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<DIV><FONT face=Arial>Hello! Oregon Reads <SPAN
class=109102420-08122008><FONT color=#0000ff> (<A
href="http://www.oregonreads2009.org/">http://www.oregonreads2009.org/</A>) </FONT></SPAN>is
looking for <SPAN class=562524023-08122008>CSD and OYAN
members</SPAN> to facilitate and moderate the book discussion blogs for
<SPAN style="FONT-STYLE: italic">Apples to Oregon</SPAN> and <SPAN
style="FONT-STYLE: italic">Bat 6</SPAN> (one blog for each title). We need
to find at least 2 people, 1 to moderate each<SPAN class=562524023-08122008>
blog. </SPAN>If you would like to co<SPAN
class=562524023-08122008>-</SPAN>moderate the blog with someone please find your partner first, then email me to let me know you are both interested in moderating and copy your partner to the email.<BR><BR>The
moderators will be responsible for writing the actual blog postings that will
facilitate the book discussion and approv<SPAN
class=562524023-08122008>ing</SPAN> the comments posted by the public to make
sure they are appropriate--no swear words, no sales pitches from people
trying to promote their own books<SPAN class=109102420-08122008>, </SPAN>no
comments that aren't related to the book<SPAN class=562524023-08122008>,
etc.</SPAN><SPAN class=562524023-08122008> It is also important that
moderators are comfortable</SPAN><SPAN class=562524023-08122008> navigating
the fine line between censorship and what is appropriate for young children who
may be reading the blog</SPAN>. <SPAN class=562524023-08122008>
</SPAN>We're looking for people who will take time to post new blog entries to
facilitate the book discussion <SPAN
style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold; FONT-STYLE: italic"><U>once or twice a week</U></SPAN>
and to approve comments from the public <SPAN
style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold; FONT-STYLE: italic"><U>once a day</U></SPAN> to keep
the blog very active for the public<SPAN class=562524023-08122008>. The
</SPAN>commitment would be for January<SPAN
class=109102420-08122008> 5</SPAN> - April 30, 2009.<SPAN
class=562524023-08122008> <SPAN class=109102420-08122008>If you are
interested let me know and I can send you a link to the demo site so you can
view the blog. </SPAN></SPAN><BR><BR>The blog discussions are extremely
important because they are the only way many Oregonians will be able to
participate in Oregon Reads. Most small libraries do not have the
resources to host or sponsor any events<SPAN
class=562524023-08122008>--</SPAN>there are thousands of people who live outside
library service areas<SPAN class=562524023-08122008>. </SPAN> <SPAN
class=562524023-08122008>,</SPAN> <SPAN class=562524023-08122008>in
January, February, and March it may be hard for people living in Eastern Oregon
to even get to their library due to snow and ice</SPAN>.
<BR></FONT><BR>Thank you,<BR>Katie<BR><BR></DIV>
<DIV style="TEXT-ALIGN: center">Katie Anderson, Library Development
Services<BR>* Youth Services Consultant * Oregon Center for the Book Coordinator
*<BR>Oregon State Library, 250 Winter St. NE, Salem, OR
97301<BR>katie.anderson@state.or.us, 503-378-2528</DIV></BODY></HTML>