[Hydro-fit] Oregon Lidar Consortium meeting

BURGETTE Reed * DGMI Reed.BURGETTE at dogami.oregon.gov
Thu Nov 7 16:40:19 PST 2024

Hi Oregon lidar and elevation enthusiasts!

We are holding a virtual meeting next month (Teams meeting info below) to provide updates on lidar in Oregon, present new opportunities for the data collection with the Oregon Lidar Consortium, and discuss interest in future lidar acquisition targets from the Oregon geospatial community. As the subaerial portions of the state are nearing full coverage by at least one lidar project, one focus we see for the coming years is resolving the form of beds of streams, estuaries, and other water bodies.

1.           Status of lidar acquisition in the state and data distribution through the DOGAMI lidar resources- more updates coming soon!
2.           New OLC price agreement with vendor NV5 Geospatial including standard rates for riverine topobathymetric lidar
3.           State of the art topobathymetric lidar collection opportunities and considerations
4.           Discussion of interests in new data collection in Oregon

[Apologies for cross-posting ]
We hope you will be able to join us! Please forward this invitation to other colleagues who may have interest in lidar acquisition in Oregon, and please email me with any questions. Thanks!

Best regards,

Reed Burgette (he/him)
Oregon Lidar Coordinator
Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries
Reed.Burgette at dogami.oregon.gov<mailto:Reed.Burgette at dogami.oregon.gov> | https://www.oregon.gov/dogami/lidar/Pages/index.aspx

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Meeting ID: 274 176 610 013
Passcode: NdBjw3
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Phone conference ID: 790 446 712#
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