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<P style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt" class=MsoNormal align=center><B style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal"><SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: 'Arial Unicode MS','sans-serif'"><FONT size=3>Showcase of Performers – Registration is now open!!<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p></FONT></SPAN></B></P>
<P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt" class=MsoNormal><FONT size=3><B style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal"><SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: 'Arial Unicode MS','sans-serif'">When: </SPAN></B><SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: 'Arial Unicode MS','sans-serif'">9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, September 27 2014<o:p></o:p></SPAN></FONT></P>
<P style="TEXT-INDENT: 0.5in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.5in" class=MsoNormal><SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: 'Arial Unicode MS','sans-serif'"><FONT size=3>(Doors open at 8:30 a.m.)<o:p></o:p></FONT></SPAN></P>
<P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt" class=MsoNormal><FONT size=3><B style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal"><SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: 'Arial Unicode MS','sans-serif'">Where: <SPAN style="mso-tab-count: 1"> </SPAN></SPAN></B><SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: 'Arial Unicode MS','sans-serif'">Salem Public Library’s Loucks Auditorium, <o:p></o:p></SPAN></FONT></P>
<P style="TEXT-INDENT: 0.5in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.5in" class=MsoNormal><SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: 'Arial Unicode MS','sans-serif'"><FONT size=3>585 Liberty St. SE, Salem, OR<o:p></o:p></FONT></SPAN></P>
<P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt" class=MsoNormal><SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: 'Arial Unicode MS','sans-serif'"><FONT size=3>Finding high quality children’s performances to bring to libraries, schools or groups has just become easier.<SPAN style="mso-spacerun: yes"> </SPAN>The Oregon Library Association’s Children’s Services Division and Salem Public Library are hosting the 2014 Showcase of Performers.<SPAN style="mso-spacerun: yes"> </SPAN>This Showcase allows audience members to see a five-minute preview of the work of a range of performers suitable for children and families. As with previous showcases, the day will highlight magicians, musicians, storytellers, animal acts, creative dramatics, jugglers, clowns, authors, and others who specialize in entertaining and educating children. This event only happens once every other year, so those interested are encouraged to sign up today!<o:p></o:p></FONT></SPAN></P>
<P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt" class=MsoNormal><SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: 'Arial Unicode MS','sans-serif'"><FONT size=3>A registration fee of $10 per adult covers the cost of a Performer Directory with information sheets on each performer, including pictures. Children are welcome to attend at no charge.<SPAN style="mso-spacerun: yes"> </SPAN>If any Library or other organization is registering more than one adult, additional adults can pay a registration fee of $5. Those additional adults will not receive a directory.</FONT></SPAN></P>
<P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt" class=MsoNormal><SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: 'Arial Unicode MS','sans-serif'"><FONT size=3><o:p></o:p></FONT></SPAN> </P>
<P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt" class=MsoNormal><SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: 'Arial Unicode MS','sans-serif'"><FONT size=3>Preregister online at:</FONT></SPAN></P>
<P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt" class=MsoNormal><FONT size=3><SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: 'Arial Unicode MS','sans-serif'"> </SPAN><SPAN style="COLOR: navy; FONT-SIZE: 10pt; mso-bidi-font-family: Arial"><A href="https://ola.memberclicks.net/index.php?option=com_mc&view=mc&mcid=form_173402"><FONT color=#800080 face=Arial>https://ola.memberclicks.net/index.php?option=com_mc&view=mc&mcid=form_173402</FONT></A><o:p></o:p></SPAN></FONT></P>
<P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt" class=MsoNormal><SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: 'Arial Unicode MS','sans-serif'"><FONT size=3>More information is available from Karen Fischer at Salem Public Library at 503-588-6039 or by email at </FONT><A href="http://kfischer@cityofsalem.net./"><FONT size=3>kfischer@cityofsalem.net.</FONT></A><o:p></o:p></SPAN></P></DIV></BODY></HTML>