[Heritage] Oregon Heritage News 2021-04-22

INFO Heritage * OPRD Heritage.Info at oregon.gov
Thu Apr 22 08:15:55 PDT 2021

Oregon Heritage News 2021-04-22

In this issue:

  *   Networking Opportunities at the Oregon Heritage Summit Next Week
  *   Congratulations to UO's IPRE for being one of OAPA's 2020-2021 Award Winners
  *   Free Webinar: Section 106 - What's in it for my community?
  *   Free Live AIA Event: Portland Building History and Impact, May 11, 4 p.m.
  *   Independent Sector Announces Big Increase in the Value of Volunteer Time
  *   Blog: Autism in Museums: a revolution in the making
  *   2021 'Conversations With Funders And Partners' on April 26 - SOLD OUT...but recording will be available
  *   Governor's Conference on Tourism Announces Opening and Closing Sessions

Networking Opportunities at the Oregon Heritage Summit Next Week
While we can't be together in person this year at the Oregon Heritage Summit - Collaboration is Key, we greatly value the opportunity to informally interact with our peers. We've created a few ways to Network over the two-days of the Summit:
Day 1: April 29

  *   12:00-12:20 Lunchtime Networking: Grab your lunch and join in on a conversation. Once you log in, pick your topic and join in! Someone will be in the room to help keep the conversation flowing in the chat rooms:
     *   Digitization - Ross Fuqua, State Library of Oregon
     *   Disaster Preparedness - Matt Brown, Oregon State Archives
     *   Programming during COVID and in transition to "normal" - Maureen Battistella, Southern Oregon University
     *   Grant funding for capacity - Aili Schreiner, Oregon Cultural Trust
     *   Tourism Talk - Michelle Woodard and Lisa Itel, Travel Oregon
  *   Heritage Excellence Awards will be featured throughout the day. We encourage you to share your congratulations and support in the chat. The final awards will culminate in a Happy Hour/Award Celebration with opportunities to join a chat room in between viewing the last group of awards.
Day 2: April 30

  *   8:00-8:30 Morning Networking: Log in a bit early, settle into your spot, and chat with colleagues. When you log in, choose a room to join and chitchat with other folks in the room. If no one else is there, drop out and join another room! Chat room categories: Coordination, Collaboration, Coalitions, and Networks
Haven't registered? It's not too late. Register Here!<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Pages/Heritage-Summit.aspx#registration> for the 2021 Oregon Heritage Summit - Collaboration is Key

Congratulations to UO's IPRE for being one of OAPA's 2020-2021 Award Winners!
The Oregon Chapter of the American Planning Association's Student Achievement in Planning award went to the Disaster Resilience Planning for Heritage Resources Project, Institute for Policy Research and Engagement, University of Oregon. This project included working with Oregon Heritage, the City of Cottage Grove, and cultural and heritage organizations in Cottage Grove to develop a Disaster Resilience Plan for Heritage Resources (DRHR) in Cottage Grove. This is the first community-wide plan in Oregon to directly address the risks that confront heritage resources. Click Here<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Pages/DisasterPrep.aspx> to see a copy of the report.

Free Webinar: Section 106 - What's in it for my community?
Free webinar for CLG staff and historic preservation commission board members presented by the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001ssuckS25W39cymuQDHsR_4MF_Dyf1QyzV-mrTjggZLkzG3VsvulwyYX2s4fm63djtyEsFrP5lBbrUMX9DNPzfhcC_JCtPZgIC_hWMiO8XtDhntgfKDJCvG_aniJ8_uesmjB_n6p8n0c=&c=wdFFOFwVXkJyTZpNeVuvG6LE3s6G3EU3XIWahu0GIp7Nugw0w1lM8w==&ch=1ojPm7mSThMuSlSvUoueG8AVePLYX8ZXGdnpaVUyvfUa9lJtjuS1gA==> in partnership with the Certified Local Government<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001ssuckS25W39cymuQDHsR_4MF_Dyf1QyzV-mrTjggZLkzG3Vsvulwycj-rTPDgOs6hO79wAhHx6MIErV9DK68io0lEsFOXMoxBqfV0ouarLTgXOOjBY9HIGiy993BSfdv6JOPQalvBixFVy-s8luL8g==&c=wdFFOFwVXkJyTZpNeVuvG6LE3s6G3EU3XIWahu0GIp7Nugw0w1lM8w==&ch=1ojPm7mSThMuSlSvUoueG8AVePLYX8ZXGdnpaVUyvfUa9lJtjuS1gA==> program office in the National Park Service! Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001ssuckS25W39cymuQDHsR_4MF_Dyf1QyzV-mrTjggZLkzG3VsvulwyYX2s4fm63dj0o3i5IYhknjGgFcpk_9R58KfD-thPZvxzIfme0ANFbQaplkikDBDLFi4vBo8sTk6jHLJjMQVy4xAN0rydeZEjO7JYym4WhloCxNVDIrGbbyttRjrvd34td_dFLb-T092lKJh8d8LGUWY_15Q-cuwkl_FwjK3blnImCrE8C7KvN0=&c=wdFFOFwVXkJyTZpNeVuvG6LE3s6G3EU3XIWahu0GIp7Nugw0w1lM8w==&ch=1ojPm7mSThMuSlSvUoueG8AVePLYX8ZXGdnpaVUyvfUa9lJtjuS1gA==> requires federal agencies to consider the effects of their undertakings on historic properties, in consultation with local governments and other stakeholders and with public input. The consultation must happen prior to agency approval of the project, activity, or program, so that consulting parties have an opportunity to influence federal decision making. Staff and historic preservation commission members of Certified Local Governments (CLGs) will benefit from this overview of the Section 106 review process and the roles of consulting parties and the public in such reviews with ACHP's Blythe Semmer, Assistant Director for Special Initiatives and Laura Lavernia, Program Analyst/GSA Liaison.
 When: May 4, 2021 Noon Pacific Time/3:00 PM Eastern Time Click Here<https://achp.zoomgov.com/meeting/register/vJIsfuGtpjsjG8YCJBYAloWAgDrmH7cGkI4> to register

