[Heritage] Oregon Heritage News 2019-05-30

INFO Heritage * OPRD Heritage.Info at oregon.gov
Thu May 30 15:33:20 PDT 2019

Oregon Heritage News 2019-05-30

In this issue:

- Have opinions about our website? Help us redo it!
- AASLH offers webinar on strategic planning June 25
- Oregon State Archives seeks Reference Unit Manager
- National Trust Preservation Funds deadline June 3
- Seismic Resiliency Symposium in Portland July 18-20
- Don't forget to check out the Archaeology Roadshow June 1 in Portland
- Oregon SHPO seeks archaeology interns, June 15 deadline

Have opinions about our website? Help us redo it!

Oregon Heritage, which also includes the State Historic Preservation Office, is in the process of redoing the website<https://www.oregon.gov/OPRD/hcd/pages/index.aspx>. Our new website will be task-oriented and visitor-centric. It will also become mobile friendly (YAY!). But before that happens, we need your help!

In order to be task-oriented, we need to know how your brain works. By participating in this exercise, you will help us figure out how you make sense of all the programs and services we offer. We will use the results to help us organize the new website, so your opinion matters! We serve a multitude of different audiences and we would really like all of those voices to be heard when we begin to make changes to the website.

Please participate in the task sorting activity before June 14 by visiting https://4dg6qp7g.optimalworkshop.com/optimalsort/x50yut7w.

AASLH offers webinar on strategic planning June 25

Webinar: Get Ready to Plan Strategically!
June 25 @ 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm EDT
$40 - $65

Strategic planning can be a daunting task for many organizations. Lack of time or resources are frequently cited barriers to planning, yet having no mission-driven direction tied to performance measures is risky. This 90-minute webinar will cut through the mystery and (perceived) misery of planning to introduce participants to the process and language of strategic planning.

In "Get Ready to Plan Strategically!" guest speaker Anne Ackerson will discuss the important preparations necessary for meaningful and productive strategic planning. She will also present models for strategic plan formats, address community input and visioning.

This AASLH webinar is part of the StEPs Lab webinar series offered to both StEPs participants and all others interested in the topic of strategic planning. Applying what you learn in a StEPs Lab to your policies and practices helps your organization make meaningful progress. Learn more about StEPs<https://aaslh.org/programs/steps/>, AASLH's self-study, self-paced assessment program designed specifically for small- to mid-sized history organizations, including volunteer-run institutions.


Other Upcoming AASLH events include:

