[Libs-Or] Free Oregon Gale Webinar tomorrow! - Telling the Story of your Library's Impact

Arlene Weible arlene.weible at state.or.us
Mon Apr 14 11:10:13 PDT 2014

Telling the Story of your Library's Impact
April 15, 2014, 4:00-5:00 pm (PT)
No matter where you are or what type of library you work in, you are faced with budget cuts and even closures. You need to prove the impact your library has on your patrons, students and community. This one hour webinar will help you prove your library's value and impact by learning to gather the right kind of library stories. These stories you can use when reporting on the library to the news media, when asking for additional budgets from local and state governments and when applying for grants.

Please register this and other upcoming webinars at:  http://tinyurl.com/mb9cvcr  If you are unable to attend, archived versions of the webinars will also be available on this page.

Please contact me if you have any questions!


Arlene Weible
Electronic Services Consultant
Oregon Federal Regional Depository Coordinator
Library Development Services
Oregon State Library
250 Winter St NE
Salem OR, 97301
arlene.weible at state.or.us<mailto:arlene.weible at state.or.us>

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