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<div style="font-family:Times New Roman; color:#000000; font-size:16px"><font color="0000FF" size="2"><i>Please pardon the cross-posting.</i></font><br>
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These two new books are waiting for you to borrow them via interlibrary loan from the Oregon State Library. (There's no anthropomorphism here! Well...)
<img src="cid:5ca046a4-33f4-4482-a8e6-a034228e708d"><br>
Jones, Cherri, and J. B. Petty. <span style="color:#741b47"><i>Multiethnic Books for the Middle-School Curriculum</i></span>. Chicago: ALA Editions, 2013. ISBN: 978-0-8389-1163-1</b></p>
<blockquote>Focusing on titles dealing with ethnic and religious groups both in the U.S. and around the world, this useful resource makes it easy for teachers and librarians working with middle-school children to infuse their curricular area with multicultural
literature. Carefully vetted and annotated, it encompasses fiction and non-fiction published in the last decade, making it an ideal reference and collection development tool for schools and public libraries as well as for classroom teachers. Sharing their
extensive knowledge of...<br>
Read more at <a href="http://osl-lis.blogspot.com/2013/10/multiethnic-books-for-middle-school.html." target="_blank">
<blockquote><img src="cid:ad222eae-7bb1-4697-a794-53c88b139c46"><br>
Association for Library Service to Children. <span style="color:#93c47d"><i>The Newbery and Caldecott Awards: A Guide to the Medal and Honor Books</i></span>. 2013 ed. Chicago: ALA Editions, 2013. ISBN: 978-0-8389-3602-3</b><br>
<blockquote>Updated to include the 2013 award and honor books, <i>The Newbery and Caldecott Awards: A Guide to the Medal and Honor Books, 2013 Edition</i> gathers together the books deemed most distinguished in American children's literature and illustration
since the inception of the renowned prizes. Librarians and teachers everywhere rely on this guidebook for quick reference and collection development and also as a resource for curriculum links and readers' advisory. With an easy-to-use streamlined look and
format, the 2013 guide features...<br>
Read more at <a href="http://osl-lis.blogspot.com/2013/10/newbery-and-caldecott-awards.html." target="_blank">
If you would like to <b>request these or other materials from the Oregon State Library</b>, please use your library's established interlibrary loan process or send your full name, the name of your library, complete title information, shipping address, and a
phone number to the document delivery department at library.request@state.or.us or (fax) 503-588-7119. Items will be checked out to your library, not to you personally, for 4 weeks (print materials) or 2 weeks (videos). Materials will be delivered via mail
or Orbis Cascade Alliance Courier, and you may return them the same way. Normally a single copy is purchased and is loaned on a first-come-first-serve basis. Should the item prove popular, you may be put on a hold list for several weeks. Thank you for your
Be sure to check out our <b>Library and Information Science (LIS) blog </b>(http://osl-lis.blogspot.com/)<b>
</b>to discover the most recent additions to our LIS collection, and <b>search our catalog</b> (http://oregon.gov/OSL/index.shtml) for our complete holdings. The library science collection is meant to support the whole Oregon library community. The Library
Development Division welcomes your suggestions for acquisitions. See the blog for an input form or email us!<br>
This collection is supported in whole by the Institute of Museum and Library Services through the Library Services and Technology Act, administered by the Oregon State Library.<br>
P.S. I'm using web mail which can be finicky with formatting. Please excuse any wonkiness. :-)
<div><span style="font-family:Times New Roman">Jennifer Maurer</span><br style="font-family:Times New Roman">
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<div style="font-family:Tahoma; font-size:13px"><span style="font-family:Times New Roman"><span style="font-family:Times New Roman">School Library Consultant</span><br style="font-family:Times New Roman">
<span style="font-family:Times New Roman">Oregon State Library</span><br style="font-family:Times New Roman">
<span style="font-family:Times New Roman">250 Winter St NE</span><br style="font-family:Times New Roman">
<span style="font-family:Times New Roman">Salem, OR 97301</span><br style="font-family:Times New Roman">
<span style="font-family:Times New Roman">503.378.5011</span><br style="font-family:Times New Roman">
<span style="font-family:Times New Roman">jennifer.maurer@state.or.us</span></span><br>
<img src="http://ola.memberclicks.net/message/image/15b79f0d-8230-421b-b2c1-1159756d95cf"></div>