[Heritage] Oregon Heritage News 2023-12-01
INFO Heritage * OPRD
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Fri Dec 1 22:29:02 PST 2023
Oregon Heritage News 2023-12-01
In this Issue:
* MentorCorps virtual Q&A, Dec. 14, featuring Oregon Digital Newspaper Program
* AFFORDABLE LODGING UPDATE! 2024 Oregon Heritage Conference: Make Space
* Call for Elisabeth Walton Potter Research Award Submissions
* Land Conservation and Development Commission Initiates Rulemaking for Areas of Cultural Significance
* Want to strengthen your museum and meet standards? Join the OMA webinar next week, Dec. 5
* Webinar, Dec. 7: Fostering Good Patron Behavior: A Framework for Staff Training
* Apply for the AASLH 2024 History Leadership Institute Seminar
* American Alliance of Museum launches Voluntary Repatriations, Restitution, and Reparations project
* Latinos in Heritage Conservation - Spring Fellowship opportunities!
* Call for proposals is now open for the 2024 Pacific Northwest History Conference - "History Everywhere, All at Once", Portland, October 18 -19, 2024
* Funding Opportunities for Tourism Projects in Clackamas County
MentorCorps virtual Q&A, Dec. 14, featuring Oregon Digital Newspaper Program
Does your organization have a collection of historical newspapers that you're just not sure what to do with? Oregon Digital Newspaper Program at University of Oregon is committed to providing free online access to historic Oregon newspapers. Our colleagues at the University of Oregon Libraries would like to hear your questions on historic newspapers and digitizing your collections. Join MentorCorps on December 14th at 12PM to ask your questions of the Digital Newspaper Program Coordinator Elizabeth Peterson and Emily Young, Digitization Specialist.
Register for the Q&A session here!<https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYkceGprT8tGdK-BFHvZ43gWAIbF9-jQ3o_>
This Q&A session is hosted by Oregon Heritage's MentorCorps program. MentorCorps is a trained group of volunteers with professional experience in collections care, prioritization, project management, emergency management, non-profit management, and more. This program is supported by the Oregon Heritage Commission.
AFFORDABLE LODGING UPDATE! 2024 Oregon Heritage Conference: Make Space
2024 Oregon Heritage Conference: Make Space
April 17-20, 2024
Forest Grove
The conference is a time for people who share a common passion for Oregon's heritage and history to come together to share insights, understand connections, develop relationships, learn new ways, reinforce the value of the work and leave energized to keep moving forward.
With all of the demands on people including information overload, home life, work tasks and all the things...the conference will be a place to figure out how and why to Make Space.
The way to move Oregon heritage work forward is to Make Space: clear the clutter, set priorities, build relationships, and plan for the time it takes.
Lodging: Very affordable lodging($45/night) is available in Pacific University housing. If you would like this lodging option, register asap as space fills quickly. Visit the Registration & Lodging section of the conference webpage<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Pages/heritageconference.aspx> for details. Additional conference rate lodging will be announced soon.
Schedule: The schedule is coming together, here are a few highlights.
* Workshops
* Planting the Seeds of Preservation, Window Workshops to Engage the Community
* Reflective Conversation: Facilitating Challenging Conversations with Your Board or Staff
* Learn, Land, Love: Rooting History in Care for the Land
* Five Oaks Learning Outing
* Networking Meet-Ups
* Oregon Heritage Excellence Award Banquet
* SHPOlooza
* Oregon Heritage Commission and Oregon Commission on Historic Cemeteries meetings
* And more to come!
Full schedule will be available in January and registration will open in February.
For more information visit the conference webpage<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Pages/heritageconference.aspx> or contact Kuri Gill at kuri.gill at oprd.oregon.gov<mailto:kuri.gill at oprd.oregon.gov> or 503-383-6787.
Land Conservation and Development Commission Initiates Rulemaking for Areas of Cultural Significance
On November 2, 2023, the Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC) directed Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) staff to begin rulemaking for Goal 5 cultural areas. While statewide land use planning Goal 5 lists cultural areas as important resources in Oregon, Oregon Administrative Rules currently do not provide specific direction of how to consider these types of areas in Oregon communities.
"This is long overdue" said LCDC Commissioner Gerard Sandoval at the November 2 hearing where commissioners voted to initiate the rulemaking.
The commission's charge directed staff to work with Rules Advisory Committee (RAC) members to develop a definition for this resource category, and to develop recommendations to identify, avoid, preserve or mitigate impacts from development to significant resource sites. A new division 23 rule will work in tandem with existing state laws protecting archaeological objects and sites.
DLCD is currently recruiting members for a RAC to advise agency staff in drafting recommended rules. Staff expect the RAC to meet four to five times in three-hour meetings during 2024.
DLCD also plans to convene a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC). The TAC will advise DLCD staff on laws and rules governing the treatment of archaeological sites and systems for preserving the confidentiality of known sites.
