[Heritage] Oregon Heritage News 2022-01-13

INFO Heritage * OPRD Heritage.Info at oprd.oregon.gov
Thu Jan 13 16:08:57 PST 2022

Oregon Heritage News 2022-01-13

In this Issue:

  *   Call for Oregon Heritage Mentors!
  *   Oregon Heritage Ask-a-Mentor Session: Collections Care Basics - February 1, 12-1 p.m.-FREE
  *   It's a New Year- Schedule a Mission & Vision Check-in with Your Board
  *   Learn more about AASLH's self-assessment program, STEPS, Feb. 23
  *   Northeast Document Conservation Center upcoming webinars
  *   Cultural Arts & Culture Coalition of Oregon release priorities for upcoming legislative session
  *   New Resource for Deciding What Digital Resources to Preserve:

Call for Oregon Heritage Mentors!

Oregon Heritage MentorCorps is recruiting mentors! Do you have professional experience in collections care, emergency management, and/or nonprofit management? Do you have an interest in sharing your knowledge with organizations in need?

MentorCorps is specifically looking for mentors with the following skills:

  *   Past Perfect
  *   Collections Care
  *   Digitization
  *   Disaster Preparedness
We are also prioritizing mentors from the following geographic regions to ensure we have coverage of the whole state:

  *   Southern Oregon
  *   Southern Oregon Coast
  *   Central Oregon
  *   Eastern Oregon
All who are interested are encouraged to apply!

Oregon Heritage MentorCorps is a program that matches skilled heritage volunteers with organizations in need of training. For more information, please visit: https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/pages/mentorcorps and click on Apply to be a Mentor<https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form/c307c9d8d0a94cf886f28353e3b4ef5e> to access the online application. Questions and comments can be directed to Beth Dehn at beth.dehn at oprd.oregon.gov<mailto:beth.dehn at oprd.oregon.gov>.

Oregon Heritage Ask-a-Mentor Session: Collections Care Basics - February 1, 12-1 p.m.-FREE

Have you been trying to figure out the best way to store, display, or care for a specific object? Got a question about collections? Still unsure about gloves vs. no gloves?! What the heck is a collections policy and why do you need one? Need some expert advice? Sign-up for our first Ask-a-Mentor session focused on collections care basics. This casual forum will give you a chance to ask Oregon Heritage Mentors your unique collections care questions and learn from other participants on the call. All are welcome to sit in and listen. No question is too basic!

Oregon Heritage MentorCorps<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/pages/mentorcorps> is a statewide network of volunteers trained in collections care, nonprofit administration, project planning, interpretation, and more.

Tuesday, February 1 from 12-1pm
Registration Required: Register Here<https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUsd-2gqT0sGdwaRCqoNZq-D4S9mEFzpzoM>

It's a New Year- Schedule a Mission & Vision Check-in with Your Board

We're always looking for tips to help keep heritage organizations efficient and focused on their mission. Heritage Bulletin 36: Board Agenda<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Documents/HB36_BoardAgendas2.pdf> lays out an easy to adopt an annual discussion schedule to make sure your board is well informed and you're thinking of all that things that need to be addressed within a year. Make sure you have these topics on your calendar!

What better way to kick-off a new year than a mission and vision check-in? Not to change them, but to discuss whether current work is addressing them, find out what in these drive the current board members to be on the board, and re-affirm your commitment to them. This can be a 20-30 minute discussion. Make it upbeat!

Additional mission and vision check-in resources can be found here:

Nonprofit Association of Oregon Mission and Vision Resource List<https://nonprofitoregon.org/pp/purposestrategy#MissionVision>
Board Source: Mission vs Vision<https://boardsource.org/mission-vs-vision-3/>

Learn more about AASLH's self-assessment program, STEPS, Feb. 23

Looking to make changes at your organization this year, but aren't sure where to start? STEPS can help! AASLH's Standards and Excellence Program for History Organizations (STEPS)<https://458rl1jp.r.us-east-1.awstrack.me/L0/https:%2F%2Faaslh.org%2Fprofessional-development%2Fsteps%2F/1/0100017e54edaa35-dec05c1b-0148-49cf-8cca-98818ed7f903-000000/dC9cD6SWO3V502WKpHHgUNOlM4k=253> is a self-study assessment program open to any museum, historical society, historic house, site, or related organization. The program is designed to dovetail the work you are already doing, like caring for your collections, planning exhibits, and working with a board. The STEPS process helps you evaluate this work and identify your strengths and areas for improvement.

