[Heritage] Oregon Heritage News 2024-06-06
INFO Heritage * OPRD
Heritage.Info at oprd.oregon.gov
Thu Jun 6 08:17:47 PDT 2024
Oregon Heritage News 2024-06-06
In this Issue:
* Oregon Heritage/SHPO staff update
* Historic cemeteries commission awards grants to multiple projects
* Oregon Heritage Commission awards grants to museum projects
* Catch up with recent posts on the Oregon Heritage Exchange Blog
* Oregon Heritage MentorCorps Virtual Q&A, July 12: Collecting & Caring for Militaria Q&A
* Military related heritage preservation resources
* Webinar: Insuring Historic Properties, July 16
* National Humanities Alliance Releases Impact Study
* Main Street America Blog: How to Rehabilitate a Historic Building
* ATALM receives $1.55 million to support the Going Home Fund: Returning Material Culture to Native Communities
* State Library of Oregon awards 2024 LSTA grants
* UO Museum of Natural and Cultural History (MNCH) Hiring NAGPRA Program Specialist
* Portland State University launches new Cultural Resources Management Certificate program
Oregon Heritage/SHPO staff update
Robert Olguin, the National Register of Historic Places Program Coordinator, is the successful candidate for the Cultural Resource Analyst position in our office and will start his new role on July 1st. Review and compliance submissions should continue to go through the Go Digital system and will be assigned to available staff.
Kirsten Lopez and Aspen Kemmerlin have joined Oregon Heritage/SHPO staff as archaeology reviewers.
To see staff/program contacts, visit https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Pages/Staff-Directory.aspx
Historic cemeteries commission awards grants to multiple projects
Oregon Commission on Historic Cemeteries (OCHC) has awarded $60,556 in grants to 11 historic cemetery projects throughout the state through the Historic Cemeteries Grant program. The funds will help support preservation efforts, tree care and access. Individual award amounts ranged from $2,500 - $10,900.
Funded projects:
* Gate installation and marker repair at the Antelope Cemetery in Wasco County.
* Ground Penetrating Radar interpretation and organizational structuring for Blue Mountain Kees Cemetery in Umatilla County.
* Monument repair at the Lebanon Pioneer Cemetery in Linn County.
* Monument repair at the IOOF Eastwood Cemetery in Medford.
* Install a fence at the Shelton Jordan Cemetery in Linn County.
* Monument repair at Lee Mission Cemetery in Salem.
* Trim trees and remove dead trees at Logtown Cemetery in Jackson County.
* Repair monuments and hold a marker cleaning workshop at Luper Cemetery in Lane County.
* Complete land survey at North Powder Cemetery in Union County.
* Remove hazard trees at Phoenix Pioneer Cemetery in Jackson County.
* Repair monuments at Rock Creek Cemetery in Clackamas County.
Historic cemeteries are documented by OCHC and must include the burial of at least one person who died 75 years before the current date.
The historic cemetery grant program is offered annually by the OCHC, part of the Oregon Heritage Program at Oregon Parks and Recreation Department (OPRD). The grant program is supported by lottery and other funds.
OCHC maintains a list of all pioneer and historic cemeteries in the state. The seven-member appointed commission helps people and organizations document, preserve and promote designated historic cemeteries statewide.
For more information about the grant program or the OCHC, visit www.oregonheritage.org<http://www.oregonheritage.org/> or contact Kuri Gill at Kuri.gill at oprd.oregon.gov<mailto:Kuri.gill at oprd.oregon.gov> or 503-986-0685.
Oregon Heritage Commission awards grants to museum projects
The Oregon Heritage Commission has awarded $75,031 in grants to 15 museums throughout the state as part of the Oregon Museum Grant<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Pages/Grants.aspx> program. The grants will help fund a variety of projects including collection preservation, interpretation, and heritage tourism. Award amounts ranged from $1,052 - $8,000.
Funded projects:
* Benton County Historical Society, in Philomath, to complete the ADA assessment phase of the museum master plan.
* Update the interpretation of Native American history in the permanent exhibit at the Cannon Beach History Center.
* Replace the roof of the Sumpter Museum in Baker County.
* Digitize and make accessible through the University of Oregon Digital Newspaper Program the Willamina newspapers (1909-1972) and establish a museum research desk at the Willamina Museum in Yamhill County.