Free Live AIA Event: Portland Building History and Impact, May 11, 4 p.m.
In celebration of the recently completed Portland Building renovation, AIA is hosting a panel discussion featuring representatives from the City of Portland, Michael Graves Architecture and Design and the renovation project team. The panelists will share stories and insights from both the original construction project and the process of restoring and reinvigorating an architectural icon. Just as the Portland Building's inception prompted an international conversation about Postmodern architecture and how we interpret history, so does the re-design engender a conversation about evolving approaches to historic preservation.
For more information and to register Click Here<https://aiau.aia.org/courses/portland-building>

Independent Sector Announces Big Increase in the Value of Volunteer Time
The Independent Sector just shared that the value of a volunteer hour<https://independentsectorupswell.cmail19.com/t/j-l-fqiiky-julijhjdth-y/> has increased 4.9% over the previous year, to a national average of $28.54. The latest value is calculated by the Do Good Institute, based on hourly earnings released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. In addition to the national average, you can explore detailed state level data<https://independentsector.org/value-of-volunteer-time-2021/?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=VOVT%202021%20Release&utm_content=VOVT%202021%20Release+CID_e7ddff2f8627c333eb559e2e46c61485&utm_source=Email%20marketing%20software&utm_term=state-level%20data> to see how volunteer hours can be quantified in your community.

Blog: Autism in Museums: a revolution in the making - Read Here<https://www.aam-us.org/2019/07/16/autism-in-museums-a-revolution-in-the-making/?utm_source=American+Alliance+of+Museums&utm_campaign=e641843428-FieldNotes_2021_April12&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_f06e575db6-e641843428-37243273>
This blog by Claire Madge, founder of the UK-based Autism in Museums, gives an overview of what museums can do, should do, and are doing, to support visitors and staff on the autism spectrum.

2021 'Conversations With Funders And Partners' on April 26 - SOLD OUT
Grant makers offering more than $5 million in funding for FY2022 at the Cultural Trust's 2021 "Conversations with Funders and Partners"<https://www.eventbrite.com/e/oregon-cultural-trust-2021-conversations-with-funders-and-partners-tickets-149961092665> event on Monday, April 26, sold out within hours. However, it will be recorded and available after that date.

Governor's Conference on Tourism Announces Opening and Closing Sessions
Travel Oregon's 2021 Oregon Governor's Conference on Tourism will feature two general sessions to inspire, educate and rebuild the tourism economy: Destination Think's Frank Cuypers will unpack the opportunities that lie ahead on the other side of the pandemic, and Todd Davidson will provide an overview of Travel Oregon's 2021-23 Rebuild Strategic Plan that is built from the expertise and collaboration of Destination Think. To close the conference, a panel of speakers will join Michele Leedom of Clinton Street Consulting as they reflect not only on the impact the pandemic has had on their businesses but also how they have continued to be committed to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in their work.

Share your photos of Oregon's heritage on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter using #oregonheritage.

Oregon Heritage News is a service of Oregon Heritage, a division of the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department. The news editor can be contacted at heritage.info at oregon.gov<mailto:heritage.info at oregon.gov>.

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