<div>Hello all, <br> <br> I recently went on a Powells bender with the loose change that I had before the end of the fiscal year (<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/patricklgoodman/3608482199/">http://www.flickr.com/photos/patricklgoodman/3608482199/</a>), and was overjoyed to find that works from my favorite artist and fellow Cincinnatian, Charley Harper, have now been turned into board books for children. I was lucky enough to grow up in a household that was literally covered with Harper prints, and the effect can not only be seen in my children's collection, but in my personal artwork as well. There's an ABC, 123, and coloring book currently available.</div>
<div> </div>
<div> So, sorry if endorsements are taboo here, but I feel very strongly that these books should be in every library's Children's collection. Have a great weekend everybody, and good luck with all of your individual Summer Reading Programs.<br clear="all">
<div>Kind regards,</div>
<div></div><br>-- <br>Patrick L. Goodman<br>Youth Services Coordinator<br>Jefferson Co. Library District<br>241 SE 7th St.<br>Madras, OR 97741<br>(ph) 541.475.3351<br>(f) 541.475.7434<br><a href="mailto:patrick@jcld.org">patrick@jcld.org</a><br>