[Libs-Or] Fwd: July 12

Adam Carlson Adam.Carlson at mcminnvilleoregon.gov
Thu Jul 6 08:52:24 PDT 2017

Hi Janet,

Thank you for your hard work at OLA.

I’m not seeing any links in your email. Were you pointing us here<http://www.olaweb.org/net-neutrality-2017>? Or maybe here<http://www.olaweb.org/intellectual-freedom-resources>?

I find it laughable that the FCC is trying to strip broadband neutrality by relabeling it as “information services”. Big ISP’s seem to have forgotten that the internet would be nothing but a “series of tubes<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Series_of_tubes>” without the content that society puts onto it. The real information services are librarians that help people make sense of everything that’s out there.

Adam Carlson
Circulation Supervisor
McMinnville Public Library
(503) 435-5556

From: Janet Webster [mailto:janet.webster at charter.net]
Sent: Wednesday, July 5, 2017 5:40 PM
To: Adam Carlson <Adam.Carlson at mcminnvilleoregon.gov>
Cc: Diedre Conkling <diedre08 at gmail.com>; libs-or <libs-or at listsmart.osl.state.or.us>
Subject: Re: [Libs-Or] Fwd: July 12

Here’s the OLA information on net neutrality.  The Legislative Committee has some examples of comments on the FCC draft ruling that are helpful.

-Janet Webster
OLA Legislative Committee

On Jul 5, 2017, at 2:57 PM, Adam Carlson <Adam.Carlson at mcminnvilleoregon.gov<mailto:Adam.Carlson at mcminnvilleoregon.gov>> wrote:

Thanks for sharing Diedre,

If anyone out there is wondering why net neutrality matters to libraries ALA has a nice page explaining why<http://www.ala.org/advocacy/telecom/netneutrality#why>.

I especially appreciate this quote: “A world in which librarians and other noncommercial enterprises are of necessity limited to the Internet’s “slow lanes” while high-definition movies can obtain preferential treatment seems to us to be overlooking a central priority for a democratic society– the necessity of enabling educators, librarians, and, in fact, all citizens to inform themselves and each other just as much as the major commercial and media interests can inform them.”

I’ll be doing what I can next week. I hope you’ll join me.

Adam Carlson
Circulation Supervisor
McMinnville Public Library
(503) 435-5556

From: Libs-Or [mailto:libs-or-bounces at listsmart.osl.state.or.us] On Behalf Of Diedre Conkling
Sent: Wednesday, July 5, 2017 10:54 AM
To: libs-or <libs-or at listsmart.osl.state.or.us<mailto:libs-or at listsmart.osl.state.or.us>>
Subject: [Libs-Or] Fwd: July 12

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Josh at FFTF <team at fightforthefuture.org<mailto:team at fightforthefuture.org>>
Date: Wed, Jul 5, 2017 at 10:39 AM
Subject: July 12
To: <diedre08 at gmail.com<mailto:diedre08 at gmail.com>>

