[Heritage] Oregon Heritage News 2020-07-16

INFO Heritage * OPRD Heritage.Info at oregon.gov
Fri Jul 16 15:43:06 PDT 2021

Oregon Heritage News 2020-07-16

In this issue:

  *   Grant opportunity for audio preservation
  *   Oregon Humanities COVID-19 Emergency SHARP Grants
  *   NAO Reopening Roundtable Sessions
  *   Lord & Schryver Conservancy seeks Garden Manager
  *   AASLH fall courses open for registration
  *   When was the last time you felt rested?

Grant opportunity for audio preservation

Recordings at Risk Grant Program from CLIR
Deadline: December 15, 2021
Grant Amounts: $10,000 to $50,000

Recordings at Risk (RAR) is a national regranting program administered by the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) to support the preservation of rare and unique audio, audiovisual, and other time-based media of high scholarly value through digital reformatting. The program is generously funded by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

Eligible Grant Activities:
Digitization of at-risk audio and/or audiovisual materials of scholarly value.
Allowable formats include: Open-reel audio tape, compact cassette, lacquer disc, wax cylinder, wire recording, microcassette, digital audio tape, compact disc, and MiniDisc. Video and film formats are also eligible.

Complete CLIR RAR Details and Application Information: https://www.clir.org/recordings-at-risk/

Oregon Humanities COVID-19 Emergency SHARP Grants

Oregon Humanities<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=0019VXWXdL3FbhyIT8n4D3yilJ6uI1it2d4T0c7ezZS-8CoC0Z5X7-sdLSfYOGrUXCHTA0VO_hrTuvXts4XKVYyKhFbcexTE2wD5Fds7RMOiLvL_Bk3zTc7do4ONp40SkIpEFS0STpzW0L7jP6qrXbb6rSlk4txe9gp&c=G_JsZKPk5J5Ar9hbOyIcarQVBZ9i_UlRD5KqrjRfKXBKkfmcuG_1LQ==&ch=lqM4ZF1lTkLEYH6t_lmP51hGTutGZfo3hTewJVroKWatvLsFrgkUzw==> is one of the fifty-four state and jurisdictional humanities councils which received a portion of $51.6 million in emergency relief funding to support local cultural groups and public and educational humanities programming adversely affected by the coronavirus pandemic. Oregon Humanities will award $675,000 in SHARP grants for general operating and project or program support for Oregon nonprofit organizations, federally recognized Native American tribal governments, accredited public and 501(c)(3) institutions of higher education, and state and local government agencies. This grant opportunity is available to humanities-focused organizations; eligible applicants may submit grant applications for up to a $20,000. More information on how to apply can be found here<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=0019VXWXdL3FbhyIT8n4D3yilJ6uI1it2d4T0c7ezZS-8CoC0Z5X7-sdLSfYOGrUXCH2RJ5melUY4AYzPLzktyE1BicI5_cJM1xehf6d6Oq7m7BgsIduRpF-4FsC3K0121dzcvzAFW1qhH0rWoS0pQFpdk6T_o3lL5bhQJ7eJsk3wVbxsgIFHOj3knIBfPPST5f_k1Q2G0izbs=&c=G_JsZKPk5J5Ar9hbOyIcarQVBZ9i_UlRD5KqrjRfKXBKkfmcuG_1LQ==&ch=lqM4ZF1lTkLEYH6t_lmP51hGTutGZfo3hTewJVroKWatvLsFrgkUzw==>.

NAO Reopening Roundtable Sessions

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on our organizations. There is much to consider and plan for as we bring staff back to the office, open our doors once again to the public, meet in-person with donors and funders, and deliver in-person programming. In this two-hour convening hosted by NAO, participants will discuss factors for an effective return to in-person work across three key areas: People & Facilities, Programs & Events, and Outreach & Communications.

Each session will be held in-person from 1 – 3 p.m. For more details and registration information, choose the city closest to you:

July 27 – Corvallis<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=0019VXWXdL3FbhyIT8n4D3yilJ6uI1it2d4T0c7ezZS-8CoC0Z5X7-sdDL0KqY5sOHj4j4jjIYD--L4rwb6AarVZCmrhEsSbal6g5VNY2puk5T4DmPmyC7o-cwFoF4fcxKokdZ_kwIdSQH5BuQk-huOTbjT19MFSEE-q_d2DWwKU4a-jD6kpw0GRAhjUpUJES5-Y7IBKFyXkc7lnQk2UTfkyTann0fQmPWJ&c=G_JsZKPk5J5Ar9hbOyIcarQVBZ9i_UlRD5KqrjRfKXBKkfmcuG_1LQ==&ch=lqM4ZF1lTkLEYH6t_lmP51hGTutGZfo3hTewJVroKWatvLsFrgkUzw==>
July 28 – Portland<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=0019VXWXdL3FbhyIT8n4D3yilJ6uI1it2d4T0c7ezZS-8CoC0Z5X7-sdDL0KqY5sOHjHWTnQYL4bR9t3UMtl98jic3-PKpmkpY614-1NeWmlGzmLdsh67AN59eX1UOoOLFbDXL8LeTtrMcm3GpdLgImUCExBU2iSCcZb1vxqnYtdEEByBiherBGKNRDRO4pwcNyptY60KeqFjbd8A6_EK_hW0PTf1lU6Nn2&c=G_JsZKPk5J5Ar9hbOyIcarQVBZ9i_UlRD5KqrjRfKXBKkfmcuG_1LQ==&ch=lqM4ZF1lTkLEYH6t_lmP51hGTutGZfo3hTewJVroKWatvLsFrgkUzw==>
July 29 – Eugene<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=0019VXWXdL3FbhyIT8n4D3yilJ6uI1it2d4T0c7ezZS-8CoC0Z5X7-sdDL0KqY5sOHjDkuSHUYn-givB0wKqDktWmT_Zs86l-X_FNHn0arZsWPJz8nkr7J6_f_J1wN_VO1neNBJDQH_u84cTlISNmUGVcypAeMgKAwDhvKnjW8tkOes9WWscr3MuV8xDUmZQnDIbHl-QYXaBenbgQvhx2fa2cQtjd3-hetG&c=G_JsZKPk5J5Ar9hbOyIcarQVBZ9i_UlRD5KqrjRfKXBKkfmcuG_1LQ==&ch=lqM4ZF1lTkLEYH6t_lmP51hGTutGZfo3hTewJVroKWatvLsFrgkUzw==>

Lord & Schryver Conservancy seeks Garden Manager

The Lord & Schryver Conservancy seeking a full-time Garden Manager to support our successful organization.
 If your strengths are:

  *   Experience educating, supervising, and assisting volunteers with basic garden tasks.
  *   Demonstrable experience developing and implementing daily, seasonal, and annual work plans, identifying and prioritizing objectives and evaluating results.
  *   Developing positive working relationships with contractors, City Parks directors, directors of other organizations, and committees
  *   Experience preserving, managing and interpreting historic properties and gardens.
  *   Experience with budget planning and grant applications related to horticultural projects.
 And you want to:

  *   Be part of a unique opportunity to engage with the horticulture, design, preservation, and civic improvement communities in the region.
  *   Assume a leadership role in maintaining the historic Gaiety Hollow Garden.​

  *   Review the Garden Manager Job Description
  *   Submit a cover letter and resume with your chronological work history to pam at lordschryver.org.<mailto:pam at lordschryver.org>
  *   References will be required after the first interview for candidates being further considered.
Click here for the full job description.<http://www.lordschryver.org/uploads/2/0/6/5/20654200/jd_garden_manager_2021.pdf>
Click here for flier.<http://www.lordschryver.org/uploads/2/0/6/5/20654200/gm_job_posting_2021.pdf>
Application review begins July 15 and will continue until the position is filled.

AASLH fall courses open for registration

Registration for the fall session of AASLH online courses opened June 1. Working on your Small Museum Pro!<https://458rl1jp.r.us-east-1.awstrack.me/L0/https:%2F%2Flearn.aaslh.org%2Fsmall-museum-pro/1/0100017aab9360d9-68bd1a59-99b9-4e9b-975b-53e207e12fe6-000000/Akd3jQTG0verRb4CIDQFJXLsKd0=227> certificate? They are offering three eligible courses this fall, Collections Management, Developing Exhibitions: Planning, and Museum Education and Outreach. They are also offering Basics of Archives and Financial Structures and Strategy for those looking to boost their archival or financial management skills. The deadline to register for fall is August 16. Register now<https://458rl1jp.r.us-east-1.awstrack.me/L0/https:%2F%2Flearn.aaslh.org%2Fupcoming-events/2/0100017aab9360d9-68bd1a59-99b9-4e9b-975b-53e207e12fe6-000000/r8E3oR_50GdfcxfAxSQJzqDk40M=227>.

When was the last time you felt rested?

The last 16 months have been a grueling race with us all trying to stay one step ahead of the needs of our small businesses, internal teams, and community. Join this conversation to learn about different kinds of rest and how to prioritize taking vacation. Already took your vacation? Come and tell us all about it! Have 10 minutes to learn more about effective rest? Check out this TED talk about the 7 Types of Rest<https://nam02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fyoutu.be%2FZGNN4EPJzGk&data=04%7C01%7CJMcCoy%40preservewa.org%7Cf22f5e0b94864569e9a208d9380217ba%7C7cf212237659429d97bf5a2e4cf63f98%7C0%7C0%7C637602403940931713%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&sdata=xmVqZhZJk89AnKUI5XqwNW6a2BloalWCJB9AFvG63Ak%3D&reserved=0>.

Share your photos of Oregon’s heritage on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter using #oregonheritage.

Oregon Heritage News is a service of Oregon Heritage, a division of the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department. The news editor can be contacted at heritage.info at oregon.gov<mailto:heritage.info at oregon.gov>.

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