[Libs-Or] NCES releases new data and Data File Documentation from the 2008/12 Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study (B&B:08/12)

Ann Reed ann.reed at state.or.us
Thu Jun 4 16:23:40 PDT 2015

From: IES Newsflash Subscription Service [mailto:IESWebmaster at ed.gov]
Sent: Thursday, June 04, 2015 11:05 AM
To: Ann Reed
Subject: NCES releases new data and Data File Documentation from the 2008/12 Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study (B&B:08/12)

[Institute of Education Sciences - Newsflash]

NCES releases new data and Data File Documentation from the 2008/12 Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study (B&B:08/12)

[b-b logo]The final 2008-2012 Baccalaureate and Beyond (B&B:08/12) data files are now available for analysis via QuickStats<http://nces.ed.gov/datalab/postsecondary/index.aspx> and PowerStats<http://nces.ed.gov/datalab/index.aspx>, and the microdata are available via NCES' restricted-use data licensing program<http://nces.ed.gov/statprog/instruct.asp>. This update adds many new variables, including hundreds of source variables, approximately 200 new derived variables, and approximately 70 variables on teaching.
The 2008/12 Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study (B&B:08/12) is a nationally representative, longitudinal sample survey of students who completed the requirements for a bachelor's degree during the 2007-08 academic year.

In addition to the final data files, the B&B:08/12 Data File Documentation report is also available. This report describes the universe, methods, and data collection procedures used in the second follow-up of the B&B:08 cohort in 2012.

To view the full Data File Documentation report, please visit http://nces.ed.gov/pubsearch/pubsinfo.asp?pubid=2015141.

The Data File Documentation report and the data files are products of the National Center for Education Statistics at the Institute of Education Sciences, part of the U.S. Department of Education.

...connecting research, policy and practice

Posted by
Ann Reed, Federal Programs Coordinator
Oregon State Library
Library Support and Development Services
250 Winter St.
Salem, OR 97301
ann.reed at state.or.us
phone 503-378-5027
fax 503-378-6439

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