[Heritage] Oregon Heritage News 2020-08-14

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Fri Aug 14 12:16:49 PDT 2020

Oregon Heritage News 2020-08-14

In this issue:

  *   NEW! Heritage Bulletin Resilience Series: Board Involvement in Grants
  *   Oregon Cultural Trust Coronavirus Relief Fund open for applications!
  *   AAM features articles on building community in a COVID World, reinventing volunteer programs, and reopening starter kit for museums
  *   Registration open for #AASLH2020
  *   Preservation Leadership Forum archived webinars on Covid and advocacy
  *   Oregon Heritage Commiseration Call: Inclusive Organizations, Aug. 21 @9am
  *   NPI podcast features preserving a sense of place

NEW! Heritage Bulletin Resilience Series: Board Involvement in Grants

Oregon Heritage staff is working on a new series of Heritage Bulletins designed to help organizations be resilient. This Resilience Series will focuses on best practices during recovery.

The most recent addition to the resilience series features board involvement in Grants. Lack of process and procedures, staff/volunteer/board turnover, and emergencies can all affect the grant management process. Check out these tips and suggestions on how the board can be involved in order the process to decrease the possibility of mismanagement and missed opportunities. Check out Heritage Bulletin 37: Board Involvement in Grants<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Documents/HB37_BoardGrants.pdf> for more tips, especially if you plan on applying for Oregon Cultural Trust's Coronavirus Relief Funds<https://culturaltrust.org/wp-content/uploads/CRFCS_Guidelines_App_FAQ_Contacts_.pdf>.

The first in the Heritage Bulletin Resilience Series featured board agendas: Heritage Bulletin 36: Board Agenda<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Documents/HB36_BoardAgendas2.pdf>

You can see a full list of all Heritage Bulletins here<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Pages/TechnicalResources.aspx>.

Oregon Cultural Trust Coronavirus Relief Fund open for applications!

Applications are now live<https://development.oregon4biz.com/acton/media/14786/2020-crf-cultural-support> and open for Oregon's Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) Cultural Support program. Funds allocated to the Oregon Cultural Trust will be available to Oregon cultural organizations facing losses due to the COVID-19 health crisis. The $25.9 million in funding was made available through a $50 million relief package for Oregon culture recently approved by the Emergency Board of the Oregon Legislature.

The distribution plan for the CRF Cultural Support program was approved at the Aug. 6 Cultural Trust Board of Directors meeting. Applications are due by noon on Monday, Aug. 24, and approved funds must be distributed by Sept. 15.

"We are grateful to the members of our Board for authorizing us to move forward with the distribution plan as soon as possible," said Brian Rogers, executive director of the Cultural Trust. "We have worked hard to develop a statewide, equitable distribution plan and look forward to supporting our cultural community in surviving this unprecedented crisis."
All Oregon cultural nonprofits and community venues are welcome to apply. Eligible grant recipients include, but are not limited to, cultural institutions, county fairgrounds, cultural entities within federally recognized Indian Tribes based in Oregon, and festivals and community event organizations. Funds will be distributed through the Cultural Trust statewide network of County and Tribal Cultural Coalitions. Funding will be determined based on eligible request amounts, an award allocation formula that establishes a base amount of funds per county or tribe and the organization's fiscal size. COVID-19 expenses previously reimbursed by other federal CARES Act programs are not eligible. Complete guidelines<https://culturaltrust.org/wp-content/uploads/CRFCS_Guidelines_App_FAQ_Contacts_.pdf> are posted on the Cultural Trust website.

The intended use of the CRF Cultural Support funds is to provide financial assistance to cultural nonprofit organizations and community venues that have canceled or postponed public programming because of public health executive orders associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. Guidelines for the funding are in accordance with the U.S. Department of the Treasury.<https://home.treasury.gov/policy-issues/cares/state-and-local-governments>

The federal CARES Act requires that CRF funding only be used to cover expenses that: are necessary expenditures incurred due to the public health emergency; were not accounted for in the budget most recently approved as of March 27, 2020 (the date of enactment of the CARES Act); and were incurred during the period that begins on March 1, 2020, and ends on Dec. 30, 2020.

The Cultural Trust is committed to serving Oregon's culturally diverse and traditionally underserved communities.

Oregon Heritage Commiseration Call: Inclusive Organizations, Aug. 21 @9am

(This was ran last week but the time of the event was not included: Aug. 21 at 9am)

How do we make our Heritage Organizations more inclusive? How do we build bridges so outsiders become insiders who feel valued as heritage champions? Nina Simon, author of The Art of Relevance, shows us we must make the case our work is relevant as we invite people outside our existing circles into the culture of our organizations. If you're not familiar with her work, watch Nina's TED Talk at http://www.artofrelevance.org/   to learn more - it'll fit in a 15 minute break!

