[Heritage] Oregon Heritage News 2021-04-08

INFO Heritage * OPRD Heritage.Info at oregon.gov
Thu Apr 8 08:04:07 PDT 2021

Oregon Heritage News 2021-04-08

In this issue:

  *   Congratulations to the High Desert Museum for being an IMLS 2021 National Medal Finalist
  *   Shuttered Venues Grant Opens April 8
  *   Collaborations During the Pandemic Featured in Oregon Heritage Blog
  *   Commission Pubic Meeting Notices
  *   PPP Loan Deadline Extended Through May 31, 2021
  *   LOC Creates American Rescue Plan Resource Hub
  *   COVID-19 Impact to Heritage Organization Survey #2

Congratulations to the High Desert Museum for being an Institute of Museum and Library Services<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Rpmdv30G3j49Q42gtkzn9Ph7JaSZ71TUGN8RMfjL0q-XOKg_dqoYf7Aai0tKHkt6F49_B88IhtcdNNO4g-T3j1Ds564nJd7aOEuIFXXKa_RRf6Wa4665_IvYliOB-dWkphWRGVyFgvOCHCYONtg-nVq0PImP8w2qv9J5z2DBgf2o_HZ5gO9VJDdST_mcPFPtfCpryh6tMrYT1eUa0jlQtxPvCN66PjPX4lAtzz80uEfcXW7j0pC1m_25Gfu1TbeXi0nxMnC3VY7_zUHby6qQC2xr0ipyfb28rtQoyx33EbkqLG62uf1fFt2sYu9kyMWIOnOcLGPJ0jH0GwOi5BoM_h3lcWG1UpE-dssMabj4NNROjw2IuBOLafXfVbNQrtRzijiOEoSjnGCEpgwjVqLGn6cwHXpRYRqXQZCfAzKUkrLCKPsya2dHwX4A430kYQrepgJpWe9IcQMEBpQylF776A==&c=zEV7SnqCLKDCiSonbr7Pvyrq-iTIJLWXHFFHbmNKpPv-5N2pUG3hWg==&ch=U3PTVdWAAV4vH2zCaXss3Ltu8xZdEXdQVlGBHud6cOsAgtuhg0OMBg==> 2021 National Medal Finalist!
The medal is the country's highest honor for museums and libraries, recognizing institutions as national leaders for the work they do in their communities.

Shuttered venues grant opens April 8 - https://www.svograntportal.sba.gov/s/
The Shuttered Venues Operators Grant (SVOG) application portal opens TODAY, April 8, 2021. The SBA updated its FAQs yesterday (look for the asterisk * to see which questions/answers have been modified or added.) Below are some key resources to prepare your SVOG application.

  *   SBA revised FAQs<http://go.pardot.com/e/565082/red-venue-operators-grant-svog/4y8888/723122043?h=Dyue9Ts19fdTwp6wuVQruJmjkrICmh1xXeDa9cdrsGs> (Updated April 6, 2021)
  *   SBA's Recorded SVOG Informational Webinar<http://go.pardot.com/e/565082/watch-v-CNWsgR9ESUs/4y888b/723122043?h=Dyue9Ts19fdTwp6wuVQruJmjkrICmh1xXeDa9cdrsGs> (March 31, 2021)
  *   SBA Local Assistance Offices<http://go.pardot.com/e/565082/local-assistance-find/4y888d/723122043?h=Dyue9Ts19fdTwp6wuVQruJmjkrICmh1xXeDa9cdrsGs>
The exact time that the portal will open has not been announced yet. Please be sure to keep saving your work and copying answers into a WORD or email document, in case the new portal goes down temporarily. That way, you can just copy and paste your answers back in if the application was not saved.
The League of American Orchestras provides great highlights from the Shuttered Venues SBA Webinar<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=00142Yvj9XeImGZ2yW_ysFkso_tCZ5PunSaEmT9rZAIKn6a3448zGYaFK1e85xmsrk3Nahl3pZb0oMD5mI4fljzlXGV97jGe4BcmJ4WYZixsX8Z1gtTEBB4-sF8LQIoZpLTCXjzpdlZNd5uite6xS-5jBqhz7r4cB7n52WbhY1EfaKu2xeRZb-BsnXAiPQscLhkgphjG8beGZlVlEqDB9FFkw==&c=-Gqb-CiyyTnqTAk0uUtoxhvI3w63yVAtMiOYdG-ivILQj4PrQjz_yA==&ch=k6V51lp4-2wNPVOahYB4qFcJqAN1mtMQHTYJoZj9IhK0MW7amq4g3g==>. If you are interested in this program be sure to read their posting and check out the fact sheet that they created.
Collaborations during the pandemic featured in Oregon Heritage Exchange Blog
With the upcoming Summit featuring collaborations the most recent post on the Oregon Heritage Exchange features stories of organizations collaborating with other local organizations during the pandemic (Click Here to Read<https://oregonheritage.wordpress.com/>). These stories were relayed to us through the results of the first COVID-19 Impact to Heritage Organizations Survey. The second survey is now open and looks to capture impact to heritage organizations from October 2020-February 2021. Please be sure to take that survey here if you have not already done so.

