[Libs-Or] Library 2.015 Worldwide Virtual Conference Taking Shape: Proposals Still Being Accepted

Nicole Purviance nicole.purviance at sjsu.edu
Tue Jul 14 09:52:43 PDT 2015

Library 2.015 Worldwide Virtual Conference Presentation Proposals Highlight
Connection and Innovation 


Presentation proposals for the Library 2.015 Worldwide Virtual Conference
opened in early May, and accepted proposals to date suggest a focus on the
latest technologies and strategies used by professionals in a variety of
organizations to manage information, improve user experience, promote
learning, and connect with others across the globe. The fifth annual
conference about the future of libraries will take place on October 20,
2015, from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time (GMT-7), and is free to


Two keynote speakers <http://www.library20.com/page/keynotes2015>  are
already confirmed for the international conference. Dr. Sandra Hirsh
<http://ischoolapps.sjsu.edu/facultypages/view.php?fac=hirshs> , director of
the San Jose State University (SJSU) School of Information (iSchool) and a
longtime advocate of international collaboration in the field of library and
information science, will give a welcome address. Toby Greenwalt, director
of digital strategy and technology integration at the Carnegie Library of
Pittsburgh, will also deliver a keynote address. Keeping to the conference
theme of Tools, Skills and Competencies, Greenwalt's talk will cover "how
the library makes itself visible in an always-connected world."  


Leadership in a time of change is another theme present in several accepted
proposals, including that of Dr. Michael Stephens
<http://ischoolapps.sjsu.edu/facultypages/view.php?fac=stephensm> , an
assistant professor at the SJSU School of Information and one of the
conference's distinguished speakers
<http://www.library20.com/page/keynotes2015> . Stephens will be sharing some
of the insights published in his monthly Library Journal column "Office
Hours" and leading a discussion of "the challenges and promise of a changing
LIS workforce" in a session titled, "Full Stacks, Introverts, & Zero-Sum
Librarians: Notes from Office Hours."


Proposals are still being submitted
<http://www.library20.com/page/proposal-submission>  for the October
conference, and sessions devoted to work in any information organization,
such as an academic library, public library, special library, government
agency, or other organization, are welcome. Four topical subject strands
<http://www.library20.com/page/strands2015> -digital services, emerging
technologies, user experience, and management in the 21st century-are
suggested for interested presenters, but proposals do not have to fit into
one of the strands to be accepted.


The annual Library 2.0 conferences were co-founded in 2011 by the SJSU
School of Information, and this year the iSchool helped expand the
experience for information professionals worldwide with the Library 2.015
Spring Summit <http://www.library20.com/spring2015>  and the Library 2.0
Webinar Series <http://www.library20.com/webinar> .


More information on the 20,000 member international Library 2.0 network, and
on attending the Library 2.015 Worldwide Virtual Conference, is available on
the conference website <http://www.library20.com/2015> . 



The San Jose State University (SJSU) School of Information
paign=Library2015>  prepares individuals for careers as information
professionals. Graduates work in diverse areas of the information
profession, such as user experience design, digital asset management,
information architecture, electronic records management, information
governance, digital preservation, and librarianship. The SJSU School of
Information is a recognized leader in online education and received the
Online Learning Consortium's Outstanding Online Program award
=email&utm_campaign=Library2015> . For more information about the school,
please visit: ischool.sjsu.edu
=Library2015> . 



Nicole Purviance

Director of Marketing and Communications

School of Information

San Jose State University

One Washington Square

San Jose, CA 95192-0029

nicole.purviance at sjsu.edu





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