[Heritage] Oregon Heritage News 2024-11-01
INFO Heritage * OPRD
Heritage.Info at oprd.oregon.gov
Fri Nov 1 14:09:47 PDT 2024
Oregon Heritage News 2024-11-01
In this Issue:
* Women's history study kicks off effort to recognize related historic places
* 2024 Oregon Heritage Fall Workshop Series: Collections Assessments & Care Basics, Nov. 5 & Nov. 12
* Preservation Assistance Grants for Smaller Institutions
* Sustaining Cultural Heritage Collections grant
* Recent Changes to Federal Grantmaking Rules
* AAM Future Chat: Diving into Museum Data, Nov. 14
* SOLVE supports historic cemeteries spring cleanup events
* Archaeology Roadshow event in The Dalles, Nov. 23
* Oregon’s Higher Education Coordinating Committee (HECC) Adopts Strategic Plan to Improve Positive Impacts for Individuals, Communities, and the Economy
* Bonneville Power Administration seeks up to 5 archaeologists
Women's history study kicks off effort to recognize related historic places
The Oregon State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) has released Oregon Women’s Labor History: A Historic Context Statement 1903-1990. The document, which can be found at www.oregonheritage.org<http://www.oregonheritage.org/> , is the initial product of a larger effort to prepare and submit a Multiple Property Documentation Form (MPDF) for listing in the National Register of Historic Places to encourage future National Register nominations for properties related to women’s history.
People and organizations have been researching and documenting women’s histories in Oregon for decades; there is a lot of history to cover. Many historians and organizations like the Oregon Women’s History Consortium have moved this topic forward and efforts to commemorate the women’s suffrage anniversaries highlighted meaningful stories across the state. But it is “way past time,” notes deputy state historic preservation officer Chrissy Curran, “to specifically recognize the special places associated with the other fifty percent of the state’s population.”
One document cannot sufficiently capture the complexities and diversity of Oregon women’s experiences, or the places associated with those experiences. The SHPO contracted with Northwest Vernacular, Inc. and SJM Cultural Resource Services to study how this topic has been approached in other states, conduct a literature review, and identify already documented historic places in Oregon, with the goal of finding a way to narrow the broad topic of women’s history into a useful final tool. The resulting plan uses themes to phase the project, and the theme of women’s labor history was selected to launch the effort.
Oregon Women’s Labor History: A Historic Context Statement 1903-1990 includes a draft context of the theme, a methodology summary, and recommendations for next steps required to complete an MPDF. This document is a fascinating compilation of history that reaches all areas of the state and represents the diverse experience of, and the properties associated with, Oregon women through labor law and practice between 1903-1990.
The SHPO has been developing and supporting efforts to diversify the types of properties listed in Oregon’s National Register. Recent work includes the funding of documentation and nomination of properties to the National Register associated with the history of Black and LGBTQIA+ communities in Portland, the funding and promotion of the Oregon Chinese Diaspora Project’s efforts to document and designate related properties, and the coordination with partners to list a statewide MPDF about African American history to support future nominations. These efforts align with the new 2024-2033 Oregon Historic Preservation Plan and the 2020-2025 Oregon Heritage Plan.
Oregon Heritage, a division of Oregon Parks and Recreation Department (OPRD), includes the Oregon State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO). The Oregon SHPO locally administers National Park Service (NPS) programs created by the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended, including the identification and designation of historic properties and archaeological sites; tax and grant programs; and the Certified Local Government Program (CLG), a partnership program between local jurisdictions and the state and federal government. The SHPO office is funded in part through a grant from NPS. The SHPO also coordinates closely with other Oregon Heritage programs, including the Oregon Heritage Commission and Oregon Main Street, Oregon Commission on Historic Cemeteries, and various grant and technical assistance programs. SHPO is also guided by the Oregon Heritage Plan<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Documents/2020_Oregon_Heritage_Plan.pdf> and the mission and goals of OPRD.
