[Heritage] Oregon Heritage News 2020-09-09

INFO Heritage * OPRD Heritage.Info at oregon.gov
Thu Sep 9 12:35:09 PDT 2021

Oregon Heritage News 2020-09-09

In this issue:

  *   Oregon Humanities Online Facilitation Training returns in October
  *   IMLS features Smithsonian Secretary Lonnie Bunch speaking on American Heritage, Culture, and the Humanities, Sept. 15
  *   New webinar series for volunteers working with collections
  *   Check out the Museum Learning Hub for free training resources
  *   Resource alert! Caring for Heritage Collections During the COVID-19 Pandemic
  *   Oregon's Office of Emergency Management asks Oregonians to focus on disaster preparedness
  *   Oregon Wine Country License Plates Matching Grants Applications Due Sept. 15
  *   Latinos in Heritage Conservation launch the Abuelas Project

Oregon Humanities Online Facilitation Training returns in October

Oregon Humanities' facilitation training prepares people to plan and facilitate conversations about vital issues and questions across differences, beliefs, and backgrounds.

The next facilitation training will take place online over three days in October. Read more<https://oregonhumanities.cmail20.com/t/t-l-cjtilyd-adlhklhul-y/>.

IMLS features Smithsonian Secretary Lonnie Bunch speaking on American Heritage, Culture, and the Humanities, Sept. 15

Conversations with Crosby: Smithsonian Secretary Lonnie Bunch on American Heritage, Culture, and the Humanities
Date: Wednesday, September 15
Time: 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. ET

IMLS Director Crosby Kemper will welcome the 14th Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, Lonnie G. Bunch III, to discuss the depth and diversity of American stories, what being a custodian of cultural heritage means today, and how museums and libraries can help strengthen the fabric of our communities at a critical point in the nation's history.

Secretary Bunch previously served as the founding director of the Smithsonian's National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC), an institution with which IMLS shares a unique partnership. NMAAHC and IMLS's Museum Grants for African American History and Culture were both authorized by the National Museum of African American History and Culture Act. Together, they have helped African American museums throughout the U.S. preserve and share the strength and breadth of the African American experience.

This event will be held on GoToWebinar and will be recorded and archived on the IMLS website and YouTube channel.

Learn more and register here<https://www.imls.gov/events/conversations-crosby-smithsonian-secretary-lonnie-bunch-american-heritage-culture>.

New webinar series for volunteers working with collections

CCAHA is excited to announce a free series designed for volunteers who work directly with collections or in collections-focused roles, as well as organizations that run collections-centered volunteer programs.

Whether you are a small museum or library/archive looking to relaunch your volunteer program after a COVID-related closure, or a volunteer curious about what to expect upon returning, the sessions will offer a variety of tips and resources.

Volunteer Here! Returning to Collections Care consists of sessions on consecutive Tuesdays from September 14th- October 5th at 2: 00 PM ET. Each of these brief modules are designed to build upon and work in conjunction with each other, but can also be experienced as individual sessions.

Click here to learn more and register. <https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=0018Dup06Sunfi6Hkpv9s-oz7nYvMIgIKVo5QGkSTssdmMLJmgtZhtAXh7gFmGCuAFM3gurtmlCC7_hg29qrnyw_0TQvsqtFa0fbz7SsElHdlsSJ5fv2X9jfb-SEGC17kN-TW6Tz11lT9Rfsuxq3zxpqvq22HhGgXj7dBpXCTNvwcoFgkgJhCKhYCHszIlP7dmOTuS4GLgMswDIiL-hR0-R2L3EF8sEDcB5&c=ZT4YBOIYhjXCuezvQxg77buSBxqGgIcD_6go2a3Jp9SrowYg1WPwqw==&ch=6nHM5xT6kYIxtwQcYl-YU6deYZhtia2Vi0uYZkQlW23vaPKJL_SB-Q==>

Check out the Museum Learning Hub for free training resources

The Museum Learning Hub is a nationwide initiative organized by the six U.S. regional museum associations<https://museum-hub.org/partners/> and dedicated to providing free, self-paced training resources for small museums. This inaugural series of online trainings and resource toolkits are focused on digital media and technology topics and were made possible by the Institute of Museum and Library Services<https://www.imls.gov/> National Leadership Grant for Museums award MG-248568-OMS-20.

Training modules include:

  *   Virtual Exhibitions
  *   Managing Website Projects
  *   Managing Digitization Projects
  *   Live Streaming
  *   Accessibility and Inclusion
  *   Podcasts

To access the free trainings visit here<https://museum-hub.org/>.

Resource alert! Caring for Heritage Collections During the COVID-19 Pandemic

This Canadian resources has been updated as the pandemic progresses and includes information related to contamination of collections by the COVID-19 virus, disinfection of collection spaces, Dealing with facility closure,
Reopening safely, and more.

Check it out here<https://www.canada.ca/en/conservation-institute/services/conservation-preservation-publications/canadian-conservation-institute-notes/caring-heritage-collections-covid19.html?fbclid=IwAR3WrVd1bNa4nJodEO1fW12-KacwoMQS6MfjeYvvjut69ZQqD6E7XNvXPX4>.

Oregon's Office of Emergency Management asks Oregonians to focus on disaster preparedness

September is National Preparedness Month and Oregon's Office of Emergency Management is asking Oregonians to work on disaster preparedness. Check out this article<https://www.opb.org/article/2021/09/07/oregon-urges-disaster-preparedness/> on why it is important and how to prepare.

For those interested in how to protect heritage resources during community disaster planning visit here<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Pages/DisasterPrep.aspx#CommunityPlanning>.

Latinos in Heritage Conservation launch the Abuelas Project

the Abuelas Project is as a multi-year preservation initiative to collect, curate, and amplify stories about places that matter to Latinx communities in the U.S. and Puerto Rico. Funding from the National Trust for Historic Preservation will support strategic planning efforts through a Texas pilot project (Phase I). Building on recent efforts to conserve Latinx heritage, the digital project as a whole seeks to uncover the social, cultural, and economic connections our communities forge through historic places. It aims to converse with scholarly and technical studies of Latinx history and culture, while elevating everyday voices. It will also encourage intergenerational storytelling using new media, create a clearinghouse for information about Latinx preservation (theme studies, surveys, nominations, etc.), support allied efforts to designate Latinx historic sites, and identify important patterns related to Latinx preservation nationwide.

Learn more here<https://www.latinoheritage.us/abuelasproject>.

Share your photos of Oregon's heritage on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter using #oregonheritage.

Oregon Heritage News is a service of Oregon Heritage, a division of the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department. The news editor can be contacted at heritage.info at oregon.gov<mailto:heritage.info at oregon.gov>.

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