[Hydro-fit] Oregon Hydro Framework meeting - Doodle poll

HARMON Robert C * WRD Robert.C.HARMON at water.oregon.gov
Mon Apr 1 13:38:13 PDT 2024

Greetings Oregon Hydro Framework folks,

I mentioned in my last email to you all that I am setting up a meeting to share how agencies in Oregon are maintaining their hydro data and any events\attributes on that data.  Are you using the NHD or a variation on it, the 3DHP (pre-populated with the NHD), or something else?  Please let us know in the meeting along with anything else, hydro-related that you would like to discuss.

I'm setting up a 90-minute meeting over Teams and would like to know your availability for the first half of May in the following Doodle poll:  https://doodle.com/meeting/participate/id/e3Y7k4Ob .  Please also share this with anyone else that you think may be interested.



Robert Harmon, GISP
Oregon Hydrography Framework Implementation Team lead
GIS Coordinator | Oregon Water Resources Dept.
503.930.9614 (work cell) | https://www.oregon.gov/OWRD

Integrity | Service | Technical Excellence | Teamwork | Forward-Looking

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