To learn more about the Oregon SHPO and Oregon Heritage programs, visit www.oregonheritage.org<http://www.oregonheritage.org/>.
2024 Oregon Heritage Fall Workshop Series: Collections Assessments & Care Basics, Nov. 5 & Nov. 12
Whether you're a small collecting institution just getting started with managing your collection, or a well seasoned museum professional just looking for a refresher, this workshop is for you. Dedicated members of the Oregon Heritage MentorCorps team join together to present content that reflects basic core skills and principles of museum operation. Learning how to correctly assess your collection, and then caring for the contents is key to successful stewardship of history and strong maintenance of public trust for your institution. This workshop will share resources for how to conduct an assessment, how to tie that assessment into larger strategic planning efforts, and how to move from assessment to triage and basic care and maintenance.
Each of these sessions offered will contain the same content, with the primary difference being in presenters, presenter backgrounds, and presenting styles.
These workshops are free!
November 5th, 2024 | 9AM to 12PM
Location: Virtual, Zoom platform
Presenters: Sarah Cantor, Heritage Center Director at Sisters of Holy Names of Jesus & Mary; Lauren Drury, Archivist at Sisters of Holy Names of Jesus & Mary
Register for our virtual session here.<https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMuc-uprjwvGdGgZ78KvF-FdCrLRcHFj4FA>
November 12th, 2024 | 9AM to 12PM
Location: B. P. John Building on Marylhurst Commons at the Holy Names Campus;
Address: 17600 Pacific Highway, Marylhurst, OR 97036
(follow on campus signage for workshop)
Presenters: Sarah Cantor, Heritage Center Director at Sisters of Holy Names of Jesus & Mary; Lauren Drury, Archivist at Sisters of Holy Names of Jesus & Mary
Register for the November 12th workshop here.<https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=Mmk_qnz6tEegzqWYytFhz3l0FaICukdDhFhECgazACVURU41Q1Q5Q01UNEc4WUNQRUxLREIzMEhLNC4u>
Preservation Assistance Grants for Smaller Institutions
The purpose of this program is to help small and mid-sized institutions improve their ability to preserve and care for their humanities collections. The program encourages applications from small and mid-sized institutions that have never received an NEH grant.
Deadline January 9, 2025
Learn more here.<https://www.neh.gov/grants/preservation/preservation-assistance-grants-smaller-institutions>
Sustaining Cultural Heritage Collections grant
This program helps cultural institutions meet the complex challenge of preserving large and diverse holdings of humanities materials for future generations by supporting environmentally sustainable preventive care measures that mitigate deterioration, prolong the useful life of collections, reduce energy consumption, and strengthen institutions’ ability to anticipate and respond to disasters.
Deadline January 10, 2025
Learn more here.<https://www.neh.gov/grants/preservation/sustaining-cultural-heritage-collections>
Recent Changes to Federal Grantmaking Rules
On October 1, the new Uniform Guidance from the Office of Management and Budget took effect. This guidance was revised to make it easier for nonprofits to access federal grants and to secure higher reimbursement rates for costs. A summary and recommendations for how to use the new guidance is available from the National Council of Nonprofits.
Learn more here.<https://www.councilofnonprofits.org/trends-and-policy-issues/omb-uniform-guidance>
AAM Future Chat: Diving into Museum Data, Nov. 14
As the country rebounds from the COVID-19 pandemic, how are museums doing? Who is coming to museums and why? How does attendance compare to pre-pandemic norms? What are the barriers to visitation?
Join CFM director Elizabeth Merritt for Future Chats—a new AAM series on trends, news, and the implications for our sector. For the third installment of the series on November 14, at 3:00 PM ET, she will chat with Susie Wilkening, principal of Wilkening Consulting, about the latest data from the Annual Survey of Museum-Goers.
After the chat, join discussion groups to explore solutions for increasing engagement, and share your own experiences with post-pandemic visitor trends.