Our discussion will be facilitated by Stephanie Button with the Historic Downtown Kennewick Partnership. Stephanie graduated with a degree in Anthropology from Western Washington University, where she developed her interdisciplinary approach to creating opportunities for exchanges and dialogue with the purpose of building a culture of better understanding. Stephanie has more than a decade of nonprofit experience, most recently as the Administrator at the East Benton County Historical Society & Museum (EBCHS).

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AAM features blog on Building Community in a COVID World

>From American Alliance of Museums Field Notes e-news dated 8/10/20:

Building Community in a COVID World<https://aam-us.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=2605bbc11e6752de338ce7e61&id=86c4eb5acd&e=0645a66f24>
By Rowena Houghton Dasch
As the pandemic diminishes its main audience of heritage tourists, the Neill-Cochran House Museum in Austin is redoubling efforts to engage its local community better, with an eye on inclusivity and equity. But this takes hard work and a few key lessons, its Executive Director has found.

Do Volunteer Programs Need Reinventing?<https://aam-us.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=2605bbc11e6752de338ce7e61&id=4ba036f1f0&e=0645a66f24>
By American Alliance of Museums
As museums reopen, questions linger about how to engage volunteers safely and meaningfully. The author of AAM's toolkit on designing volunteer programs discussed this on the Volunteer Voices podcast; listen or read a transcript here.

New Reopening Starter Kit for Museums<https://aam-us.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=2605bbc11e6752de338ce7e61&id=7816272f43&e=0645a66f24>
Safely reopening your museum to the public can have a daunting checklist attached. To make reopening just a little easier, we have created a reopening starter kit that includes customizable posters and decals, messaging templates, checklists, and one-pagers designed to help you stress a little less as you go through the reopening process.

Registration open for #AASLH2020

The  American Association for State and Local History (AASLH) Annual Meeting will be held online September 24-30 and registration is now open.  Full meeting registration is only $55 for members. Check out the schedule of presentations and tiered pricing options on the website. Read more.<https://458rl1jp.r.us-east-1.awstrack.me/L0/https:%2F%2Faaslh.org%2F2020annualmeeting%2F%2520/1/01000173e502cbc2-d31531b8-44dc-483a-87a2-6ae43e4f440d-000000/ajVQzsiWQC4R8MqbuSS_RTc8Ejg=175>

Preservation Leadership Forum archived webinars on Covid and advocacy

Archived: Forum Webinars
Earlier this spring Forum started a series of webinars providing information, tools, and strategies for the preservation field as we move together through this pandemic. All webinars and supporting materials have been archived<https://us.e-activist.com/page/email/click/10028/556627?email=WCUR4K7zpE9YtJGRWT5dI3ePbf6D9RS32ati6pLP9AE=&campid=v3Bs7XAk%2BXGZkArzVWMSmA==> for your reference.

Topics during the series included:

  *   The legal aspects of virtual public meetings
  *   Fundraising and communications
  *   Digital engagement at historic sites
  *   Advocating for Congressional support during a pandemic

Online Course: Advocacy in Focus
Forum also partnered with Main Street America last month on a five-part online series providing you with the tools to develop and hone your advocacy skills. That course is also available online<https://us.e-activist.com/page/email/click/10028/556628?email=WCUR4K7zpE9YtJGRWT5dI3ePbf6D9RS32ati6pLP9AE=&campid=v3Bs7XAk%2BXGZkArzVWMSmA==> for your reference.
We hope that you will find these resources useful in your preservation efforts!

NPI podcast features preserving a sense of place

Tune in this week for the third episode of
NPI's Preservation Profiles free podcast series!
"Preserving a Sense of Place" with Laura Trieschmann

Laura Trieschmann is the State Historic Preservation Officer for the Vermont Division for Historic Preservation. In this episode, Laura shares insights into the SHPO's role and responsibilities. She discusses the very different approach to preservation she encountered in Vermont after many years surveying and researching historic properties in Washington, DC. Laura reveals ways historic preservation can be used for community building. "History happens at these places and you need a sense of place. One of the first questions people always ask you is, 'Where are you from? Where did you grow up?' Because that forms who you are. And without those places and that history, we wouldn't be as individual as we are."

Listen here.<https://preservationprofiles.org/episodes/preserving-a-sense-of-place-with-laura-trieschmann-s1!856bc>


Share your photos of Oregon's heritage on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter using #oregonheritage.

Oregon Heritage News is a service of Oregon Heritage, a division of the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department. The news editor can be contacted at heritage.info at oregon.gov<mailto:heritage.info at oregon.gov>.

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