June 3-4: Workshop: <https://458rl1jp.r.us-east-1.awstrack.me/L0/https:%2F%2Faaslh.site-ym.com%2Flink.asp%3Fe=katie.henry@oregon.gov%26job=3768874%26ymlink=391743344%26finalurl=https%253A%252F%252Flearn%252Eaaslh%252Eorg%252Fproducts%252Fworkshop%252Dcollections%252Dmanagement%252Dand%252Dpractices%252Djun%252D2019%2523tab%252Dproduct%255Ftab%255Foverview/1/0100016b05098248-441fdac8-9419-4f91-b99b-78b4089a5d30-000000/t6vlvNKvoPZ82zNH9yCPMK0Jxo8=111> Collections Management and Practices, Charleston, SC
June 3-July 1: Online Course:<https://458rl1jp.r.us-east-1.awstrack.me/L0/https:%2F%2Faaslh.site-ym.com%2Flink.asp%3Fe=katie.henry@oregon.gov%26job=3768874%26ymlink=391743344%26finalurl=https%253A%252F%252Flearn%252Eaaslh%252Eorg%252Fproducts%252Fonline%252Dcourse%252Dproject%252Dmanagement%252Dfor%252Dhistory%252Dprofessionals%252Djune%252Djuly%252D2019%2523tab%252Dproduct%255Ftab%255Foverview/1/0100016b05098248-441fdac8-9419-4f91-b99b-78b4089a5d30-000000/xNqKeGJdERQDYXC_RjySivhQSTg=111> Project Management for History Professionals
June 12: Webinar:<https://458rl1jp.r.us-east-1.awstrack.me/L0/https:%2F%2Faaslh.site-ym.com%2Flink.asp%3Fe=katie.henry@oregon.gov%26job=3768874%26ymlink=391743344%26finalurl=https%253A%252F%252Faaslh%252Eorg%252Fevent%252Fwebinar%252Dnewmember%252D2019jun%252F/1/0100016b05098248-441fdac8-9419-4f91-b99b-78b4089a5d30-000000/CYTcrvecy4T_vuCv4V3k4QrPbI4=111> New Member Orientation
June 24-25: Workshop:<https://458rl1jp.r.us-east-1.awstrack.me/L0/https:%2F%2Faaslh.site-ym.com%2Flink.asp%3Fe=katie.henry@oregon.gov%26job=3768874%26ymlink=391743344%26finalurl=https%253A%252F%252Flearn%252Eaaslh%252Eorg%252Fproducts%252Fworkshop%252Dcreating%252Dprograms%252Dfor%252Dteachers%252Dand%252Dstudents%252Djun%252D2019%2523tab%252Dproduct%255Ftab%255Foverview/1/0100016b05098248-441fdac8-9419-4f91-b99b-78b4089a5d30-000000/e4cV6ePYOg1Uzi4xx9B2ZaD0x_0=111> Creating Programs for Teachers and Students, Austin, TX
June 25: Webinar:<https://458rl1jp.r.us-east-1.awstrack.me/L0/https:%2F%2Faaslh.site-ym.com%2Flink.asp%3Fe=katie.henry@oregon.gov%26job=3768874%26ymlink=391743344%26finalurl=https%253A%252F%252Faaslh%252Eorg%252Fevent%252Fwebinar%252Dstrategicplanning%252D2019jun%252F/1/0100016b05098248-441fdac8-9419-4f91-b99b-78b4089a5d30-000000/b59koHwH33jlelMYO5eErbulO2Y=111> Get Ready to Plan Strategically!
June 27: Webinar:<https://458rl1jp.r.us-east-1.awstrack.me/L0/https:%2F%2Faaslh.site-ym.com%2Flink.asp%3Fe=katie.henry@oregon.gov%26job=3768874%26ymlink=391743344%26finalurl=https%253A%252F%252Flearn%252Eaaslh%252Eorg%252Fproducts%252Flive%252Dwebinar%252Dstorycorps%252Ddiy%252Drecording%252Dthe%252Dstories%252Dof%252Dyour%252Dcommunity%2523tab%252Dproduct%255Ftab%255Foverview/1/0100016b05098248-441fdac8-9419-4f91-b99b-78b4089a5d30-000000/mDez7maCRwJLR0Sa6KGIYF_Hj2Q=111> StoryCorps DIY: Recording the Stories of Your Community