We need you to push this over the edge. The most important thing you can do is get as many people as possible to join the July 12 day of action.
Hi there,
The July 12th Day of Action to Save Net Neutrality is less than a week away. And while momentum continues to build for our movement, Team Cable is fighting dirty.
They’ve been spreading lies about our protest in the press, viciously defending their misleading studies, and creating fake astroturf campaigns – all while FCC Chairman (and former Verizon lawyer) Ajit Pai refuses to do anything for the dozens of people who have had fake comments submitted in their name, without their consent.
Team Cable is scared of the power and influence we hold when we stand together. That’s why they’re doing everything they can to intimidate us, and muddy the waters. The other side is raising the stakes, but we’re not gonna roll over – not when we’re this close.
That’s why we need you to help push this over the edge. Can you share the Internet-wide day of action with your friends and family on Facebook<http://click.actionnetwork.org/mpss/c/3wA/ni0YAA/t.28r/PevT5riUS629OIsQCYskOw/h0/HE2UYZIDTZxfLuJ8qHDFiLKL3eD76o-2FIeXIksbY8GYkjCRUQTB-2Be7pnQv3e5JfTMZGsrc3IpOZZr8r6ulgXNNKGWWyJSWfnNVfn4DTfpliZ003QIs9-2FLiqQoY6NIiNV69FIcwxPK8rJAoiiUCHUivmXJJbCM03aLyaZxU24ctO6LhfTNrrXmxhMYX4YGklGLXhRodZihazfMUWuaYE5SmRbkWgzwUw-2F5fQwzNWNSftX9oVC-2FnUf7SjBOf8Mc8Q0AvL7A6nfMBv-2BG5O-2BB5vi8qF6aD4j5vB984NLGKwtJwxk-3D> and Twitter<http://click.actionnetwork.org/mpss/c/3wA/ni0YAA/t.28r/PevT5riUS629OIsQCYskOw/h1/VE2atosPJwyp5yA4oN-2FSajKsgJbjZSwW9iP8gs2xDKBtsOTmSkipxKJyqyPVuFn-2F-2FURePEPg3ZgNCoj7K1yWaNQKyv7IuBlGWOK9UzMCAOzBBMJUE3I6qyCoK7EMxyjtUYM9r8-2BiQD7tWQHQvIy9JvEmfXF-2BsRU3eKMyESe7-2F0Wo1AtlGZbZPBnW7RhAfa0riOeN7QqD7MECAgC-2BxGv4QZHxlzfedGvw2IsNsUWjsO31nGeeafTiR9MDOjRtl1y88JSc2H5X4WUYVVcx-2FFggHA-3D-3D>, or email them the URL battleforthenet.com/july12<http://battleforthenet.com/july12>?
And, ICYMI, there are a ton of other ways you can amplify our message:
1.    If you run a website, display a prominent alert for the day of action using this code<http://click.actionnetwork.org/mpss/c/3wA/ni0YAA/t.28r/PevT5riUS629OIsQCYskOw/h2/4s-2Fi-2Ba-2BOqu7LisXPlEc00f8IewB2UBMUtmjXh9oum6J9JV2dld-2BSUv4eYRsDylyBxKusfHGX1G-2BDw6l6JBgyhb8UpGhIeX9xvxsk-2Fe-2BquiLoujkZc8kGkyTHGGyGDCJ5oNkoDolLiIeVlrHO4dt7K2406Q3wHrPYQTb1ePxJh9cCOcmsX1q4NGr9Pzxz7SNiloZmPy-2FYBCur73k1GGbRzXUPgDLzuk-2BPbrZakc3L1Knq2kxTQsEflYYohtNn7VrSq0wSu-2Ble1upU0SI-2FcdpIXw-3D-3D>. You just need to embed a bit of javascript in the header of your site, and on July 12 your site will invite users to contact the FCC and Congress.
2.    If you’re a video creator, use our 30 second bumper to explain why net neutrality matters. There are square, vertical, and horizontal versions for you to download here<http://click.actionnetwork.org/mpss/c/3wA/ni0YAA/t.28r/PevT5riUS629OIsQCYskOw/h3/ROa-2FdlSnN-2FXnUB7Kis3fSyFdnmhnvJUzIgvvEEzzYFt8IUYdkLEXHZ35UywntKPmOJNyU93oy8lmi48VVMD0yurkU0r4JpVbiqOeOGWxecnLu224jdcRjoRMZgseHV8LEFhzMgeHVeFtBHXYTSk9XVSFAl6KBjhcP68iQ36I1lPIA4dIAUaDrBFfYcT79Ay7VQWYl2ffz2-2BBrVsnxwq7vUeO5SQxAS4XtY-2BPibOgYv8zflTfpwmxEfskHdVTed7I1gpVPtj4kDstHq1SOcGivg-3D-3D>.