General portions of this Future Chat will be recorded. Breakout discussions will not be recorded, and are only available to live participants.
Learn more and register here.<https://www.aam-us.org/event/future-chat-diving-into-data/?utm_source=American+Alliance+of+Museums&utm_campaign=1c8d864a9c-Webinar-FutureChat-Nov14_Nov1_2024&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_-2da2f1560d-%5BLIST_EMAIL_ID%5D>
SOLVE supports historic cemeteries spring cleanup events
SOLVE and the Oregon Commission on Historic Cemeteries (OCHC) are partnering up again to support Oregon Historic Cemetery Cleanup days.
If you support a historic cemetery or know folks who do, there is help for your cleanup day! If you are hosting a cleanup day April 11 – May 27, 2025, or would like to, you are encouraged to register your activity for the event by contacting Estrella Valdez at estrella at solveoregon.org<mailto:estrella at solveoregon.org> or 971-346-2708.
SOLVE offers several resources to cemeteries that are registered for the event:
* Free supplies like litter bags, gloves, safety vests and first aid kits.
* Volunteer recruitment tools including event flyer templates, online registration, and promotion.
* Liability coverage and waivers.
* Funding options for tools, plants, and disposal costs.
* Advice on native plant species to plant for lower maintenance.
* Project planning assistance.
In addition, OCHC and SOLVE will offer two free webinar workshop on how to work with SOLVE and host a successful clean-up.
* January 23, 2025, 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m., register<https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAufuGhpzsrGNQ30yEdBJvxKEeeR179Trid> for access information.
* February 19, 2025, 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m., register<https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwocu6vrzsvHtYyaTsbTLZRYBjKmcYIdaZZ> for access information.
OCHC has many online resources including the How to Organize a Cemetery Clean Up Day<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Documents/HB13_how_to_organize_cleanup_day.pdf> Oregon Heritage Bulletin. For general cleanup day information visit www.oregonheritage.org<http://www.oregonheritage.org/>.
OCHC was established in 1999; its seven members coordinate the restoration and maintenance of historic cemeteries statewide and advocate for the importance of preserving Oregon’s historic burial sites.
SOLVE is a statewide, 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with a mission “to bring Oregonians together to improve our environment and build a legacy of stewardship.” Visit solveoregon.org<file:///C:/Users/krisc/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/INetCache/Content.Outlook/OXWL29RQ/solveoregon.org> for more information.
Visit www.oregonheritage.org<http://www.oregonheritage.org/> or contact Kuri Gill<mailto:Kuri.Gill at oprd.oregon.gov> 503-383-6787 for additional information.
Archaeology Roadshow event in The Dalles, Nov. 23
Celebrate the archaeology and history of the Pacific Northwest at the 1st Archaeology Roadshow in The Dalles, to be held on Saturday, November 23rd, 11am-3pm, in the River Gallery of Columbia Gorge Discovery Center & Museum at 5000 Discovery Drive, The Dalles, OR 97058.
This free, family-friendly event brings archaeology to life with hands-on activities, including atlatl throwing, flintknapping demos, and expert panels ready to explore Oregon’s fascinating past. Perfect for history lovers of all ages—don’t miss out on this unique experience!
