v3F7kQmn_YT9dI1jtx94B4mLoTtx3BDgqdhBVsOKBoLOwPaW0eqw==> (https://www.imls.gov/webinars/) for a schedule of live and pre-recorded webinars that are accessible online. IMLS staff contacts listed in each notice of funding opportunity are available to answer any questions and provide guidance during the application process.
McLoughlin Memorial Association seeks Association Administrator
The McLoughlin Memorial Association, a non-profit organization, located in Oregon City, is seeking a part-time Association Administrator, responsible for the management and overall operations of the
Association. For a full job description and application instructions, e-mail mcloughlinmemorial at gmail.com<mailto:mcloughlinmemorial at gmail.com> . The application deadline is August 31, 2019.
Women’s History Highlight: Learn about suffragist Hattie Redmond on the Oregon Heritage Exchange blog
Harriet “Hattie” Redmond was an Oregon suffragist who lived in Portland and the Oregon State University Hattie Redmond Women and Gender Center is named in her honor. Learn more about this women’s impact here<https://oregonheritage.wordpress.com/2019/08/13/hattie-redmond-and-the-oregon-state-university-hattie-redmond-women-and-gender-center/>.
Oregon Heritage note on upcoming Centennial of the 19th Amendment:
2020 is the centennial of the 19th Amendment and we are encouraging heritage organizations to start planning now!
* If you need ideas, check out this flyer<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/HCD/docs/2020VotesforWomenFlyer.pdf>.
* If you need $$$ to fund your ideas, the Oregon Heritage Grant<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/HCD/FINASST/Pages/grants.aspx#Oregon_Heritage_Grant_Program> just opened for applications and the deadline is Oct. 1!
* Check out the Oregon Women’s Consortium<http://www.oregonwomenshistory.org/> for info on Oregon 2020 and the National Votes for Women Trail.
* If you know of a local site in your town that has ties to women’s history events, be sure to let our staff know about it by filling out this online form<http://makeoregonhistory.org/>.
OHS features Pietro Belluschi in public lecture Aug. 18
In celebration of the 120th birthday of iconic Oregon architect Pietro Belluschi<https://oregonencyclopedia.org/articles/belluschi_pietro_1899_1994_/#.XTDbT_JKhhE>, the Oregon Historical Society (OHS) will host Pierluigi Serraino for a public talk on the inner workings of Pietro Belluschi's architecture through his participation to the 1958 Study on Creativity at UC Berkeley. OHS is the home of collections that feature the groundbreaking works of talents including mid-century moderns Belluschi and Van Evera Bailey, as well as earlier firms led by A.E. Doyle<https://oregonencyclopedia.org/articles/doyle_albert_e/#.WXEDD_ryt-V> and Morris Whitehouse<https://oregonencyclopedia.org/articles/whitehouse_morris_1878_1944_/#.XT9gj_JKhhE>. The Pietro Belluschi Architectural Resource Center, which is part of our forthcoming research library renovation<https://ohs.org/research-and-library/visit-the-library/research-library-renovation.cfm>, will provide a focal point for the study of architecture and a well-equipped meeting space for instruction and collaboration.
For more information visit https://ohs.org/events/in-the-mind-of-an-architect-pietro-belluschi.cfm.
Have you registered for the Oregon Museums Association Conference yet?
Just a reminder about Oregon Museum’s Association’s awesome conference coming up Sept. 15-17 in John Day! If you have yet to venture out to the John Day area, this conference should be a great incentive to do so. You will have opportunities to visit the Kam Wah Chung State Heritage Site<https://oregonstateparks.org/index.cfm?do=parkPage.dsp_parkPage&parkId=5>; the John Day Fossil Beds<https://www.nps.gov/joda/index.htm> and Thomas Condon Paleontology Center<https://www.nps.gov/joda/planyourvisit/tcpc.htm>, and Cant Ranch<https://www.nps.gov/joda/learn/historyculture/cant-ranch.htm>; DeWitt Museum at Depot Park<https://www.prairiecityoregon.com/prairie-city-oregon-dewitt-museum.html>; and the Grant County Historical Museum<https://grantcountyhistoricalmuseum.org/>.
Check out the conference schedule here<https://www.oregonmuseums.org/2019-Conference-Schedule> and if you are ready to register, head here.
If you have already signed up, be sure to say hello to Oregon Heritage staff, Beth and Katie, at the exhibit tables and ask us about upcoming opportunities!
Education opportunities for nonprofit professionals
Portland State University’s Center for Public Service and Willamette Valley Development Officers announce new educational opportunities for nonprofit professionals.
PSU’s Non-Profit Institute (NPI), part of the Mark O. Hatfield School of Government, and the Willamette Valley Development Officers (WVDO) have announced a new partnership to promote, design, and offer professional education and training courses, workshops, and programs beginning in Fall 2019. Key focus areas will include program evaluation; executive leadership; non-profit fundraising; managerial resilience; grant writing; and data analysis.
