[Heritage] Oregon Heritage News 2020-05-07

INFO Heritage * OPRD Heritage.Info at oregon.gov
Thu May 7 14:41:31 PDT 2020

Oregon Heritage News 2020-05-07

In this issue:

  *   Oregon Heritage COVID-19 Commiseration Call: Imagining Re-Opening, May 20
  *   Thinking about re-opening? Here are some resources to consider
  *   Upcoming NAO COVID-19 related webinars
  *   Webinar: Strategies for How to Capture and Communicate the Value of Collection Work, May 12
  *   Thinking about collecting objects related to your communities COVID-19 experience?
  *   Partnering during a crisis: Clackamas Heritage Council event
  *   Oregon Heritage Exchange Blog: Heritage Traditions face tough decisions
  *   Preservation Fund grants due June 15

Oregon Heritage COVID-19 Commiseration Call: Imagining Re-Opening, May 20

Join us May 20, 1-2pm, for Commiseration Call 4: “Imagining Re-Opening”
Thank you to all heritage sites in Oregon who have responded to the Governor’s stay at home order and closed your doors these past two months. While we don’t know when restrictions will be lifted or when people will feel safe visiting heritage sites again, we do know that reopening will take a great deal of planning. Let’s start strategizing together! Join colleagues from our heritage network to think through potential scenarios, where to find guidance in your community, and tips on how to start building flexible plans for reopening with safety at the forefront. Questions, ideas, and concerns are welcome. This is a chance to brainstorm as a group.  Some questions to consider:

How are you beginning this conversation with your organization?
Are you taking a phased approach?
What benchmarks/guidelines are you using?
Is there something you are having an issue troubleshooting? Bring it to the group to strategize
Have you considered a survey to your staff/community/members/volunteers about their thoughts on what would make them feel safe working at/visiting the site?

Join Skype Meeting<https://meet.lync.com/stateoforegon-oregon/beth.dehn/046ZF23H>:  or call: (503) 446-4951, Access Code: 603093311#

Thinking about re-opening? Here are some resources to consider

AAM's Preparing to Reopen<https://www.aam-us.org/programs/about-museums/preparing-to-reopen/> resource page includes:

  *   AAM's resource guide on museum reopenings<https://www.aam-us.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Considerations-for-Museum-Reopenings-5.4.2020.pdf>
  *   sample reopening plans<https://www.aam-us.org/programs/about-museums/preparing-to-reopen/#Sample%20reopening%20plans>
"How to Get Ready to Open the Doors<https://www.aam-us.org/2020/04/29/how-to-get-ready-to-open-the-doors/>", AAM pulled these resources from their members only section to provide them for free to all. Addresses what it looks like for staff/volunteers and some of the things that might change operation like ticket systems, payment options, etc.
WMA's Workflow Recommendations for Reopening Museums<https://westmuse.org/sites/westmuse.org/files/documents/WMA2020/WMA_Workflow_Recommendations.pdf>
Cuseum’s Tips & Strategies for Reopening Museums after COVID-19 Closure<https://cuseum.com/blog/2020/5/5/tips-amp-strategies-for-reopening-museums-after-covid-19-closures?utm_source=Cuseum+Newsletter&utm_campaign=bd4165e530-Newsletter-May-7-2020&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_27827bb7a3-bd4165e530-598361321>
Infographic:  <https://clackamasheritage.us17.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5415ed3fd43e104b70eb2ea70&id=20a81682f2&e=bbee1afdf3> When will audiences be ready to return to museums? And what will help them feel safe and comfortable? AAM resource

Recorded Webinars
Lessons Learned from SARS: How Museums Emerge After Crisis webinar<https://www.aam-us.org/2020/04/27/lessons-learned-from-sars-how-museums-emerge-after-crisis/>, presented by AAM (recorded on 4/27/20).
Revenue Generation For Your Museum During Coronavirus webinar<https://cultureconnectme.com/webinar-revenue-generation/>, presented by CultureConnect (recorded on 4/29/20)
AALSH Coversation: Planning for Re-Opening<https://learn.aaslh.org/products/live-webinar-aaslh-conversations-planning-for-reopening>. You need to register for this webinar but you can use a free code, FREEWBR20. (recorded 5/5/20)
Cuseums's Preparing to Reopen - Strategy, Planning & Process on the Road to Reopening Museums (recorded on 5/6/20).<https://cuseum.com/webinars/preparing-to-reopen-overview?utm_source=Cuseum+Newsletter&utm_campaign=bd4165e530-Newsletter-May-7-2020&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_27827bb7a3-bd4165e530-598361321>