* Preserve documents, scrapbooks, photos, and artifacts related to Patricia Whiting, who was the first Filipina to serve in the Oregon House of Representatives, housed at Five Oaks Museum in Washington County.
* Organize the collection storage area at the Cascade Locks Historical Museum in Hood River County.
* Provide a shared presentation system housed at the Gold Hill Historical Society Museum, including a speakers bureau and equipment for five participating museums in Jackson County.
* Rehouse, assess damage, and update records for 75 historic textiles that were impacted by sprinkler water during a building fire at Gresham Historical Society.
* Collect oral histories and create a video about the Portland Greek Festival in Portland.
* Purchase storage materials and rehouse the quilt and textile collections at Jacknife-Zion-Horseheaven Historical Society.
* Provide access to oral histories, archival documents and photos through an interactive touch screen at Keizer Heritage Foundation.
* Conduct the mechanical restoration of a 1914 LaFrance Pumper Truck at the Oregon Fire Service Museum, Memorial & Learning Center in Marion County.
* Purchase and organize appropriate storage containers for textile collection pieces at the Shelton McMurphy Johnson House in Eugene.
* Scan and associate with the catalog records of about 50% of the Deeds of Gift to the Southern Oregon Historical Society collection.
* Purchase a 3-D relief map of the "Wallowa Country" which includes traditional Wallowa band Nez Perce homelands and present-day Wallowa County for the Wallowa History Center.
The museum grant program is offered annually by the Oregon Heritage Commission, part of the Oregon Heritage program at Oregon Parks and Recreation Department (OPRD). The grant program began in 1965 when only 24 organizations were eligible for the program. The grant is funded OPRD lottery dollars.
The Oregon Heritage Commission works to secure, sustain and enhance Oregon's heritage. The Commission sponsors heritage initiatives that educate the public about the value of heritage and celebrate the state's diversity.
The Oregon Heritage Commission consists of nine members appointed by the governor and nine agency advisors. Members are chosen from state agencies and statewide organizations, and represent a diverse geographical and heritage background.
To learn more about the Oregon Museum Grant visit www.oregonheritage.org<http://www.oregonheritage.org/> or contact Kuri Gill at Kuri.gill at oprd.oregon.gov<mailto:Kuri.gill at oprd.oregon.gov> or 503-986-0685.
Catch up with recent posts on the Oregon Heritage Exchange Blog
>From "Blue Loo" to Beautiful Bathrooms and Beyond
This post takes a unique introspective (and comedic) peek into the years long restoration effort of the North Bend Liberty Theater. In celebration of Preservation Month, this story features a cross-section of services and support offered by Oregon Heritage! When you combine Main Street, the National Register, and Oregon Heritage Excellence Awards all in one - you know it aught to be good, with a few lessons learned thrown in along the way. Read More<https://oregonheritage.wordpress.com/2024/05/22/from-blue-loo-to-beautiful-bathroomsand-beyond>.
Purple Tile Project
"If you've ever walked the streets of downtown Astoria, chances are you may have walked directly on a piece, or many pieces, of history." Grids of purple glass tiles interrupt Astoria's sidewalks, harkening back to a time before electricity illuminated cities and creative solutions for underground lighting was needed. This blog highlights the ongoing preservation project to restore these tiles that help define Astoria's character. Collaborators on this project include several Oregon Heritage programs like Astoria's Main Street organization, city partners through the Certified Local Government program, as well as including local artists, business owners, and craftspeople. Read More<https://oregonheritage.wordpress.com/?p=4869>.
Oregon Heritage MentorCorps Virtual Q&A, July 12: Collecting & Caring for Militaria Q&A
June 12, 2024, 12:00PM
Register at this link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcuceyoqDgtH9DL_9fremBer7qr6CQOTQy4
Collecting military memorabilia is extremely common, as military service is a nearly universal story throughout American communities. Highlighting servicemembers and significant military stories in your community comes with considerations for managing these sensitive collections. From things that go boom, to motor vehicles and heavy equipment, from sentimental textiles to letters from the front - caring for collections of militaria can be varied, vastly different, and comes with many questions. Thankfully we've got a Mentor you can ask. Join Kathleen Sligar of the Oregon Military Museum for an open Q&A session about managing military collections.
Military related heritage preservation resources
May was not only Preservation Month, but is also Military Appreciation Month. With that in mind, we thought we'd share some resources on the topic of militaria.