Learn more about the Archaeology Roadshow here: https://www.facebook.com/events/922269212971571?active_tab=about<https://www.facebook.com/events/922269212971571/?__cft__%5b0%5d=AZVhB8703xi7Kre0Y7IrBXO3_X-J1ko70ZPCP36b0N1wXjhQuP1cg-EhAht9Wvsh2ujskNYxKgjWG2Xq_NqvH-5Ov9QTWoEnJs1V7Jw3A1YOvF2cM4WZM3omOBRdYiOkY0h1vusVWdkmf3d0SXFXPvMhB2KliIWEaM5fcsOt8joJlaCcPw1tunbNF7wsCn9pTGo&__tn__=-UK-R>
Oregon’s Higher Education Coordinating Committee (HECC) Adopts Strategic Plan to Improve Positive Impacts for Individuals, Communities, and the Economy
The Higher Education Coordinating Commission (HECC) recently announced the launch of a new Strategic Plan for 2024–2029,<https://links-1.govdelivery.com/CL0/https:%2F%2Fwww.oregon.gov%2Fhighered%2Fstrategy-research%2Fpages%2Fstrategic-plan.aspx%3Futm_medium=email%26utm_source=govdelivery/1/01000192e9822bf6-2e75354a-9b21-4d99-89f0-2152a7dc5fda-000000/Fl-m1PJeZhT5gX-306kUs1L1-_C7-0sehScGVi2Zzoc=377> after a year-long public process. The HECC strategic plan is used to guide development and implementation of higher education and workforce development funding and policy initiatives that impact Oregonians statewide. Within a state and national context of increasing public skepticism about the value of higher education, the new plan focuses on lowering its costs and increasing its benefits for individuals, employers, communities, and the economy. Read recent press release here.<https://links-1.govdelivery.com/CL0/https:%2F%2Fcontent.govdelivery.com%2Faccounts%2FORHECC%2Fbulletins%2F3bb871a/1/01000192e9822bf6-2e75354a-9b21-4d99-89f0-2152a7dc5fda-000000/81050aSNamSiOQtT4a2LwiGmfV5OHUN8uI_VnXR8xrM=377>
Bonneville Power Administration seeks up to 5 archaeologists
Bonneville Power Administration is hiring up to 5 archaeologists (GS 9, 11, or 12’s depending on experience) )to work in our Transmission group here at BPA Headquarters in Portland, OR. Our group of dedicated Transmission cultural resources specialists includes archaeologists, historians, librarians, and archivists. Bonneville’s cultural resources staff recognizes that on the whole cultural resource compliance lacks diversity in its practitioners, and we are actively trying to address that through targeted outreach. At an agency level, Bonneville has a robust Diversity and Inclusion program with full time staff, trainings, employee resource groups, and other resources, making the commitment to diversity a regular part of our agency culture. Please send this job announcement to any students or graduates that may be interested, and post to any relevant listservs.
The postings are linked below, one for current federal employees and one open to the general public. The archaeologists hired would assist on Transmission projects, conducting Section 106 compliance and working with teams of engineers, project managers, environmental compliance specialists, and others at the agency. Tribal consultation and interaction with tribal cultural resources specialists is a large part of this work.
Announcement #: 25-BPA-42862-12589252-DE and 25-BPA-42862-12589253-MP
Position Title: Archeologist, GS-0193-9/11, (EHF/EHT) – Portland, OR
Opening Date: 10/29/2024
Closing Date: 11/07/2024
25-BPA-42862-12589252-DE: https://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob/ViewDetails/816508000
25-BPA-42862-12589253-MP: https://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob/ViewDetails/816511900
Announcement #: 25-BPA-43083-12592801-DE and 25-BPA-43083-12592802-MP
Position Title: Archeologist, GS-0193-12, (EHF/EHT) – Portland, OR
Opening Date: 10/29/2024
Closing Date: 11/07/2024
25-BPA-43083-12592801-DE: https://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob/ViewDetails/816519800
25-BPA-43083-12592802-MP: https://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob/ViewDetails/816507600
Follow us on Facebook at @oregonheritage, on LinkedIn<https://www.linkedin.com/company/oregon-parks-and-recreation-department/>, on the Oregon Heritage Exchange blog<https://oregonheritage.wordpress.com/>.
Oregon Heritage News is a service of Oregon Heritage, a division of the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department that includes the State Historic Preservation Office. Learn more about our programs at www.oregonheritage.org<http://www.oregonheritage.org/>. The news editor can be contacted at heritage.info at oprd.oregon.gov<mailto:heritage.info at oprd.oregon.gov>.
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