Upcoming NAO COVID-19 related webinars

Ask the Experts – Maximizing Forgiveness Under the Paycheck Protection Program: Tips, Techniques, and a Planning Toolkit for Nonprofits
Tuesday, May 12, Noon – 1 p.m. PT
Kathy Swift, Senior Vice President and Nonprofit Development Officer at Heritage Bank, Laura Caldera, Practice Group Leader at Bullivant Houser, and Bill Holmes, CPA of Holmes & Company will provide a comprehensive analysis of how to maximize the loan forgiveness of the Small Business Administration’s Paycheck Protection Program. In addition to the tips and techniques, they will provide a PPP loan forgiveness calculator that can be used weekly to manage the payback under this eight-week program. Nonprofits who have received a loan under the PPP program definitely won’t want to miss this important session. There’ll be a Q&A session for participants to ask questions and offer comments. Register for the session here<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001ejmbmfzoGP1BRngen9M42JeEb70xBFB5Tv5p0gLz7ZRv4M-73zKKtqJeIeWbjmLPY5Nm1BsP54he2oxliQ4HBZ2cSriyCE6YUzK_JDx500bxGhOD3fINfHKkQ0rZsxZGZ9z9o4LcWtZRMveidGpKzma1pyPJzIZlYYa-93XspnAutRm7IzSpm1MFBe5eQSb9z0gynzGqM79mppDisnQ7mw==&c=60pp1fvJeBvuu5D-ToFNpih_Vv2osFIvMBFLyZzcX0G2yCZgHW7A0g==&ch=zUTI0u0TLfIPL5VfqunOYJFSIjgKpLlQCxsPkdAYBV0iGDHS36by_Q==>.

Oregon Nonprofit Virtual Town Hall with U.S. Senators Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley
Tuesday, May 13, 8:30 – 9:30 a.m.
Join NAO for a virtual town hall with U.S. Senators Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley addressing Oregon’s nonprofit community. We will have the opportunity to hear from our Oregon senators about the CARES Act and plans for future congressional action, as well as discuss specific issues and needs facing Oregon’s nonprofits. This session will be moderated by Raziah Roushan, NAO Board Member and Chair, NAO Public Policy Committee and Jim White, NAO Executive Director. Register for the session here<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001ejmbmfzoGP1BRngen9M42JeEb70xBFB5Tv5p0gLz7ZRv4M-73zKKtqJeIeWbjmLPosqtmU-9Dtbu6z3NB2_K3JRvy4Uk3kwaCcU7Y6RzCJZa4NT6unkQmr-ygdeLR6vWlsWG6ysLAy8rHOb2usrlnaxIyS0JHZtht7Bex8X8QMUYDfL7G_a2wII09Ji_k6msrQ_HNoBprFCcEpPczsLD5A==&c=60pp1fvJeBvuu5D-ToFNpih_Vv2osFIvMBFLyZzcX0G2yCZgHW7A0g==&ch=zUTI0u0TLfIPL5VfqunOYJFSIjgKpLlQCxsPkdAYBV0iGDHS36by_Q==>.

Rethinking Your Strategy: Planning for Your Nonprofit’s Recovery – a three-part series on Thursday, May 14, Thursday, May 21, and Thursday, May 28, Noon – 1 p.m. PT
Steve Patty, Founder of Dialogues in Action will guide nonprofits on how to rethink our pre-COVID strategies and plan for recovery in this three-part series. The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the way nonprofits deliver services and programming and continuing to pursue our pre-COVID-19 strategies is not an option. Steve will discuss how nonprofits can make it through this crisis, emerge better, and be even more valuable to our communities for greater impact. The series consist of: Session 1 – The Opportunity of a Crisis (May 14); Session 2 - How to Adapt Your Strategy (May 21); and Session 3 – Create a New Future for a New Normal (May 28).  Register for the three-part series here<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001ejmbmfzoGP1BRngen9M42JeEb70xBFB5Tv5p0gLz7ZRv4M-73zKKtqJeIeWbjmLPKOgMwpJqa5vyGlgrCFGu7lxp6NxtAUkcyxte9ezBD3XyBCAYmHRj0T9rKgIph47qfB8Ak2H9581_HOT-VgMwXqKcHm-90Ug9P-8O6oCKtxTVDZiysuP0_gIwbz9jMBarYFZA4g5rL5N-M8i4FLfHvg==&c=60pp1fvJeBvuu5D-ToFNpih_Vv2osFIvMBFLyZzcX0G2yCZgHW7A0g==&ch=zUTI0u0TLfIPL5VfqunOYJFSIjgKpLlQCxsPkdAYBV0iGDHS36by_Q==>.

