<div dir="ltr">It's time to start thinking about getting more involved with CSD. <div><br></div><div>We need people who want to be chair, which though it is a bit of work is extremely fun and interesting. It is a 3 year commitment: year 1- incoming chair, you get to learn the ropes from Korie and be part of the program planning for the OLA conference. Year 2- chair, you get to participate in the OLA board meetings which far from being the chore I expected is quite inspirational and enjoyable. Year 3- you get to be the wise advisor to the chair and assist in small but important ways to the CSD board. It has been a wonderful experience for me. The rest of the board is filled with amazing interesting smart and fun people. You could be one of them. Email me with questions, interest, a nomination of someone you think would be great so I can contact them, whatever.<div>
<br></div><div>We also need an incoming Summer Reading chair- a two year commitment with free travel to two exciting cities to participate in the national conference. Ask Jessica Marie about that one. <a href="mailto:jmarie@cityofsalem.net">jmarie@cityofsalem.net</a><br clear="all">
<div><br></div><div style>You must be a member of CSD to be an officer, in case that wasn't obvious.</div>-- <br>Jane Corry<br>Youth Librarian-Belmont Neighborhood Library<br>Multnomah County Library<br><a href="tel:503.988.5382" value="+15039885382" target="_blank">503.988.5382</a><br>
OLA CSD Chair<br><br>“A children's story that can only be enjoyed by children is not a good children's story in the slightest.”<br>
― C.S. Lewis