[Libs-Or] Volunteers for WLA/OLA Technology Petting Zoo

Mellinger, Margaret Margaret.Mellinger at oregonstate.edu
Mon Apr 8 15:29:32 PDT 2013

Take part in the Technology Petting Zoo Showcase at WLA/OLA in Vancouver!

Volunteers are needed to demonstrate mobile devices.  If you are attending the conference and can bring a device that you and/or library patrons are using to access library content and services - we'd love to have you share your expertise.  We need 4-5 people for each of these times.

Thursday             10:00 a.m.- 10:30 am

Thursday             3:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Friday                  10:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.

Sign up sheet  at http://bit.ly/10x2Hb8

Sponsored by OLA's Library Technology Round Table (LibTechRT) and WLA's Technology Resources for Information Professionals (TRIP)

About LibTech RT
Formed in 2011, LibTech RT's goals are to offer a forum for ideas involving the use of technology in libraries, and to promote cooperation and fellowship among OLA members responsible for or interested in technology in libraries.
Dues are $5.00 a year.
Business meeting and election of officers for 2013-14 is: Friday, April 26, 1:00 p.m. in the Hilton Hemlock Room.

About TRIP
TRIP was founded in 2002 as an interest group of the Washington Library Association.
Our goals include, but are not limited to:

*         Providing a centralized forum for the exchange of ideas, particularly those involving the use of technology in libraries;

*         Providing diverse forms of training and educational opportunities spotlighting technology issues;

*         Providing advice, research, and support for IT initiatives

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