About the professional programs:
The Certificate in Nonprofit Fundraising<https://t.e2ma.net/click/v620zc/7nknm4/r3liym>
The only comprehensive fundraising certification program in Oregon. Students in this ten-month program gain a holistic understanding of philanthropy and the core functions of a development professional. Next class begins: September 2019.
Certificate in Grant Writing<https://t.e2ma.net/click/v620zc/7nknm4/7vmiym>
A nine-week program, launching in fall of 2019, offering practical, hands-on grant writing tools and techniques. Next class begins: October 2019.
Certificate in Nonprofit Program Evaluation<https://t.e2ma.net/click/v620zc/7nknm4/noniym>
A nine-month course in program evaluation and impact analysis using qualitative and quantitative data and a culturally-responsive framework to determine program effectiveness. Next class begins: October 2019.
Certificate in Managerial Resilience<https://t.e2ma.net/click/v620zc/7nknm4/3goiym>
A six-month course designed for nonprofit professionals offering expert instruction on managing people and projects with skill and finesse. Next class begins: April 2020.
Executive Leadership Academy<https://t.e2ma.net/click/v620zc/7nknm4/j9oiym>
An eleven-month program focused on practical knowledge, strategy, and expert coaching to increase the impact of nonprofit leaders. Next class begins: January 2020.
For more information, contact:
Agnes Zach, Executive Director, WVDO
Email: agnes.zach at wvdo-or.org<mailto:agnes.zach at wvdo-or.org?subject=Press%20Release%20Inquiry>
Phone: 503-274-1977
Phil Keisling, Director, Center for Public Service, Mark O. Hatfield School of Government,
Portland State University
Email: keisling at pdx.edu<mailto:keisling at pdx.edu>
Phone: 503-725-8168
(available to answer questions before July 31, 2019)
Masami Nishishiba, Interim Director, PSU’s Nonprofit Institute (NPI)
Email: nishism at pdx.edu<mailto:nishism at pdx.edu?subject=Press%20release%20inquiry>
Phone: 503-725-5151
(available to answer questions after August 5, 2019)
Connecting to Collections webinar on archival processing Sept. 5
Archival Processing: Principles and Practical Strategies
September 5, 2019, 2-3pm EDT (11am-12pm PST)
Online webinar
Archival processing is a crucial element of collections care and stewardship. Processing is how we know what we have in our collections, how we ensure our collections’ ongoing preservation and security, and how we make our collections available to the public. But how much processing is enough? Does every document require its own housing and description or can we arrange and describe materials in aggregates? How do we determine what’s necessary? How quickly can I make a new collection available to researchers? Can it be minimally processed and safely made available in the reading room? How can I easily make collection descriptions available online and what is the minimal amount of information necessary for them to be useful? This webinar will discuss the basic principles of archival arrangement and description, including imposing basic physical and intellectual control over new acquisitions, minimal processing standards, descriptive standards and practices, and practical strategies for managing a processing program with limited staff and resources. Our goal will be to help you identify practical solutions for overcoming barriers to processing in your home institution.
To register visit https://www.connectingtocollections.org/archival-processing/.
Digital collections featured in the recent edition of Oregon Library Association Quarterly
The recent edition of the Oregon Library Association Quarterly features several articles on digital repositories and data harvests.
Digitization is a very big conversation amongst heritage organizations in Oregon. The Oregon Heritage Commission is committed to investigating collaborative solutions to help small heritage organizations digitize their important and unique collections. We also have the Oregon Heritage MentorCorps program to help you plan your digitization projects or help review grant applications for digitization projects. For more information on MentorCorps call 503-986-0671 or email Katie.Henry at oregon.gov.
You can find the full edition here<https://commons.pacificu.edu/olaq/vol24/iss4/> but here is are a couple of articles that might be of interest to heritage organizations, including an article by the Oregon Heritage Commission Coordinator, Beth Dehn.
The Oregon Digital Newspaper Program’s Commitment to Open Access, by Sarah Seymore.
Sharing Oregon’s Cultural Heritage: Harvesting Oregon Digital’s Collections Into the Digital Public Library of America, by Julia Simic and Ryan Wick.
Surveying Oregon’s Digital Heritage Collections, by Beth Dehn.
Building and Navigating a Path to Collaborative Digital Platforms for Oregon’s Libraries: There are Many Ways to Get There, by Arlene Weible and Ross Fuqua.
Share your photos of Oregon’s heritage on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter using #oregonheritage.
Oregon Heritage News is a service of Oregon Heritage, a division of the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department. The news editor can be contacted at heritage.info at oregon.gov<mailto:heritage.info at oregon.gov>.
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