[Heritage] Oregon Heritage News 2020-12-11

INFO Heritage * OPRD Heritage.Info at oregon.gov
Fri Dec 11 13:49:40 PST 2020

Oregon Heritage News 2020-12-11

In this issue:

  *   Oregon Heritage invites applications for Heritage Excellence Awards - due. Jan. 14
  *   Museums For All featured on the Oregon Heritage Exchange
  *   IMLS webinar on REALM results and how to apply it to your museum
  *   Oregon Humanities Responsive Program Grant open for application Jan. 1
  *   UO Museum of Natural and Cultural History archaeologists help with wildfire recovery
  *   NPS Battlefield Preservation Grants open for application
  *   Recordings at Risk Grants - Jan. 29 deadline
  *   OHA updates guidance for quarantine
  *   Oregon OSHA resources page regarding COVID-19

Oregon Heritage invites applications for Heritage Excellence Awards - due. Jan. 14

The Oregon Heritage Excellence Awards recognize individuals, businesses, and organizations for outstanding efforts on behalf of Oregon heritage, drawing public attention to these efforts, and raising the quality of heritage-oriented activities. The Sally Donovan Award for Historic Cemetery Preservation is a special category that may be awarded to one individual, organization, or project demonstration excellence in preservation of historic cemeteries.

Nominations are encouraged for organizations and projects of all sizes and heritage purposes and for volunteers and professionals from all heritage sectors.

Criteria and application process can be found here<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Pages/Awards.aspx#one> or by contacting Oregon Heritage Coordinator Katie Henry at katie.henry at oregon.gov or (503) 877-8834. The deadline for submitting nominations is January 14, 2021.

The 2021 awards will be presented at the Oregon Heritage Virtual Summit, April 29-30<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/pages/conferences-%26-workshops.aspx#two>, by Oregon Heritage, a division of the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department. The announcement for 2021 awardees will be made in February 2021. Tickets for the awards presentation will be made available this coming spring. For more information visit www.oregonheritage.org.

Learn more and apply now!<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Pages/Awards.aspx#one>

Museums For All featured on the Oregon Heritage Exchange

Learn more on the Oregon Heritage Exchange Blog<https://oregonheritage.wordpress.com/2020/12/11/breaking-down-barriers-museums-for-all-initiative/> about how the Museums For All program helps museums reach underserved communities by offering free or reduced admission to those receiving food assistance (SNAP benefits). One of the opportunities through this program is to collaborate with other museums in your area to leverage the program through "Hub Cities". Collaboration just happens to be the focus of the Oregon Heritage 2021 Summit<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Pages/Conferences-&-Workshops.aspx#two> so we will be featuring different kinds of collaborations as we approach the Summit, April 29-30, 2021. Registration will open in February so keep your eye on the Oregon Heritage News for updates as the event approaches!

Read the blog post here.<https://oregonheritage.wordpress.com/2020/12/11/breaking-down-barriers-museums-for-all-initiative/>

IMLS webinar on REALM results and how to apply it to your museum

Museums and COVID: How to Use the Latest Research to Your Advantage
Dec. 15, 3-4:15 pm ET (12-1:15pm PST)
Register here<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001ILFmtWvzhIhtKdsWycGBOEnO-CPmfjSGO2KwhOFyZSJYAzOYZG6RASBumDE4jJ13JcIxb7l0_3XOZRMU7f3a0wNZBgULvq6_WcQcDDb3Ar7v0pexi3xYjAwYMeSkY5Ialuewk3WYO5RZPCaOG_zETzT28FV2kl_htTMO-aX_RmoEm69Y-gHelcsj6rQXAC0Ep-O9GbOEn7QDtwST2vZ3ggSHyDw8AQx2fY1Q2U3RNpI=&c=ehhu21ARnFc8P4CijUucJsjJg9re61KPao65MLCYOGS8gmmorG06Lw==&ch=bHI2O60zvqamv1NcOmHDP5wyIofNZmBMfDMZQSoOdIv_0tGEE6JKVA==>

Join the Institute of Museum and Library Services, the American Association of Museums, and research nonprofit OCLC for a packed 75 minutes of scientific information on the virus's behavior on materials commonly found or used in museums.

In addition to a presentation and discussion of the latest REALM (REopening Archives, Libraries, and Museums<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001ILFmtWvzhIhtKdsWycGBOEnO-CPmfjSGO2KwhOFyZSJYAzOYZG6RASBumDE4jJ13XyMKiNGodFaoSn_37-9t02QX_I6k7CPkUdm3jFWAgV1wbsG54qHKQERcVbKIZWALMgL63lldSW4saZxV6446dQ==&c=ehhu21ARnFc8P4CijUucJsjJg9re61KPao65MLCYOGS8gmmorG06Lw==&ch=bHI2O60zvqamv1NcOmHDP5wyIofNZmBMfDMZQSoOdIv_0tGEE6JKVA==>) project research, participants will also hear from AAM and museum practitioners on best practices, tips, and lessons learned, and come away with information they can consider for their own environments. Attendance is free, but advance registration is required. Visit imls.gov<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001ILFmtWvzhIhtKdsWycGBOEnO-CPmfjSGO2KwhOFyZSJYAzOYZG6RARpISU4D2GkVu3cN-4ngv3rbv0tSXMkYYsYlEWLn5tUR4xqVkKQ9d9O6ajzfiJ9i2rDirRLXf5-h14dtOc1rIbR-YJIeRr4LRw==&c=ehhu21ARnFc8P4CijUucJsjJg9re61KPao65MLCYOGS8gmmorG06Lw==&ch=bHI2O60zvqamv1NcOmHDP5wyIofNZmBMfDMZQSoOdIv_0tGEE6JKVA==> and the REALM project website<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001ILFmtWvzhIhtKdsWycGBOEnO-CPmfjSGO2KwhOFyZSJYAzOYZG6RASBumDE4jJ13XyMKiNGodFaoSn_37-9t02QX_I6k7CPkUdm3jFWAgV1wbsG54qHKQERcVbKIZWALMgL63lldSW4saZxV6446dQ==&c=ehhu21ARnFc8P4CijUucJsjJg9re61KPao65MLCYOGS8gmmorG06Lw==&ch=bHI2O60zvqamv1NcOmHDP5wyIofNZmBMfDMZQSoOdIv_0tGEE6JKVA==> for more information.

