<html><body><span style="font-family:Verdana; color:#000000; font-size:10pt;"><div>Hi everyone,<br> <br> We're looking for someone great to join our
children's services team at Hood River County. Please let me know if you
have any questions.<br> <br> Cheers!<br> Buzzy Nielsen<br> </div><div class="moz-signature"> <br> ************************************<br> Library Director<br> Hood River County Library District<br> 502 State St<br> Hood River, OR 97031<br> 541-387-7062<br> <a target="_blank" moz-do-not-send="true" class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://hoodriverlibrary.org">http://hoodriverlibrary.org</a><br> <font color="#000000"><br> <b>Job Announcement<br> </b>Children's Services Assistant<br> Closing Date: August 10, 2012<br> <br> <b>About Hood River County Library District</b><br>
The Hood River County Library District was created by a vote of the
citizens of Hood River County on November 2, 2010. It came following the
closure of the Hood River County Library, a department of Hood River
County, on July 1, 2010. The district reopened the county's three
libraries on July 1st, 2011.<br> <br> Hood River County Library District
is dedicated to promoting the enjoyment of reading and culture,
responding to the community's need for information, and enriching
quality of life for its patrons. The library serves approximately 22,000
people, who checked out nearly 100,000 items in 2009-10. It includes
three branches: Cascade Locks, Hood River, and Parkdale. All three
libraries are crucial sources of free public Internet access and
electronic information, with over 20,000 Internet sessions logged in
2009-10 by residents and visitors alike on the library's computers. The
Hood River branch is in a stunning Carnegie library that was expanded in
2003. Cascade Locks and Parkdale are located in the busy centers of
their communities. The district enjoys a very supportive Friends group,
Foundation, and volunteers.<br> <br> Hood River County Library District
is a member of the Sage Library System and the Libraries of Eastern
Oregon. Hood River County is in the heart of Columbia Gorge and the
Mount Hood recreational area, providing opportunity for many outdoor
recreational activities including windsurfing, kiteboarding, hiking,
cycling, skiing, and much more. The District has stable funding from a
countywide special district.<br> <br> For more information, please visit us online:<br> </font> <ul><li><font color="#000000">Hood River County Library District - <a target="_blank" moz-do-not-send="true" class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://hoodriverlibrary.org">http://hoodriverlibrary.org</a></font></li><li><font color="#000000">Sage Library System - <a target="_blank" moz-do-not-send="true" class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://catalog.sage.eou.edu/">http://catalog.sage.eou.edu/</a></font></li><li><font color="#000000">Hood River County Chamber of Commerce - <a target="_blank" moz-do-not-send="true" class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://hoodriver.org/">http://hoodriver.org/</a></font></li></ul> <font color="#000000"><br> <b>Job description</b><br>
Hood River County Library District seeks an enthusiastic individual,
preferably someone bilingual in English and Spanish, dedicated to
serving children and families in Hood River County. The Children's
Services Assistant provides services directly to patrons of all ages at
the public service desks at all three library branches, provides
programming for children and families, and promotes children’s services
and programs in the community.<br> <br> The individual in this position
must enjoy working with people of all ages, especially children, have
excellent customer service skills, and have the ability to learn to use
integrated library system software. The successful candidate preferably
will be fluent in English and Spanish. The position reports to the
Library Director.<br> <br> Job responsibilities include:<br> </font> <ul><li><font color="#000000">Organizing and presenting storytime programs;</font></li><li><font color="#000000">Promoting reading and literacy outside of the library through book talks and presentations;</font></li><li><font color="#000000">Planning programming and educating caretakers about early literacy practices and principles;</font></li><li><font color="#000000">Providing direct service to adults and children at busy public service desks;</font></li><li><font color="#000000">Assisting the public in using computers, equipment, and electronic resources.</font></li></ul> <font color="#000000"><br> This position is part-time, 25 hours per week, and includes weekend and evening hours.<br> <br> <b>Qualifications</b><br> </font> <ul><li><font color="#000000">High school diploma or equivalent. Associate's degree from an accredited institution or equivalent preferred.</font></li><li><font color="#000000">One year experience working directly with children, preferably in a public library.</font></li><li><font color="#000000">Two years experience working in customer service, preferably in a library.</font></li><li><font color="#000000">Any equivalent combination of education and experience satisfying the above.</font></li></ul> <font color="#000000"><br> <b>Compensation</b><br>
Opening salary ranges from $12.83 to $13.35/hour, depending upon
qualifications. The position also includes group medical insurance,
retirement, and vacation benefits.<br> <br> <b>How to apply</b><br> Please read the job description carefully and submit the following: <br> </font> <ul><li><font color="#000000">A completed Hood River County Library District Application for Employment;</font></li><li><font color="#000000">Cover letter;</font></li><li><font color="#000000">Current resume.</font></li></ul> <font color="#000000"><br> Application packets, together with the job description, are available from the following sources:<br> </font> <ul><li><font color="#000000">Online at <a target="_blank" moz-do-not-send="true" class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://hoodriverlibrary.org/about-us/employment.html">http://hoodriverlibrary.org/about-us/employment.html</a>.</font></li><li><font color="#000000">Hood River Library, 502 State St, Hood River, OR 97031.</font></li><li><font color="#000000">Cascade Locks Library, 140 SW Wa-Na-Pa, Cascade Locks, OR 97014.</font></li><li><font color="#000000">Parkdale Library, 7300 Clear Creek Rd, OR 97041.</font></li><li><font color="#000000">By calling 541-387-7062 or emailing <a target="_blank" moz-do-not-send="true" class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:info@hoodriverlibrary.org">info@hoodriverlibrary.org</a>.</font></li></ul> <font color="#000000"><br>
Documents must be submitted in Open Document, PDF, or Microsoft Office
format. Complete application packets are due by 5.00p on Friday, August
10, 2012, to Hood River County Library District, 502 State St, Hood
River, OR 97031, <a target="_blank" moz-do-not-send="true" class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:info@hoodriverlibrary.org">info@hoodriverlibrary.org</a>. <br> <br> The Hood River County Library District is an Equal Opportunity Employer.<br> </font></div><div> <br></div> <div></div></span></body></html>