<span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; border-collapse: collapse; ">An independent elementary International Baccalaureate school in downtown Portland is seeking a library assistant two mornings per week. A library media student is preferred. This work requires a detail-oriented person with excellent typing and computer skills. Duties include staffing the circulation desk, processing books, keeping the library neat and some cataloging. Knowledge of Spanish, Japanese or Mandarin is helpful, but not required. Please send a cover letter and a current resume to <a href="mailto:library@intlschool.org" target="_blank" style="color: rgb(42, 93, 176); ">library@intlschool.org</a>.</span><br>
-- <br>Tamara Beecroft-Fornell<br>Librarian<br>The International School<br>025 SW Sherman Street<br>Portland, OR 97201<br>502-226-2496<br>