3.    Join the net neutrality “Twitter Brigade” and opt-in to tweet urgent messages<http://click.actionnetwork.org/mpss/c/3wA/ni0YAA/t.28r/PevT5riUS629OIsQCYskOw/h4/yZH-2BImYNhf0NpOFB6eZZzllqtOv2C6V6JK-2FOhEUc1yKlfSEfyPvD-2B7KjKR0niZSaZ1mzkwfVamAmPs34IgxZCWsCYD-2FWCKQHT-2FfaJJJhuoXGo0AlqzT-2Bva-2FC-2FH5OA-2FAWkefJiiFTO5OWN-2BvkZ3xehxUMz3BQvKRa35AFmyM7lrsGSRw53CMFUD0BcQ8VIogiIp5xOjIB7tihMZ8KLplyDVHJ75rzsi4y5tHaN7IHnVZc24lLrWYj32rFmTqxvkw0> at key moments as we build up to July 12.
4.    Blog about the day of action. Whether you’re a business or a blogger, tell your followers why net neutrality matters to you, and then send us a link. Feel free to borrow this language<http://click.actionnetwork.org/mpss/c/3wA/ni0YAA/t.28r/PevT5riUS629OIsQCYskOw/h5/TQq8raW4D-2FfUJzgtPOAKaanrcwi88QcpsTzJjjtSaq52-2BLRtLbGeS92BUoyVGEirzcwpiG4CX-2FQetuwZdRoKeV6oBiSjuLZ5peDuCIdXGyHJC2Ce-2F-2Fcb-2F96DJS7WCS-2FvuWj9nk3SIcc0LeXLZ15Nul5mEVqPzfmdYaUr26clFA4Hjyl8KJCAiYrZf06qll9eoeGYi8mf1I9Gi3izzby-2F-2BLp8cQAZJAe9MqXiBEnC5P4Jw4dFxzIQkF4flNWY1U1edEStu2RPDu8urvqsqlRV4ArYOrLVrBlO7rnKXBeKF4Na2O40Bu1vztgjPk8tAOJIKhNcSMfwTPIAPTvrN-2FbElg-3D-3D>.
5.    Email all of your contacts. Here’s something<http://click.actionnetwork.org/mpss/c/3wA/ni0YAA/t.28r/PevT5riUS629OIsQCYskOw/h6/TQq8raW4D-2FfUJzgtPOAKaanrcwi88QcpsTzJjjtSaq52-2BLRtLbGeS92BUoyVGEirzcwpiG4CX-2FQetuwZdRoKeV6oBiSjuLZ5peDuCIdXGyGN40LpYK0fJAQCq-2BaMrWZUQnfm8AHAKy81kkwfRBJ2wDQ0CvwiNz6rkQpieD8Kmvz0GEQp6ZI2QBobSaQaV7bVqgGO6wxRK6akqauJs6ADhZdSmzDb1IovZskQRBmNmjvRWNSwmS8uqykZP0HiUL5sU7AV2uJ4jt6FksA7V7wXKWFMFiXj4P9w6onZnzAsvZz-2FWdlj8z9MD9U9eK06P-2FZPYOghxjpNg-2BxLyPbrTawEUg-3D-3D> you can copy and paste.
July 12 is coming up fast, so please, take the next step and do what you can to help make this huge. And, again, you don’t have to wait until July 12 to drive traffic to BattleForTheNet.com<http://battleforthenet.com/> to make sure the FCC and Congress get the message. If you’re ready to start now, go for it!
So far over 50,000 people and thousands of websites have come together on July 12th to demand strong, enforceable net neutrality rooted in the only legal foundation that can ensure we are protected: Title II of the Communications Act.
If net neutrality is lost, your Internet provider will gain new controls over what we see and do online – a move that will stifle your ability to access content, grow your company, reach new audiences, and earn a living. And, to add insult to injury, your Internet bill is guaranteed to go up.
I’ve worked on a lot digital rights campaigns over the past five years. And I have to tell you, I’ve never seen anything quite like this. The creativity, enthusiasm, and commitment that our small team has seen from people all over the world has been nothing short of inspiring.
At the end of the day, the fight for Internet freedom, is, essentially, the fight for an open society that allows each of us to reach our fullest potential.
We think that’s worth fighting for, and we’re glad that you do too.
For the Internet,
Josh, Evan, Holmes, Tiff, Laila, Joe, Sarah, and the team at Fight for the Future

