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style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: 'Arial','sans-serif'">The following new
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interlibrary loan from the Oregon State Library. If you would like to request
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class=468361823-25112008>ese </SPAN></SPAN>or other materials from the
Oregon State Library please use your library's established interlibrary loan
process or <SPAN class=468361823-25112008>send</SPAN> your full name,
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<DIV><SPAN><SPAN class=bolding><SPAN
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<DIV><SPAN class=968391600-25112008><FONT face=Arial><FONT size=2><SPAN
class=468361823-25112008>Reid, R.</SPAN> (200<SPAN
class=468361823-25112008>9</SPAN>). <SPAN class=468361823-25112008><FONT
color=#008000><STRONG><EM>More family storytimes: Twenty-four creative programs
for all ages</EM></STRONG></FONT></SPAN>. <SPAN
class=468361823-25112008>Chicago, IL</SPAN>: <SPAN
class=468361823-25112008>American Library
<BLOCKQUOTE dir=ltr style="MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px">
<DIV><SPAN class=968391600-25112008></SPAN><FONT face=Arial size=2><SPAN
id=rpReviews__ctl4_lblReviewDate><SPAN class=468361823-25112008>This title
from best-selling author Rob Reid features stories, fingerplays, songs, and
movement activities to enhance the time families spend at the library.
Brimming with all new material, <EM>More Family Storytimes </EM>offers
practical, creative, and active storytimes programs that will captivate
audiences of all ages with program plans at a glance, engaging activities, and
relevant themes. <EM>More Family Storytimes</EM> highlights books and
resources that will not only entertain young children but also keep older
children and adults interested an involved. (Book
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2><SPAN><SPAN class=468361823-25112008>Bomhold, C,
& Elder, T.E. (2008). <STRONG><FONT color=#008000><EM>Twice upon a time: A
guide to fractured, altered, and retold folk and fairy
tales</EM></FONT></STRONG>. Westport, CT: Libraries
<BLOCKQUOTE dir=ltr style="MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px">
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2><SPAN><SPAN class=468361823-25112008><SPAN
class="description block" id=lblDescription1>Create dynamic story or theme
units, booktalks, and other activities with this lively, comprehensive guide
to more than 300 fractured, altered, and otherwise retold classic folk and
fairy tales presented in picture books for K-5 students. Annotations describe
each book, explaining how it diverges from the original. Settings and themes
are highlighted and extras such as author's notes and glossaries are noted.
Organized by original story ("Beauty and the Beast," "Cinderella," and so
forth) and then by author, all entries also provide full bibliographic
information. Indexes offer access by author, title, illustrator, location, and
motif. This thorough and authoritative reference is also useful for collection
development and reader's advisory, and researchers and students who are
mapping story variations will find it invaluable. Grades K-5. (Book
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2><SPAN><SPAN class=468361823-25112008>Anderson, D.
(2009). <FONT color=#008000><STRONG><EM>Reading is funny! Motivating kids to
read with riddles</EM></STRONG></FONT>. Chicago, IL: American Library
<DIV><FONT><SPAN><SPAN class=468361823-25112008><FONT face=Arial
size=2>Because they’re quick and fun to read, riddles can “hook” even
reluctant readers and keep them coming back for more. Riddles also improve
vocabulary, comprehension, and oral reading; enhance deductive and inductive
thinking skills; and promote libraries as places for fun.<BR>Drawing on her
work with children in schools and public libraries, Dee Anderson offers
easy-to-implement ideas on motivating kids to read with riddles plus a folk
tale, scripts for puppet skits, sample PR handouts, reproducible games and
patterns, and hundreds of carefully selected riddles, some exclusive to this
book. Besides riddles on popular topics like animals, holidays, and sports
(arranged alphabetically by subject for easy reference), Reading Is Funny!
shares two chapters of riddles about books, libraries, and reading. You’ll
learn how to<BR></FONT></DIV>
<LI><FONT face=Arial size=2>encourage children to read more through
interactive bulletin boards, puppetry, bookmaking, games, and activity sheets
<LI><FONT face=Arial size=2>incorporate riddles into lesson plans, story
times, and book-related celebrations</FONT></LI>
<LI><FONT face=Arial size=2>use riddles to promote your library’s services and
teach library skills </FONT></LI>
<LI><FONT face=Arial size=2>foster an environment of fun by encouraging
children to share riddles with each other</FONT></LI>
<LI><FONT face=Arial><FONT size=2>create your own riddles <BR>This
one-of-a-kind resource is for school librarians, children’s librarians,
teachers, parents, and anyone who wants to show children that reading is
funny!<SPAN class=468361823-25112008><FONT color=#0000ff> </FONT><FONT
color=#000000>(Book Description)</FONT></SPAN></FONT></FONT></LI></BLOCKQUOTE>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial><FONT size=2><SPAN class=468361823-25112008>Diamant-Cohen,
B. (2006). <STRONG><FONT color=#008000><EM>Mother goose on the loose: A handbook
and CD-ROM kits with scripts, rhymes, songs, flannel-board patterns, and
activities for promoting early childhood development</EM></FONT></STRONG>. New
York: Neal-Schuman.</SPAN></FONT></FONT></DIV>
<BLOCKQUOTE dir=ltr style="MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px">
<DIV><FONT><FONT><SPAN class=468361823-25112008><FONT face=Arial><FONT
size=2>In the award-winning Mother Goose on the Loose (MGOL) library program,
inspired by Barbara Cass-Beggss work, Diamant-Cohen uses books, songs,
instruments, rhymes, and props to promote early literacy, school-readiness,
and other skills in children up to age two. This binder-and-CD kit provides
overviews of early development and MGOLs benefits, program instructions and
scripts in print and audio formats, evaluation tools, songs, rhymes, tips to
share with parents, flannel-board patterns, templates, and promotional
resources. Clear instructions for the structured program are given, making
this an essential resource for MGOL implementation. The well-produced CD, with
clear recitations of rhymes and songs by Diamant-Cohen and musician Rahel,
will be particularly appreciated by childrens specialists new to programming
for young children, whether they use this model or not. While others looking
for content to incorporate into their established lapsits will not find this
kit as flexible as Jane Marinos Babies in the Library! (Scarecrow, 2003), or
as comprehensive as Linda Ernsts lapsit guides (Neal-Schuman), Diamant-Cohens
developmentally appropriate ideas for incorporating musical instruments and
music concepts, and promoting social and motor skills, can be useful additions
to any program for the preschool-and-under set. <I>-- School Library
<DIV></SPAN></SPAN></FONT><SPAN><SPAN class=bolding><SPAN
style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: 'Arial','sans-serif'"><SPAN
style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: 'Arial','sans-serif'">Be sure to check out
our Library and Information Science (LIS) blog (</SPAN><A
title=http://osl-lis.blogspot.com/ href="http://osl-lis.blogspot.com/"><SPAN
style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: 'Arial','sans-serif'">http://osl-lis.blogspot.com/</SPAN></A><SPAN
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most recent additions to our LIS collection and search our catalog (</SPAN><A
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<DIV align=left><FONT face=Arial size=2>Katie Anderson</FONT></DIV>
<DIV align=left><FONT face=Arial size=2>Youth Services Consultant</FONT></DIV>
<DIV align=left><FONT face=Arial size=2>Oregon Center for the Book
<DIV align=left><FONT face=Arial size=2>Library Development </FONT></DIV>
<DIV align=left><FONT face=Arial size=2>Oregon State Library</FONT></DIV>
<DIV align=left><FONT face=Arial size=2>503-378-2528</FONT></DIV>
<DIV align=left><FONT face=Arial size=2><A