* Got questions? Join mentor and Oregon Military Museum curator Kathleen Sligar for a Q&A on Best Practices for Care of Military Memorabilia<https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcuceyoqDgtH9DL_9fremBer7qr6CQOTQy4> | June 12th at 12pm
* Have uniforms in your collection? Proper textiles care<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Documents/HB20_Caring_for_Textiles_Cleaning_and_Garment_Hanging.pdf> will help preserve them for future generations to admire.
* Cemetery markers often signify military contributions through symbology - need a refresher on what the symbols mean<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Documents/HB07_Cemetery_Symbols.pdf>?
* Cemetery markers also share a bit of that person's military story. It's important to preserve those markers<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Documents/HB03_How_to_Clean_Markers.pdf> and follow the Commission on Historic Cemeteries guidance when considering marker replacement.<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Documents/OCHCPPMarkerReplace.pdf>
* Looking to commemorate veterans or military service in your community. We have a Veterans' and War Memorials<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/oh/pages/grants.aspx?#eleven> grant program that can support you.
Webinar: Insuring Historic Properties, July 16
Join the National Trust's Government Relations and Policy team as we host a webinar with key leaders from the insurance, non-profit, and state historic preservation regulatory sectors about what you need to know about the state of the insurance industry today, what is driving up costs, and what you may be able to do about it.
Register here.<https://savingplaces-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/8417164986372/WN_F317-k75RQum8BHyAxIBfg#/registration>
National Humanities Alliance Releases Impact Study
Community Case Studies: How the Humanities Enrich Community Life showcases the public value of the humanities, illustrating how humanities work helps us preserve and celebrate our histories, address injustice, and build bridges and understanding between different community groups. It is meant as a resource for advocates to showcase what the humanities can make possible in a community. Read the case studies.<https://u83566.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=u001.fPlwW909gMxHjQq3eSrnZndlJ0-2BFoH8fH1dR1DNxyLkV7S6hQjtuKuBgx1Od1zbPVgz7WGRGGO9t-2BDddXi3B8pui3kpIxP3zgw8V9hEaspA-3DJZ5__dQQJK-2Bh2VwYZPbMqkB87WMSaHSrB2Cpyat6DlFx8xgmqbu3irjtssH68i2Qnpd-2Ftibq35njLfGe1RP0eD19dmbA9cViCftexRTalgOeEnBB2M8EWTMPOKM4mmiUdrj7gzn7EERipiYyurokROjDYLrUR2v7C4WjwkIg6lCr-2FX7c1hWdG-2BLy9fosKOKhmiJKRq8PmmTgKEvcxxhcZLaVdLFrIiCqGMQ7ClnM74VdmnnvUysQ846y2hwYomvlM3ICOSSVlkHOspW-2BUn55CI24l-2FuYpaOoDbtMXxCRDIhorvVOzIY2obVJaf6khVR-2FgycaQTiP7aVNGvcZSCiTnmV4u-2FlJMlFbYClwHkx8Ic1WOFHPex7zpCNhQ3bPCYWWYGNyKYAZ-2Fz-2B4QyoXcbQyQD9SZvkeuSimfLZ07MUl4w3-2BpuALMCdU2od2wlILiqTeRzUzE3qaJ4S0962aXg-2BQoEW4Ysu5Iaahkk1XCeK0Jcou0woo4vpzXHhIHiUHGbBZJEZIudknUK41SF-2BO0PAno86rsMaEwHXRu9EJBhthwpfijEB-2BC639rtO2ox-2FmK2j44OcWGHZjs1vsFum3fWiAIyTIPNiY0k4JE5zLu05bAiDwbNvywjH-2FIgmLZA9hwfXbqIFQ9os5mAtaTJ2kUE1z5fKLjkGodXBgWQwoyvQ1f1MfZgmc-3D>
Main Street America Blog: How to Rehabilitate a Historic Building
Historic structures are important features of Main Street districts: they provide huge economic, placemaking, and cultural preservation benefits. Rehabilitation projects are important endeavors for Main Street programs, but they can also be daunting, requiring technical expertise, fundraising, and management. In this Main Spotlight, Becky Axilbund, Executive Director at Main Street Middletown, MD Inc.<https://mainstreet.us13.list-manage.com/track/click?u=881199cb2d0b2894c01ba06c1&id=a280981a76&e=0e501fd357>, shares lessons learned from their renovation of two downtown buildings. She explores strategies for identifying opportunities, fundraising and budgeting, communicating with partners, and more. If you are considering your own rehabilitation project, her insights will provide a helpful guidance for a successful project. Read more.<https://mainstreet.org/the-latest/news/main-spotlight-how-to-rehabilitate-an-historic-building?mc_cid=e92bf097a6&mc_eid=0e501fd357>
ATALM receives $1.55 million to support the Going Home Fund: Returning Material Culture to Native Communities
To help Indigenous communities worldwide recover cultural materials, the Association of Tribal Archives, Libraries, and Museums (ATALM) launched the "Going Home Fund: Returning Material Culture to Native Communities" in 2023 with support from the Andrew Mellon Foundation. The program has now received $1.55 million in funding to ensure the preservation and continuity of cultural heritage.
