[Heritage] Oregon Heritage News 2021-05-06
INFO Heritage * OPRD
Heritage.Info at oregon.gov
Thu May 6 09:23:53 PDT 2021
Oregon Heritage News 2021-05-06
In this issue:
* 31 Ways to Celebrate Historic Preservation Month
* Northwest Archivists' Annual Meeting Keynote Address by Tracy Drake, Reed College Archivist and co-founder of The Blackivists
* National Park Service is hosting a public Q & A about National Register and National Historic Landmarks
* Free On-line Resources
* Travel Oregon's Draft 2021-2023 Strategic Plan & Budget Open for Public Comment
* Now Available: Oregon Cultural Trust's Conversations with Funders & Partners Recordings
* National Preservation Institute On-demand eLearning: Native America 101
31 Ways to Celebrate Historic Preservation Month
Preservation Month began as National Preservation Week in 1973. In 2005, the National Trust extended the celebration to the entire month of May and declared it Preservation Month to provide an even greater opportunity to celebrate the diverse and unique heritage of our country's cities and states. This year, the National Trust is focusing Preservation Month on telling the full American story, offering you a wide variety of ways to discover and save places that showcase the depth and diversity of our nation's history. The 31 ways to celebrate Historic Preservation Month was kicked off with a call to share a place that helps tell a little-known or underrepresented piece of the American story. It could be a place tied to local, national, or even your own family history. NTHP will be highlighting a selection of your places in the coming months, so be sure to use #TellTheFullStory and tag @SavingPlaces on Twitter and Instagram before May 31!#TellTheFullStory on Social Media. Click Here<https://savingplaces.org/stories/celebrate-preservation-month?utm_medium=email&utm_source=general&utm_campaign=preservation%20month#.YJHxsudlBPY> to learn more.
Northwest Archivists' Annual Meeting Keynote Address by Tracy Drake, Reed College Archivist and co-founder of The Blackivists
Her keynote address, titled "We Are Each Other's Business: Archiving with Intention in Ever Changing Times," will highlight the ways archivists, librarians, and curators can contribute to social justice in archival work by practicing an ethics of care, considering environmental concerns, responsibly documenting marginalized communities and showing radical empathy. To learn more about her keynote address, visit our 2021 Keynote Address webpage
NWA Annual Meeting Opening Plenary on Monday, May 10th, at 3pm Pacific. For more information about the annual meeting program and registration, visit https://northwestarchivistsinc.wildapricot.org/AnnualMeeting.
National Park Service is hosting a public Q & A about National Register and National Historic Landmarks
Join free Q/A Sessions with the NPS National Register (NR) and National Historic Landmarks (NHL) Program staff on May 5th at 1:00 pm ET and May 19th at 3:00 pm ET for one hour webinar discussions to talk about important preservation issues that matter to you. These informal discussions are open to all who are interested in historic preservation and who would like to know more about how these programs of the National Park Service can address historic preservation needs in your community. To register: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/rt/5406118768473824271<https://gcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fattendee.gotowebinar.com%2Frt%2F5406118768473824271&data=04%7C01%7CSeth_Tinkham%40nps.gov%7C6ac82daa9900448daf7f08d90bc9b16d%7C0693b5ba4b184d7b9341f32f400a5494%7C0%7C0%7C637553783189559265%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&sdata=t1RsiJxAJFkEQilSEDJOcYrcsmt5pHPp6ymZXgp%2FlVs%3D&reserved=0> After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. For more info: Click Here<https://www.nps.gov/subjects/nationalregister/preservation-month-activities.htm>
Free On-line Resources
Tracy Schwartz, Chair, Salem Historic Landmark Commission, recently shared some of her favorite local, state, and national resources available online and for free:
* The Oregon Historic Photograph Collection (https://www.salemhistory.net/<https://cityofsalem.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=9c537ef0aeb7914e4fe4f6d5c&id=94044734c4&e=d3bb070160>) has historic photos from all across the state, but an emphasis on Salem and the Willamette Valley. My favorites are all the cats that used to occupy the Bush House.
* Oregon Encyclopedia (https://www.oregonencyclopedia.org/<https://cityofsalem.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=9c537ef0aeb7914e4fe4f6d5c&id=a8ef825755&e=d3bb070160>) has short but sweet essays about historic events, people, and places. I have greatly enjoyed the articles on suffrage during Women's History Month.