June 28: Workshop:<https://458rl1jp.r.us-east-1.awstrack.me/L0/https:%2F%2Faaslh.site-ym.com%2Flink.asp%3Fe=katie.henry@oregon.gov%26job=3768874%26ymlink=391743344%26finalurl=https%253A%252F%252Flearn%252Eaaslh%252Eorg%252Fproducts%252Fworkshop%252Dreinventing%252Dthe%252Dhistoric%252Dhouse%252Dmuseum%252Djun%252D2019%2523tab%252Dproduct%255Ftab%255Foverview/1/0100016b05098248-441fdac8-9419-4f91-b99b-78b4089a5d30-000000/IuicGCD3D_j1T0Z16pJNXy5TfdE=111> Reinventing the Historic House Museum, Washington, DC
July 1-Aug 23: Online Course:<https://458rl1jp.r.us-east-1.awstrack.me/L0/https:%2F%2Faaslh.site-ym.com%2Flink.asp%3Fe=katie.henry@oregon.gov%26job=3768874%26ymlink=391743344%26finalurl=https%253A%252F%252Flearn%252Eaaslh%252Eorg%252Fproducts%252Fonline%252Dcourse%252Dleadership%252Dand%252Dadministration%252Dfor%252Dhistory%252Dorganizations%252Djul%252Daug%252D2019%2523tab%252Dproduct%255Ftab%255Foverview/1/0100016b05098248-441fdac8-9419-4f91-b99b-78b4089a5d30-000000/h6DirN6cAIv6TBaUm2ndGdSgkVY=111> Leadership and Administration for History Organizations
July 1-26: Online Course:<https://458rl1jp.r.us-east-1.awstrack.me/L0/https:%2F%2Faaslh.site-ym.com%2Flink.asp%3Fe=katie.henry@oregon.gov%26job=3768874%26ymlink=391743344%26finalurl=https%253A%252F%252Flearn%252Eaaslh%252Eorg%252Fproducts%252Fonline%252Dcourse%252Dbasics%252Dof%252Darchives%252Djul%252D2019%2523tab%252Dproduct%255Ftab%255Foverview/1/0100016b05098248-441fdac8-9419-4f91-b99b-78b4089a5d30-000000/MichcSGDr01lkWMWfo9KRwy4r_k=111> Basics of Archives
July 10-12: Workshop:<https://458rl1jp.r.us-east-1.awstrack.me/L0/https:%2F%2Faaslh.site-ym.com%2Flink.asp%3Fe=katie.henry@oregon.gov%26job=3768874%26ymlink=391743344%26finalurl=https%253A%252F%252Flearn%252Eaaslh%252Eorg%252Fproducts%252Fworkshop%252Dcollections%252Dcamp%252Dmilitary%252Dcollections%252Djuly%252D2019%2523tab%252Dproduct%255Ftab%255Foverview/1/0100016b05098248-441fdac8-9419-4f91-b99b-78b4089a5d30-000000/ZZZ6itYprnnkQzzxSNTA1egHMKc=111> Collections Camp: Military Collections
July 30: Webinar:<https://458rl1jp.r.us-east-1.awstrack.me/L0/https:%2F%2Faaslh.site-ym.com%2Flink.asp%3Fe=katie.henry@oregon.gov%26job=3768874%26ymlink=391743344%26finalurl=https%253A%252F%252Flearn%252Eaaslh%252Eorg%252Fproducts%252Flive%252Dwebinar%252Dchoosing%252Da%252Dcollections%252Dmanagement%252Dsystem%2523tab%252Dproduct%255Ftab%255Foverview/1/0100016b05098248-441fdac8-9419-4f91-b99b-78b4089a5d30-000000/S_Ljf0EjS2CInmIuJoR0hKap33s=111> Choosing a Collections Management System
August 5-Sept 29: Online Course:<https://458rl1jp.r.us-east-1.awstrack.me/L0/https:%2F%2Faaslh.site-ym.com%2Flink.asp%3Fe=katie.henry@oregon.gov%26job=3768874%26ymlink=391743344%26finalurl=https%253A%252F%252Faaslh%252Eorg%252Fevent%252Fonline%252Dcourse%252Dcaring%252Dfor%252Dmuseum%252Dcollections%252D2019aug%252F/1/0100016b05098248-441fdac8-9419-4f91-b99b-78b4089a5d30-000000/iWwp-roRHyXLoHoACptKrW4Dw88=111> Caring for Museum Collections
August 28-31: AASLH Annual Meeting<https://458rl1jp.r.us-east-1.awstrack.me/L0/https:%2F%2Faaslh.site-ym.com%2Flink.asp%3Fe=katie.henry@oregon.gov%26job=3768874%26ymlink=391743344%26finalurl=https%253A%252F%252Faaslh%252Eorg%252Fevent%252F2019%252Daaslh%252Dannual%252Dmeeting%252F/1/0100016b05098248-441fdac8-9419-4f91-b99b-78b4089a5d30-000000/6BQnAEn9nrBdiI4i2htuJV98mQg=111>, Philadelphia, PA