Oregon Humanities Responsive Program Grant open for application Jan. 1

The Responsive Program Grants<https://www.oregonhumanities.org/programs/responsive-program-grants/?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=December%202020%20enews&utm_content=December%202020%20enews+CID_be53e43f18447ada929db938c5b55d4c&utm_source=Email%20marketing%20software&utm_term=Responsive%20Program%20Grants> enable nonprofit organizations and federally recognized tribes in Oregon to address urgent or timely issues in their communities. Awards of up to $1,000 are intended to center those most affected by a topic in order to highlight perspectives that have historically been undervalued, and particularly to support programming based in and led by rural communities and communities of color.

For the 2021 funding cycle, there is a total of $25,000 to award; the maximum award is $1,000. Responsive Program Grant funds are now awarded in four cycles, with roughly $6,000 awarded per cycle, to be responsive to emerging needs and allow even distribution of funding across the year.

Applications for the first cycle open on January 1, 2021 and are due by 11:59 p.m. on March 1, 2021.

Read more about these grants and how to apply.<https://www.oregonhumanities.org/programs/responsive-program-grants/?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=December%202020%20enews&utm_content=December%202020%20enews+CID_be53e43f18447ada929db938c5b55d4c&utm_source=Email%20marketing%20software&utm_term=Read%20more%20about%20these%20grants%20and%20how%20to%20apply>

UO Museum of Natural and Cultural History archaeologists help with wildfire recovery

Learn about how archaeologists from the Museum of Natural and Cultural History are helping to protect heritage sites in the wake of the wildfires. Read the article here<https://around.uoregon.edu/content/uo-helping-protect-heritage-sites-wake-wildfire>.

NPS Battlefield Preservation Grants open for application

NPS's American Battlefield Protection Program is now accepting applications for projects that relate to planning, interpreting, and protecting historic battlefields and sites associated with armed conflict on American soil. State, local, and tribal governments, other public entities, educational institutions, and nonprofit organizations are eligible to apply. Typical awards range from $30K-$150K and do not require matching funds. Deadline is Feb. 12, 2021. Learn more<https://458rl1jp.r.us-east-1.awstrack.me/L0/https:%2F%2Fwww.nps.gov%2Fsubjects%2Fbattlefields%2Fbattlefield-planning-grants.htm/1/01000176440b24df-dfde9718-c547-42e1-af9d-d1157944d63c-000000/oqYRnDbPNI0hHWIXdAh5q7jkaqQ=191>.

Recordings at Risk Grants - Jan. 29 deadline

Deadline: January 29, 2021
Grant Amount: $10,000 to $50,000

Recordings at Risk (RAR)<https://northeastdocumentconservationcenter.cmail19.com/t/y-l-olluljk-ijljitlujl-k/> is a national regranting program administered by the Council on Library and Information  Resources (CLIR) to support the preservation of rare and unique audio, audiovisual, and other time-based media of high scholarly value through digital reformatting. The program is generously funded by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

Eligible Grant Activities:
Digitization of at-risk audio and/or audiovisual materials of scholarly value. Allowable formats include: open-reel audio tape, compact cassette, lacquer disc, wax cylinder, wire recording, microcassette, digital audio tape, compact disc, and MiniDisc. Video and film formats are also eligible.

Complete RAR Information and Guidelines<https://northeastdocumentconservationcenter.cmail19.com/t/y-l-olluljk-ijljitlujl-u/>

OHA updates guidance for quarantine
*taken from https://govstatus.egov.com/OR-OHA-COVID-19

If you have been near someone with COVID-19, you may have been exposed to the virus. You need to quarantine to keep from spreading the virus to someone else. Stay home and at least six feet away from everyone, including the people you live with, for 14 days.

A 14-day quarantine is the safest option to prevent the spread of COVID-19 to others.
If you have not had any symptoms, you may consider ending quarantine early:

  *   After 10 days, without any testing, or
  *   After seven days, if you have had a negative result from an antigen or polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test that was administered less than 48 hours before you end quarantine.

If you choose to shorten your quarantine period, there is a small chance you may spread the disease to others post-quarantine so it is critical that you continue to monitor yourself for symptoms daily. If you develop symptoms, you should continue to avoid contact with others and call your healthcare provider to discuss testing.
For support and resources or if you have questions during your quarantine call 211 or visit the 211 website<https://covid19.211info.org/>.

Oregon OSHA resources page regarding COVID-19

Oregon's Occupational Safety and Health Administration has a resource page dedicated to COVID-19 that employers might find useful when evaluating risk exposure and hazards to their employees in the workplace. Check out the resources here<https://osha.oregon.gov/covid19/Pages/default.aspx>.


Share your photos of Oregon's heritage on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter using #oregonheritage.

Oregon Heritage News is a service of Oregon Heritage, a division of the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department. The news editor can be contacted at heritage.info at oregon.gov<mailto:heritage.info at oregon.gov>.

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