Unlike other assessment programs, STEPS does not have an application period nor any deadlines. Enrollment is a one-time fee of $195 (must be an institutional member<https://458rl1jp.r.us-east-1.awstrack.me/L0/https:%2F%2Faaslh.org%2Fmembership%2Finstitutional-membership%2F/1/0100017e54edaa35-dec05c1b-0148-49cf-8cca-98818ed7f903-000000/QibI-nAEiD_Hs0GWKQaaL9sWbvI=253> of AASLH when enrolling).

Want to learn more about the program? Then join us February 23 at 3PM ET for a free webinar, Is Your Organization Ready for Self-Assessment: An Introduction to STEPS<https://458rl1jp.r.us-east-1.awstrack.me/L0/https:%2F%2Flearn.aaslh.org%2Fp%2Fevent-stepsready-2022feb/1/0100017e54edaa35-dec05c1b-0148-49cf-8cca-98818ed7f903-000000/r8SR8L79RfucH7rRJ6RGd8lFd3Q=253>.

Northeast Document Conservation Center upcoming webinars

- DIGITAL DIRECTIONS: Fundamentals of Creating and Managing Digital Collections (Feb 1-3) - reg deadline is Jan 14

- FUNDAMENTALS OF PHOTOGRAPH PRESERVATION (6 sessions, starts Jan 24) - reg deadline is Jan 19


- MOVING AND RENOVATION: COLLECTIONS CONCERNS (2 hrs, Feb 10) - reg deadline is Feb 8

- HISTORY OF THE BOOK AND ITS STRUCTURE (1 hr, Feb 15) - reg deadline is Feb 13

- DIGITIZATION: PLANNING FOR SUCCESS (2 hrs, Feb 17) - reg deadline is Feb 15

- CELEBRATING WITH COLLECTIONS! (Free, 1 hr, Mar 1) - reg deadline is Feb 27

REGISTRATION LINK: https://www.nedcc.org/preservation-training/training-currentlist
QUESTIONS? Contact: mailto:info at nedcc.org
INFO: http://www.nedcc.org --- Paper, photograph, and book conservation; audio preservation; and imaging services.

Cultural Arts & Culture Coalition of Oregon release priorities for upcoming legislative session

Taken from CACO e-news, Jan. 12:

"For this legislative session and the rest of the year, our priorities in 2022 are:

  *   Ensuring 2021 American Rescue Plan Act funding is distributed quickly to the arts and culture sector
  *   Advocating for additional funding support to the sector
  *   Supporting the renewal of special assessments for historic preservation
  *   Addressing construction challenges for cultural capital projects

This handout <https://oregonculture.us12.list-manage.com/track/click?u=fff59ec4bfd2dec5de708c5b2&id=531e291f73&e=841ff2c388> has more details about each of these legislative priorities."

For more information visit https://oregonculture.org/.

New Resource for Deciding What Digital Resources to Preserve

The Canadian Heritage Information Network has created a free digital preservation decision tree to help cultural heritage institutions decide which of their existing digital resources should be preserved for the long term. Learn more<https://458rl1jp.r.us-east-1.awstrack.me/L0/https:%2F%2Fwww.canada.ca%2Fen%2Fheritage-information-network%2Fservices%2Fdigital-preservation%2Fdecision-tree.html/1/0100017e4a1fc65a-076d59ed-7217-42bf-bdc7-2dcb8e7c5717-000000/PAVZICCyBkSQifJwYj3eh8sUDSE=252%20>.


Share your photos of Oregon's heritage on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter using #oregonheritage.

Oregon Heritage News is a service of Oregon Heritage, a division of the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department. The news editor can be contacted at heritage.info at oregon.gov<mailto:heritage.info at oregon.gov>.

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