Oregon State Archives seeks Reference Unit Manager

The Archives Division of the Secretary of State's Office is recruiting for a Reference Unit Manager (Principal Executive/Manager D). The Salary Range is $5,336 - $8,254 for non-PERS eligible employees.  The PERS eligible Salary Range is $5,656  - $8,749.

This is an Open Competitive recruitment open to any applicant who meets the qualifications.The announcement can be found on the internet at: Reference Unit Manager<http://links.govdelivery.com:80/track?type=click&enid=ZWFzPTEmbXNpZD0mYXVpZD0mbWFpbGluZ2lkPTIwMTkwNTI5LjY0MDU0MjEmbWVzc2FnZWlkPU1EQi1QUkQtQlVMLTIwMTkwNTI5LjY0MDU0MjEmZGF0YWJhc2VpZD0xMDAxJnNlcmlhbD0xNzA5NTc1MyZlbWFpbGlkPWthdGllLmhlbnJ5QG9yZWdvbi5nb3YmdXNlcmlkPWthdGllLmhlbnJ5QG9yZWdvbi5nb3YmdGFyZ2V0aWQ9JmZsPSZtdmlkPSZleHRyYT0mJiY=&&&102&&&https://sos.oregon.gov/SiteAssets/Pages/employmentopportunities/ReferenceUnitManager.pdf>

National Trust Preservation Funds deadline June 3

Grants from National Trust Preservation Funds (NTPF) are intended to encourage preservation at the local level by providing seed money for preservation projects. These grants help stimulate public discussion, enable local groups to gain the technical expertise needed for particular projects, introduce the public to preservation concepts and techniques, and encourage financial participation by the private sector.

A small grant at the right time can go a long way and is often the catalyst that inspires a community to take action on a preservation project. Grants generally start at $2,500 and range up to $5,000. The selection process is very competitive.
The review process is generally completed within eight weeks of the application deadline, and applicants are notified via email once the review process is complete.

Application deadlines are February 1, June 1, and October 1.  If the first of the month falls on a weekend, applications will be due on the following Monday. Applications will be available eight weeks before the deadline through the link at the bottom of this page.

For more info visit https://forum.savingplaces.org/build/funding/grant-seekers/preservation-funds.


Seismic Resiliency Symposium in Portland July 18-20

Registration is now open for the URM - Seismic Resiliency Symposium in Portland. --- http://aia-oregon.org/urm

Unreinforced Masonry (URM) buildings present a challenge for earthquake-prone communities. There are over 1,650 URM buildings in Portland and millions around the world. These structures are important historic, architectural, cultural, and economic landmarks, but their vulnerability to earthquakes imperils these buildings and the people in them.

The URM Seismic Resilience Symposium, July 18-20, 2019, is a three-day event for architects, engineers, owners, property managers, and anyone that might deal with URM buildings.

Don't forget to check out the Archaeology Roadshow June 1 in Portland

Celebrate the archaeology of the Pacific Northwest at the 8th annual Portland Archaeology Roadshow, to be held on Saturday, June 1st from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the plaza at Hoffman Hall, Portland State University, 1833 SW 11th Ave., Portland, Ore. The event is free and open to the public. One week later, on June 8th, the Archaeology Roadshow will host its 1st  annual event in Bend Oregon at the Deschutes Historical Museum. Later in June, on Saturday the 29th, Harney County will host its 3rd annual event at Hines City Park, Hines OR. This year's theme is "The Archaeology of Daily Life.'

The open-air event seeks to introduce the public to local heritage and the science of archaeology in a fun, hands-on way, while instilling a sense of stewardship for cultural resources.

The event features presentations and activities hosted by archaeologists and community members with local and traditional knowledge from universities, federal and state agencies, tribes, archaeology companies, nonprofit organizations and for the past 3 years, an exhibit hosted by a local 3rd grade class. The Cottonwood School has become a fixture at the Archaeology Roadshow and the study of archaeology has worked its way into their curriculum: "The Roadshow is the highlight of the year for our students.  The opportunity to share their knowledge with the public as part of a community of experts makes their learning so much more relevant and authentic.  Plus, they love getting to visit all the exhibits!"  says Susan Hathaway, 3rd grade teacher at the Cottonwood School of Civics and Science.

Other exhibits and activities include hands on tool making demonstrations, ancient spear throwing techniques, and samples of historic local beer.