Fight for the Future works to protect your rights in the digital age.

  *   Click here to learn more<http://click.actionnetwork.org/mpss/c/3wA/ni0YAA/t.28r/PevT5riUS629OIsQCYskOw/h7/YOHIY5TWc8sl5xspef3RzQ-2FYgqJQd1Vga-2BMzMU565Pr-2FPt63yaehMsWMKkU53CVGNPHl2hh5T8lQPLENX8IF6W5tMIbdcoLSeC4Oz-2FHmt7rwlhsQS0jVnHsGLjXp1L39en4RFpqvQmWufi7PUIJuOOJZkLiZZm0w5Lu-2FyyxPcsMOqok3vVkQeo-2Bbicyr2SOJ6i-2BQgGZkPRe83S5-2B-2B35BzljM5uCCL4lF1M9QRhPmnzw-3D>
  *   Donate $3 to keep us going<http://click.actionnetwork.org/mpss/c/3wA/ni0YAA/t.28r/PevT5riUS629OIsQCYskOw/h8/Pa8otjfmmhIzvTMTCB8ZJJUXf-2BRddPW57EVXPeuxLv-2FV-2BnUVSroGJ4HSbjDbfWaq9wNIDKCg3m0Wts13DItdSM1KJz4YRGp6i17JbvFiUi7fs3S-2BJhLLDhQSEWL-2FvvH0x68REK0s4-2BAx2HYjBAxC-2FKuhO-2FpZZkzgMWQUBqrLPNop-2BlgVI-2FLJ0TDdcPryakpwznsDbnjPhQgy7qjoZxXNWYDAGTJzC8dNaQv9p-2FvYz03PTzgtqsr9o7EsKIlGc0j9>
  *   Click here to receive fewer emails from us<http://click.actionnetwork.org/mpss/c/3wA/ni0YAA/t.28r/PevT5riUS629OIsQCYskOw/h9/YOHIY5TWc8sl5xspef3RzQ-2FYgqJQd1Vga-2BMzMU565PpIOD9gZqYkQUJzQLE43Y1yzIFmhmoVUCSY8hIk0R3X5UYDgfhR4pSzxyHs48THa13KYQOCMV8Znj-2BaTwUb75G02S9papmAG6RsIpvhOeSwx9CH35WD3xuW7TbgtBMwos073bp-2FIw7FsFq-2FeoiI3RVh10u-2FqZvffAeeWAJGq0-2BcGUfzac7zkUQGF0MIOTggn7xIESdQEan32g-2Fpc4gfoMFM>

Sent via ActionNetwork.org<http://click.actionnetwork.org/mpss/c/3wA/ni0YAA/t.28r/PevT5riUS629OIsQCYskOw/h10/55uI0ZjpoLA9-2FYhqE-2F4Eitwb7nFGaBM-2BttuyqSTdMS4-3D>. To update your email address or to stop receiving emails from Fight for the Future, please click here<http://click.actionnetwork.org/mpss/c/3wA/ni0YAA/t.28r/PevT5riUS629OIsQCYskOw/h11/WQ-2BlIwq7W2eCmkkcwbDiBfTpRTONPBIO8v6WfDIYEh9QMxgxCdaj7aq6wRCZi2fP-2FOUCFHhJylFHSN5FVwSyR7duKc6YNnCKSH30ZkYYIBRmY0wNOIoqTUrQ-2F3RX5hX5K1xP6P3X-2FaZ9Fogule3qUbGKdo1aUt9SQbfJjGpEiI5oXQwzOks0emRDLmXQa5Y1aJKQ4RcBoom5Ih8SxGrgbwdTZYrPrWtFuSpbsR24mWA-3D>.

Diedre Conkling
Lincoln County Library District
P.O. Box 2027
Newport, OR 97365
Phone & Fax: 541-265-3066
Work email: diedre at lincolncolibrarydist.org<mailto:diedre at lincolncolibrarydist.org>
Home email: diedre08 at gmail.com<mailto:diedre08 at gmail.com>

“If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude.”―Maya Angelou
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Libs-Or at listsmart.osl.state.or.us<mailto:Libs-Or at listsmart.osl.state.or.us>
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Questions related to message content should be directed to list owner(s) or the sender of the message, by phone or email.
Technical questions? Call 503-378-8800.

Janet Webster
janet.webster at charter.net<mailto:janet.webster at charter.net>

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