Webinar: Strategies for How to Capture and Communicate the Value of Collection Work, May 12

Strategies for How to Capture and Communicate the Value of Collection Work
May 12, 11am
Presented by Rachael Woody, owner of Rachael Cristine Consulting LLC
Archives, museums, and cultural heritage organizations across the world are struggling with the impact of COVID-19.  As public spaces remain closed, archives and museums are challenged with fulfilling their mission while seeking economic relief. Many archives and museum professionals are facing precarious employment as they struggle to prove the value of their work. This webinar is a follow up to the Society of American Archivists' "Deriving Value from Collections in the Time of Corona (COVID-19)" (view: https://youtu.be/vhK2ww1_ZR8).  Please join me for a deeper dive into strategies for how to capture and communicate the value of collection work. The webinar will offer a framework to define the value of your work, discuss mechanisms for capturing value, and offer strategies for communicating the value of your work to your boss, your board, your fellow staff, and your community stakeholders.

Register to Attend:
This is a live webinar and will be limited to 100 registrants. For security purposes, please register via this page. Once your registration is approved you will receive a confirmation email. A recording will be made for future access and provided to those who register.

A Note About the Presenter:
Rachael Woody is the owner of Rachael Cristine Consulting LLC. After a successful tenure at the Smithsonian Institution and the Oregon Wine History Archive, Woody established her consultancy to teach archives, museums, and cultural heritage organizations how to take care of their collections and advocate for their value. Woody has experienced precariously funded positions first-hand and has proven tactical strategies to demonstrate the value of collection work. As a result of her experience, Woody has dedicated herself to advocating for the value of collection work. She serves on SAA's Committee on Public Awareness, established the Archivist-in-Residence (paid internship) program at Northwest Archivists, and serves on several salary advocacy committees.

Register here.<https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYqcOiorz8oHNHoTzH71GCns93N8bjHiVmH>

Thinking about collecting objects related to your communities COVID-19 experience?

Advice from Clackamas County Heritage Council’s May 7 Newsletter: What artifacts, images, stories best capture your community's COVID-19 experience?
Suggested items to collect:

  *   Stimulus check (cancelled) and letter mailed with it
  *   Personal Protective Equipment used by hospital staff
  *   Stories of COVID-19 Experiences (front line staff, homeschooling parents, laid-off workers, those working from home, etc.)  See the survey Oregon Historical <https://clackamasheritage.us17.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5415ed3fd43e104b70eb2ea70&id=8dfffe5ebf&e=bbee1afdf3> put together for an example.
  *   Request businesses and individuals consider donating signs once they are done with them.  These could be signs of support or protest signs.
  *   Photos and videos capturing displays, artwork, or other images that represent the times.

You can also check out this AAM post: A Small Museum’s Rapid Response Collecting Project for COVID-19<https://www.aam-us.org/2020/04/16/a-small-museums-rapid-response-collecting-project-for-covid-19/>.

Partnering during a crisis: Clackamas County Heritage Council Take-Out For History

Clackamas County Heritage Council is partnering with local businesses and asking the community to be a champion for history May 11-17 with a Take-Out for History event. The premise is that folks Download the flyer<https://clackamasheritage.us17.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5415ed3fd43e104b70eb2ea70&id=375f86fc87&e=bbee1afdf3> and order take-out at a participating restaurant and a portion of the order will be donated to the Clackamas County Heritage Council to promote historical education programming throughout Clackamas County.

This is a time for organizations to be creative in fundraising, programming, and operations. Partnering is a great way to be creative and access different stakeholder groups. This Clackamas County Heritage Council event not only helps raise funds for county-wide heritage organizations, but also encourages community members to patron restaurants that they may not have visited otherwise. So it benefits all those involved.

We look forward to seeing and sharing creative ideas like this! If your organization has responded to this crisis in a creative way, feel free to share that story with us by emailing heritage.info at oregon.gov<mailto:heritage.info at oregon.gov>.

Oregon Heritage Exchange Blog: Heritage Traditions face tough decisions

An Oregon Heritage Tradition designation recognizes events more than 50 years old that represent what it means to be an Oregonian. Designated events are unique locally, regionally, and statewide. In short, these events add to the livability and identity of the state. Oregon has 24 designated Oregon Heritage Traditions. So what do these event organizers do during this time when the very definition of the “tradition” aspect is threatened? The most recent post on the Oregon Heritage Exchange examines these tough decisions, the risks and opportunities, history of decisions like this, and some ideas for cancelled Traditions.

Check out the post here: https://oregonheritage.wordpress.com/2020/05/07/heritage-traditions-find-opportunities-in-a-non-traditional-decision/

Preservation Fund grants due June 15

Applications are now open for the June round of the National Trust Preservation Fund Grants. We have also extended the deadline to June 15.

Grants from the National Trust Preservation Funds encourage preservation at the local level by providing seed money for planning and education projects. Grants range up to $5,000

Apply here<https://forum.savingplaces.org/build/funding/grant-seekers/preservation-funds?utm_medium=email&utm_source=update&utm_campaign=grants>.

Share your photos of Oregon’s heritage on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter using #oregonheritage.

Oregon Heritage News is a service of Oregon Heritage, a division of the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department. The news editor can be contacted at heritage.info at oregon.gov<mailto:heritage.info at oregon.gov>.

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