In addition to the exhibits and activities, a panel of experts in archaeology and geology will be on hand to identify the personal artifacts visitors bring. Stone, bone, woven, plant and historical items are welcome. Please do not bring live plants or animals. No appraisals will be given; the Archaeology Roadshow does not authenticate or value items for sale.

Over 1200 people attended last year's Roadshow, organized by Portland State University's Anthropology Department, with help from over 100 volunteers, students and community partners.

In addition to the main event, June 1st, the  PSU Anthropology Department and the Archaeology Roadshow are hosting a kick off lecture, May 31st, by Chelsea Rose of Southern Oregon University, 7:00pm at Hoffman Hall, PSU Campus.

Oregon SHPO seeks archaeology interns, June 15 deadline

Internship Description
The Oregon State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), part of Oregon Heritage within the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department, is recruiting student interns to assist with several archaeological projects and other related work.  There are two internships available for the 2019-2020 school year.  They are available for Fall (Sept-Dec 2019), Winter (Jan-Mar 2020), or Spring (Apr-June 2020).

Preference will be given to graduate students in archaeology programs or programs that have an archaeology emphasis. Coursework or practical experience in archaeology is desired. Selected interns will work closely together to assist with several archaeological projects, including Section 106 review and compliance, GIS, interpreting state and local regulations, public outreach, attending meetings with state and federal agencies, Certified Local Government meetings and reviews and other preservation projects, both as a way to assist the SHPO in its duties and to expose the intern to a variety of SHPO programs. Work includes actual projects to be completed to further SHPO programs and preservation in Oregon.

The selected intern must be able to be at SHPO in Salem to work on projects at least 20 hours a week and have a somewhat flexible schedule that accommodates occasional travel.  There is potential opportunity to travel overnight to other areas of the state. Experience using databases and GIS is preferred.  Research and writing skills are also highly desirable.

What the SHPO Offers:
*     A workspace (perhaps shared), including a computer, appropriate software, and State of Oregon email account.
*     Compensation: will be in the range of $12.31-$16.71 per hour for up to 250 hours (dependent upon HR's Pay Equity designation).
*     Per diem for overnight travel, this includes lodging, transportation and meals.
*     Opportunities to work side-by-side with preservation professionals, including site visits, client meetings, etc., and networking with SHPO preservation partners, clients and consultants.
*     Opportunity to present completed projects to SHPO staff.

What the SHPO Expects:
*     Regular, reliable work schedule.  At least 20 hours per week for 10 consecutive weeks.
*     Commitment to the full internship term (200-250 hours).
*     Willingness to pitch in and help with whatever may need to be done.
*     Access to transportation for travel to and from Salem.
*     Flexibility to travel to all areas of the state with some overnight trips.
*     General familiarity with Microsoft Office Suite. Familiarity with AdobePro and ArcGIS is desired, but not required.

How to Apply for an Internship:
*     Students should contact the director or advisor of their graduate program in order to better coordinate the internship within their coursework.
*     Submit the following:

     *   Resume
     *   A "statement of interest or cover letter" that describes any areas of special interest for you and relevant coursework or practical experience that supports your ability to succeed at this internship. We try to match your interests with SHPO needs as much as possible. It should not exceed one page.
     *   Contact information and a preferred schedule for your internship (number of hours per week, which days of the week, etc.).
     *   Contact information for at least one reference.

*     Deadline for applying is Monday, June 15, 2019.
*     Students may be expected to participate in a phone interview for the position.

SHPO Contact Information:

Email applications to:

Jamie French
GIS Archaeologist
State Historic Preservation Office
Jamie.French at oregon.gov
(503) 986-0729

Additional Information:
If you'd like to get more information or an idea of the projects under consideration, you can email or call Jamie French (contact information above).

Share your photos of Oregon's heritage on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter using #oregonheritage.

Oregon Heritage News is a service of Oregon Heritage, a division of the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department. The news editor can be contacted at heritage.info at oregon.gov<mailto:heritage.info at oregon.gov>.

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