contributions from funders:
* $1.25 million from the Andrew Mellon Foundation for general project support over a five-year period;
* $250,000 from the Henry Luce Foundation to support international repatriation efforts; and
* $50,000 from the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians to support returns within California.
Indigenous communities may request financial and technical support through the Going Home Fund to facilitate the return or long-term loan of materials. Additionally, individual donors and collecting institutions may request funds to assist in the return of items.
To learn more about the Fund, seek support or return items, view items available for return, volunteer, or make a financial contribution, visit the Going Home Fund website<https://atalm.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=1b5fd0b3926b2a0236f0325a1&id=89ecc0eb48&e=c63c6f579f>.
State Library of Oregon awards 2024 LSTA grants
Libraries and institutions across Oregon are receiving over $820,000 from the State Library of Oregon thanks to the federally-funded Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) Program<https://www.oregon.gov/Library/libraries/Pages/LSTA.aspx>, administered on the national level by the Institute of Museum and Library Services' Grants to States Program.
* 17 organizations are receiving funds through the competitive grants program<https://libguides.osl.state.or.us/lstagrants/competitive>. Projects include makerspaces, large library software migrations, digital heritage projects, academic tutoring for underserved communities, and more.
* 19 libraries are hiring teen interns,<https://libguides.osl.state.or.us/lstagrants/teeninterns> who will develop and lead a connected learning project <https://clalliance.org/about-connected-learning/> that matches their interests and abilities.
* 9 libraries will enhance connectivity and implement digital inclusion programs and services in their community.
* 6 statewide programs continue to have LSTA support: Libros for Oregon<https://www.librosfororegon.org/>, Oregon Battle of the Books<https://www.oregonbattleofthebooks.org/> (OBOB), Oregon Digital Library Consortium<https://library2go.overdrive.com/> (ODLC), Oregon School Library Information System<https://oslis.org/>(OSLIS), Overdue: Weeding Out Oppression in Libraries<https://www.buzzsprout.com/1948067> podcast, and the Sage Library System<https://sagelib.org/> courier.
A complete list of grant recipients can be found on our Grant Awards<https://libguides.osl.state.or.us/lstagrants/awards> page.
UO Museum of Natural and Cultural History (MNCH) Hiring NAGPRA Program Specialist
The Museum of Natural and Cultural History is hiring a new NAGPRA Program Specialist, Anthropological Collections<https://careers.uoregon.edu/en-us/job/533894/nagpra-program-specialist-anthropological-collections> position. Application review begins June 24, 2024.
We encourage interested applicants to apply, even if they are unsure whether they meet the preferred qualifications. Applicants can use their cover letter to let us know what excites them about the role and what transferable skills or other qualities they would bring.
If you could share the position announcement among your network, we would really appreciate it!
Portland State University launches new Cultural Resources Management Certificate program
Portland State University's Cultural Resource Management Certificate offers:
* Two tracks to tailor the certificate to your interests and strengths
* Hands-on coursework and opportunities for fieldwork
* Community-based learning experiences with Tribes, governmental agencies and private firms
For more info go to: https://www.pdx.edu/anthropology/cultural-resources-management-heritage
Follow us on Facebook at @oregonheritage, on LinkedIn<https://www.linkedin.com/company/oregon-parks-and-recreation-department/>, on the Oregon Heritage Exchange blog<https://oregonheritage.wordpress.com/>.
Oregon Heritage News is a service of Oregon Heritage, a division of the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department that includes the State Historic Preservation Office. Learn more about our programs at www.oregonheritage.org<http://www.oregonheritage.org/>. The news editor can be contacted at heritage.info at oprd.oregon.gov<mailto:heritage.info at oprd.oregon.gov>.
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