DLCD is currently accepting applications from interested Oregonians to serve on the Goal 5 Cultural Areas RAC or TAC. Applications will be accepted through midnight on December 22, 2023.
Apply to serve on Goal 5 Cultural Areas RAC or TAC.<https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Goal5_RAC_Application?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery>
For more information on the charge to the RAC, please see information on DLCD's website here. RAC and TAC meeting summaries will be posted on the project webpage.
Stay Informed
LCDC will hold a public hearing when the RAC presents a recommended draft for consideration.
For substantive questions about the rulemaking, or if you are interested in being interviewed as a stakeholder, please contact Natural Resources Specialist Amanda Punton at amanda.punton at dlcd.oregon.gov or phone at 971-718-3245.
Sign up for GovDelivery notifications on this topic.
Oregon Heritage note: Considerations for heritage interests and involvements:
* This is a critical tool to recognize and protect cultural areas at the local level.
* It is an opportunity to participate in developing the definition of a cultural area used for this purpose. A cultural area doesn't require a building or an archaeological site, but a place were there has been an ongoing cultural practice. The National Park Service provides definitions for Traditional Cultural Properties<https://www.nps.gov/subjects/nationalregister/update-of-national-register-bulletin-38-guidelines-for-evaluating-and-documenting-traditional-cultural-properties.htm>, but the state can further define a cultural area through this process. For example, a annual material gathering site for basket making, a traditional baptism location, the site of an ongoing community tradition.
* To ensure the process includes the variety cultural groups and practices in Oregon.
* For Certified Local Government program participants, this will impact your preservation program.
Want to strengthen your museum and meet standards? Join the OMA webinar next week, Dec. 5
Recalculating, recalculating... Using the Museum Assessment Program (MAP) as your museum's GPS on the road to excellence
Tuesday, December 5, 11 am - 12:30 pm
Thinking about applying for the Museum Assessment Program<https://www.oregonmuseums.org/EmailTracker/LinkTracker.ashx?linkAndRecipientCode=hPta6TdkoWQAilPrb6U6cvCVvdbkhkBXjMlsgICjTXhkBFmItyyYyO9aViHfbFxw0JrpN5THGsY14uuutM%2bkVbW33AeCHPyoZBcG7b7CKSY%3d> (MAP) from American Alliance of Museums? MAP is a year-long process of self-assessment activities, a peer reviewer site visit and a final assessment report with prioritized recommendations. This webinar provides space for Oregon museums to ask the questions you want and get into the nitty gritty of the application and the process with Brianne Roth, Program Officer for MAP.
Find out more<https://www.oregonmuseums.org/EmailTracker/LinkTracker.ashx?linkAndRecipientCode=nCog7LMnbpj8SGNknSvyblit8%2bxs8Bzvn31gZ1rmnRMGVgGDQSHeWgI%2bKDecJ07IDGsIONiLGvxydr35bi6yot9DEm4v3NK%2f66vOWsSH7D4%3d>.
Webinar, Dec. 7: Fostering Good Patron Behavior: A Framework for Staff Training
*Oregon Heritage note: although this announcement is library focused, Oregon Heritage staff contacted the facilitators and established that this webinar is very open to cross-polination of fields that have similar challenges with patron behaviors.
Fostering Good Patron Behavior: A Framework for Staff Training
Thursday, December 7th, 11:00am-12:00pm
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89582797958?pwd=SXU2dy9zYVl6clVPVVBPZzJkMXU4Zz09
We are pleased to invite you to join a Staff Training Round Table session with Holly Freewynn from Multnomah County Library. She will share training approaches that support staff in addressing patron behaviors that can be challenging. Since public libraries welcome everyone, staff often encounter patrons who have other-than-library needs. We will explore how we can prepare staff to encounter patrons who are in crisis. There will be time near the end for questions and sharing.
Apply for the AASLH 2024 History Leadership Institute Seminar
Applications for the 2024 seminar are being accepted through December 31. The seminar is a leadership development opportunity and a think-tank of changemakers. You'll be part of a group that will investigate and come up with solutions to pressing issues facing history organizations. In the process, you'll discover your values and how you can use them to lead from wherever you are in your organization or career. Learn more and apply.<https://458rl1jp.r.us-east-1.awstrack.me/L0/https:%2F%2Faaslh.org%2Fprofessional-development%2Fhistory-leadership%2F/1/0100018c16dc7e44-83619736-9071-4fe6-8b73-5cbc3dc2d4db-000000/6BmxxYc3wHmzio-w0tawk3QIFwQ=350>
American Alliance of Museum launches Voluntary Repatriations, Restitution, and Reparations project
The American Alliance of Museums (AAM) has launched the Voluntary Repatriation, Restitution, and Reparations project to explore recent developments surrounding the ownership and control of museum collections.
