[Heritage] Happy New Year from Oregon Heritage!

INFO Heritage * OPRD Heritage.Info at oregon.gov
Fri Jan 4 10:22:53 PST 2019

Happy New Year from Oregon Heritage!

We here at Oregon Heritage<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/HCD/Pages/index.aspx>, a division of Oregon Parks and Recreation Department that includes the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), want to wish everyone a happy new year!

We are honored to work with and support those doing heritage work in Oregon through our programs and services here at Oregon Heritage. We took some time to reflect on 2018 and thought we would share some of the outcomes from this past year:

-      The release of the Oregon Historic Preservation Plan 2018-2023<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/HCD/docs/2018_2023_shpo_plan.pdf>. This plan outlines our goals and objectives for the next five years and the public contributed comments to this plan through statewide public meetings and a statewide survey.

-      SHPO archaeologists partnered with the City of Salem, Willamette University, the Chinese Benevolent Association, and the Friends of the Salem Pioneer Cemetery to excavate a Chinese Shrine site in the Salem Pioneer Cemetery. You can read more about the project here<https://oregonheritage.wordpress.com/2018/03/29/chinese-shrine-at-salem-pioneer-cemetery/>.

-      9 Oregon sites were listed in the National Register of Historic Places. Check out the Oregon Historic Sites Database<http://heritagedata.prd.state.or.us/historic/> if you want to see what historic sites are in your community or if you are interested in recently listed sites, visit here<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/HCD/NATREG/pages/nrhp_recent_nominations.aspx>.

-      Estacada became a Performing Main Street, the highest tier of the Oregon Main Street Network<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/HCD/SHPO/Pages/mainstreet.aspx>, and Dallas moved up to the Transforming Downtown tier.

-      Downtown Oregon City Association<https://www.downtownoregoncity.org/> received the Great American Main Street Award, a national award for downtown revitalization efforts, and Alberta Main Street<http://albertamainst.org/>, a district of Portland, is a semi-finalist for a 2019 Great American Main Street Award. These two organizations are part of the Oregon Main Street Network<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/HCD/SHPO/Pages/mainstreet.aspx>.

-      Completion of some of the first projects who received a 2017 Main Street Revitalization Grant. You can see some before and after shots of some of those projects here<https://www.facebook.com/OregonHeritage/posts/2648208288529864?__tn__=-R> (This grant is currently open for applications<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/HCD/FINASST/Pages/grants.aspx?fbclid=IwAR1SMDN9xEmEPkJ5I6bTlt8KbaEMYI7XXrqwRkpMwrbcR6kO9LGgkZP_teQ>).

-      76 heritage related projects funded through Oregon Heritage grant programs totaling over $700,000 in grants. Check out our blog for details on some past Oregon Heritage grant funded grant projects such as the partnership between Linn County and Oregon Black Pioneers on an exhibit<https://oregonheritage.wordpress.com/2018/03/23/telling-the-pioneer-story-by-including-untold-stories/>, the façade improvement of Ontario's Competition Building<https://oregonheritage.wordpress.com/2017/01/19/revitalize-ontario-successfully-navigates-the-grant-process/>, and Springfield's "The Lionesses" memorial tribute to women in military<https://oregonheritage.wordpress.com/2017/12/05/the-lionesses-a-tribute-to-women-in-military-in-springfield-oregon/>.

-      SOLVE cemetery cleanup day was launched. The Oregon Commission on Historic Cemeteries partnered with SOLVE to establish the first statewide Oregon Historic Cemeteries Cleanup Day. Registration is already starting for the 2019 event on May 11 so be sure to check out info on how to register cemeteries and resources available to participating cemeteries. There will also be workshops and webinars on how to host a successful cemetery clean-up in March. See registration and workshop info here<https://www.solveoregon.org/Cemetery-event-leaders>.

-      The release of a new Heritage Bulletin<https://oregonheritage.wordpress.com/2018/05/29/new-heritage-bulletin-researching-historically-marginalized-communities/> on researching historically marginalized communities.

-      4 Heritage Traditions<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/HCD/OHC/pages/oht.aspx> designated, including the University of Oregon Mother's Day Powwow<https://www.facebook.com/OregonHeritage/posts/2295386850478678>.

-      2 Oregon Heritage Fellowships<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/HCD/FINASST/Pages/Scholarships.aspx#Oregon_Heritage_Fellowships> awarded. Read about Tia Cody's research on LiDAR Predictive Modeling of Kalapuya Mound Sites in the Calapooia Watershed, Oregon<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/HCD/FINASST/docs/TiaCody_LiDARPredictiveModelingoftheKalapuyanMoundSites.pdf> and Charlotte Helmer's research on Wild Notions: Preserve and Protect Historic Resources in Oregon Wilderness<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/HCD/FINASST/docs/Helmer_Historic_Structures_in_Wilderness.pdf>.

-      7 workshops coordinated across the state, 5 on collection prioritization and 2 on heritage tourism

-      10 projects/people awarded an Oregon Heritage Excellence Award<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/HCD/OHC/Pages/award_info.aspx> (applications open NOW for 2019 awards!), including Jefferson Historical Society's publication, the Agate<https://oregonheritage.wordpress.com/2018/08/03/jefferson-county-historical-societys-what-to-do-while-the-museum-is-closed-list/>, and the Taylor's Drug and Fountain Building<https://oregonheritage.wordpress.com/2018/05/08/preserving-the-taylors-fountain-building/> in Independence.

-      144 archaeological permits for conducting archaeological investigations in Oregon issued by SHPO archaeologists. To learn more about laws related to archaeological sites visit here<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/HCD/ARCH/Pages/index.aspx>.

-      the SHPO review and compliance team received 2,754 submittals to review for the effects of undertakings on cultural resources. The Oregon SHPO provides assistance to agencies whose projects are subject to state and federal  historic preservation laws. You can learn more about Review & Compliance here<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/HCD/SHPO/Pages/preservation_106.aspx>.

-      The Oregon Heritage MentorCorps, a free technical assistance program available to heritage organizations for help with collection care, organization capacity building, project planning, and more, launched the equipment lending program<https://mindyourcollections.org/equipment-lending-program/>. Heritage organizations can borrow dataloggers and light meters to help monitor their collection environment and Past Perfect tutorial CDs to help them with learning the Past Perfect collection database.

-      Designated Oregon Heritage Traditions were featured on signs<https://www.facebook.com/OregonHeritage/photos/a.425349100815805/2422040814479947/?type=3&theater> at rest stops along Oregon highways.

Thank you for all of your hard work in preserving Oregon's heritage and we look forward to working with you in 2019! If you'd like more information on any of the programs and services mentioned above, do not hesitate to contact us at heritage.info at oregon.gov<mailto:heritage.info at oregon.gov>.

Happy New Year!

Share your photos of Oregon's heritage on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter using #oregonheritage.

Oregon Heritage News is a service of Oregon Heritage, a division of the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department. The news editor can be contacted at heritage.info at oregon.gov<mailto:heritage.info at oregon.gov>.

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