* For all the news that's fit to print, check out Historic Oregon Newspapers (https://oregonnews.uoregon.edu/<https://cityofsalem.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=9c537ef0aeb7914e4fe4f6d5c&id=722524f078&e=d3bb070160>). There are some great advertisements from back in the day... and some that did not age so well.
* If state politics and legislation is your thing, the Oregon State Archives (https://sos.oregon.gov/archives/Pages/records.aspx<https://cityofsalem.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=9c537ef0aeb7914e4fe4f6d5c&id=ead0a0c320&e=d3bb070160>) is your go to place.
* Nationally, the Library of Congress (https://www.loc.gov/collections/<https://cityofsalem.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=9c537ef0aeb7914e4fe4f6d5c&id=5a19243157&e=d3bb070160>) has a wide variety of collections, including historic photos from the Historic American Building Survey and newspapers in the Chronicling America (https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/<https://cityofsalem.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=9c537ef0aeb7914e4fe4f6d5c&id=0eb3237b85&e=d3bb070160>) collection.
* The Willamette Heritage Center has also gathered a great list of online resources (https://www.willametteheritage.org/whc-research-resources/<https://cityofsalem.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=9c537ef0aeb7914e4fe4f6d5c&id=eb7202daa6&e=d3bb070160>) and digital exhibits (https://www.willametteheritage.org/category/digital-collections/<https://cityofsalem.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=9c537ef0aeb7914e4fe4f6d5c&id=059c70c9d3&e=d3bb070160>).
Travel Oregon's Draft 2021-2023 Strategic Plan & Budget Open for Public Comment
With broad stakeholder input, industry-leading research, a dedicated team of tourism professionals and support from the DMO-specific planning firm, Destination Think, Travel Oregon has developed the Draft 2021-23 Strategic Plan & Budget<https://t.e2ma.net/click/1gdtfg/x162xs/9uhwewb>. The purpose of this plan is to lead and support the rebuilding of Oregon's tourism industry and economic recovery, while balancing priorities in a way that benefits both residents and visitors while laying the foundation for longer-term transformational planning. If you wish to provide public written comment on the plan and budget, please complete this form<https://t.e2ma.net/click/1gdtfg/x162xs/pniwewb> by May 18. The public hearing will take place at the May 11<https://t.e2ma.net/click/1gdtfg/x162xs/5fjwewb> Oregon Tourism Commission meeting.
Now Available: Oregon Cultural Trust's Conversations with Funders & Partners Recordings
Recorded break-out sessions from Monday's Conversations with Funders & Partners are now available for viewing. You can find the links below, on the Trust website<https://culturaltrust.org/blog/events/2021-conversations-with-funders-and-partners-goes-virtual-april-26/>, or by searching on YouTube:
* Oregon Cultural Trust<https://youtu.be/TFGECevSkYI>
* Oregon Arts Commission<https://youtu.be/S9ySq_lkTlY>
* Oregon Heritage<https://youtu.be/HipR5Ik56i8>
* Travel Oregon<https://youtu.be/GJZZdhegUY0>
* Oregon Humanities<https://youtu.be/PC9FNQRSATk>
Our apologies to the Miller Foundation- there was an issue with the recording. Please feel free to reach out directly to Jennifer Allen at jennifer at oregonhumanities.org<mailto:jennifer at oregonhumanities.org>
National Preservation Institute On-demand eLearning: Native America 101
Cultural resource management in the United States often requires basic awareness and some knowledge of indigenous populations. Understand what they are, their differences, and where they are today. Learn some basic history on Native America and examine the legacy of treaties, Indian law, and the unique legal standing of tribes. Consider how stereotypes, cultural appropriation, and the media affect actions and become informed in ways that respect native cultural heritage. Explore how preserving history and culture can be integrated into projects that affect Native American cultural interests. Instructor: Eric Hemenway Click Here<https://training.npi.org/courses/NativeAmerica101> to learn more
Share your photos of Oregon's heritage on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter using #oregonheritage.
Oregon Heritage News is a service of Oregon Heritage, a division of the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department. The news editor can be contacted at heritage.info at oregon.gov<mailto:heritage.info at oregon.gov>.
[New Picture (1)]
Sheri Stuart (she, her, hers) | Oregon Main Street Coordinator
Oregon Heritage, Oregon Parks and Recreation Department
Desk: (503)986-0679 cell: (503)551-3705
725 Summer St NE, Ste C
Salem, Oregon 97301
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