Stage 1 of the project documents the trends and events that have created the current state of museum practice in the report, The First Horizon: Understanding the State of Voluntary Repatriation, Restitution, and Reparations Today. Download your free copy and use the report's worksheet to begin framing your thoughts on the evolution of museum practice.
Download report here.<https://www.aam-us.org/programs/about-aam/the-next-horizon-of-museum-practice-voluntary-repatriation-restitution-and-reparations/>
Latinos in Heritage Conservation - Spring Fellowship opportunities!
Latinos in Heritage Conservation<https://www.latinoheritage.us/> (LHC) is the only national organization dedicated to conserving Latinx historic sites and culture across the United States. One of the major ventures we are undertaking is creating the first ever Latinx Preservation Advocacy Toolkit. To help establish this community resource, and we are looking for qualified and passionate graduate students (master's or PhD) to support this endeavor.
LHC announced the posting of TWO <https://www.latinoheritage.us/fellowships> paid GIS graduate fellowship positions<https://www.latinoheritage.us/fellowships>. Register for the virtual fellowship information session on Wednesday, December 13th at 12:00 pm CT to learn more about the fellowships and LHC. Register here<https://www.eventbrite.com/e/spring-2024-fellowship-information-session-tickets-749432842807?aff=oddtdtcreator>.
Call for proposals is now open for the 2024 Pacific Northwest History Conference - "History Everywhere, All at Once", Portland, October 18 -19, 2024.
The call for proposals is now open for the 2024 Pacific Northwest History Conference - "History Everywhere, All at Once<https://www.ohs.org/events/2024-pacific-northwest-history-conference.cfm>" - which will take place in Portland on October 18 and 19, 2024.
The program committee is working to organize a conference that recognizes the challenges faced by the historic events of recent years while creating a space for participants and attendees to share how they are using regional history to make meaning of, or to escape from, the present - and to imagine the future. They are asking people to consider: How has historical work made you feel more connected to other people? How has it helped you understand current events? How has it inspired you to envision a hopeful future? How has it given you insights about challenges, solutions, and resilience? How has it made you joyful?
The program committee seeks proposals in the format of panel discussions or roundtables, academic presentations, or workshops for educators or other practitioners. Proposals are due by January 5, 2024.
More information and the online proposal form are available on the page linked above, and you can contact Eliza Canty-Jones (eliza.canty-jones at ohs.org<mailto:eliza.canty-jones at ohs.org>) with questions. The conference is also seeking sponsors; information and sponsorship levels are available here<https://www.ohs.org/events/upload/PNW-History-Conference-Sponsorship-Packet.pdf>.
Funding Opportunities for Tourism Projects in Clackamas County
Mt. Hood Territory will open its Strategic Investment Program the beginning of January. The application process will be open through 1/31. The intent of this program is to provide funding for visitor-facing tourism projects that demonstrate an ability to: Support Asset Recovery & Resiliency; Enhance Tourism Assets & Experiences; Improve Accessibility; Promote Alternative Modes of Transportation; or Expand Visitation to New & Underserved Audiences.
$700,000 in funding will be available this cycle. The minimum level of requests that will be considered is $25,000, with no maximum limit. Partnerships and matching funds are not required, but will factor into evaluations. If your request is under $25,000, please contact Jim Austin at jim at mthoodterritory.com<mailto:jim at mthoodterritory.com>.
Eligible applicants include non-profit organizations, federally recognized tribal entities, cities, counties, special districts, and state and federal agencies.
Three informational webinars for this funding opportunity have been scheduled. Registration is required:
Wednesday 12/20
Register Here for 12/20<https://mthoodterritory.cmail19.com/t/t-l-vdrskl-zhrjtiun-y/>
Thursday 1/4
Register Here for 1/4<https://mthoodterritory.cmail19.com/t/t-l-vdrskl-zhrjtiun-j/>
Tuesday 1/9
Register Here for 1/9<https://mthoodterritory.cmail19.com/t/t-l-vdrskl-zhrjtiun-t/>
More information about this program can be found on Mt. Hood Territory's Funding Opportunities<https://mthoodterritory.cmail19.com/t/t-l-vdrskl-zhrjtiun-i/> page. Please contact Jim Austin at jim at mthoodterrtory.com<mailto:jim at mthoodterrtory.com> if you have questions.
Follow us on Facebook at @oregonheritage, on LinkedIn<https://www.linkedin.com/company/oregon-parks-and-recreation-department/>, on the Oregon Heritage Exchange blog<https://oregonheritage.wordpress.com/>.
Oregon Heritage News is a service of Oregon Heritage, a division of the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department that includes the State Historic Preservation Office. Learn more about our programs at www.oregonheritage.org. The news editor can be contacted at heritage.info at oprd.oregon.gov<mailto:heritage.info at oprd.oregon.gov>.
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