  *   Registration is open for the 2021 Oregon Heritage Summit: Collaboration is Key. Be sure to register before April 15 to get a mailed packet with some extra goodies in it. Register here<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Pages/Heritage-Summit.aspx#registration>. All that register will be entered into a raffle for an awesome resource.
Commission Public Meeting Notices
Oregon Commission on Hispanic Affairs (OCHA), Monday, April 12, 2021, 11:00AM - 1:00PM
The meeting will cover Commissioners' reports, legislative discussion and other topics of interest to the Commission.
Virtual meeting only:
Oregon Commission on Black Affairs (OCBA), Saturday, April 10th, 2021, 9:30AM - 11:30AM
The meeting will cover Commissioners' reports, legislative discussion, and other topics of interest to the Commission.
Virtual meeting only: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88965718528?pwd=eHJvTVdueWVGem50TktHVGRvcEh6Zz09
The meeting location is accessible to persons with disabilities.  Requests for accommodations for people with disabilities should be made at least 48 hours in advance. If you would like to sign up to receive this Public Meeting Notice, have questions regarding accessibility or any other concerns, contact Nancy Kramer at nancy.kramer at oregon.gov<mailto:nancy.kramer at oregon.gov> or 503.302.9725.
PPP Loan Application Deadline Extended through May 31
On Tuesday, President Biden signed into law a bill (H.R. 1799<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=00142Yvj9XeImGZ2yW_ysFkso_tCZ5PunSaEmT9rZAIKn6a3448zGYaFK1e85xmsrk33T_Ko7uRdsU2lqwgIyXynS_4SXcVH3x3W8F7ivclK5a9wkiHtktaogXOLotDf5xibCO337Za-V_9xXAH_6kOmS1sUQKu4F-AqRRBPeM8CjgmFiX0hdjDc6mPAs7cSLtR7zRowyoPgj8=&c=-Gqb-CiyyTnqTAk0uUtoxhvI3w63yVAtMiOYdG-ivILQj4PrQjz_yA==&ch=k6V51lp4-2wNPVOahYB4qFcJqAN1mtMQHTYJoZj9IhK0MW7amq4g3g==>) extending the deadline for nonprofits and businesses to apply for Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans through May 31 and to allow the Small Business Administration (SBA) to continue to process loan applications through June 30. The previous deadline had been set for the end of March.
LOC Creates American Rescue Plan Resource Hub
The LOC website now features a resource hub<https://orcities.us17.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5ed0e37bfa6cd50a448dff14e&id=32d049d86e&e=a58246c420> dedicated to the ongoing implementation of the American Rescue Plan.  The resource will be updated as new guidance and information is released from the federal government.

Please take the COVID-19 Impact to Heritage Organization Survey #2!
The Oregon Heritage Commission is trying to assess the impact over time that COVID-19 has had specifically on heritage organizations. As national and local funding decisions are being made for recovery efforts, we want to make sure that we have data available so that heritage is represented in any future recovery efforts, funding, and decision-making.
Three surveys over the course of the year will determine the impact from March 2020-June 2021:

  *   Survey #1 opened in Nov. 2020 to gather information from March 2020-Oct. 2020 - Summary of results<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Documents/COVID_survey1_results.pdf>
  *   Survey #2 open now to gather information from Nov. 2020-Feb. 2021 - OPEN NOW!<https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form/f274482c6cf44e299ba02f72f0e8efed>
  *   Survey #3 will open in July 2021 to gather information from March 2021-June 2021
If I took Survey #1, do I have to take Survey #2?
First of all, THANK YOU for completing survey #1 in November!!!! Now for the question, do you have to? No. But please do! It would be great and incredibly valuable to have several organizations take all three survey so we can track ongoing impact throughout the year.
If I did NOT take Survey #1, should I fill out Survey #2?
Please do! We have constructed the survey such that all data is welcome whether you filled out Survey #1 or not. So yes, yes, yes, AND yes.
Who should take this survey?
Anyone that is dealing with heritage related activities in Oregon including, but not limited to, museums, historical societies, historic cemeteries, main streets, historic preservation, archaeology, genealogical societies, libraries with historical collections and archives, etc.
How long will the survey take?
Not going to lie, probably around 20-30 minutes. We suggest you have financials and attendance numbers and/or online analytics information with you for the period of this survey, November 2020-February 2021. The upside is, having this information handy after taking this survey will help you when applying for grants related to COVID-19 funding or if you are planning to appeal to your community or local decision makers for support.
Please take Survey #2 by April 30, 2021.<https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form/f274482c6cf44e299ba02f72f0e8efed> Thank you in advance for taking this survey and making your organization's voice heard in future decision-making regarding COVID-19 recovery.

Share your photos of Oregon's heritage on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter using #oregonheritage.

Oregon Heritage News is a service of Oregon Heritage, a division of the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department. The news editor can be contacted at heritage.info at oregon.gov<mailto:heritage.info at oregon.gov>.

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