[Libs-Or] Webinar: Challenges for Agricultural Producers and Workers - How to Assist Those on the Front Line

Emily Hamstra ehamstra at uw.edu
Tue Jul 30 13:12:42 PDT 2024

The next PNC-MLA Health Equity and Diversity Speaker series<https://www.nnlm.gov/training/class-catalog/pnc-mla-health-equity-and-diversity-speaker-series> session will be held on August 7. The PNC-MLA Health Equity and Diversity Speaker Series is a collaboration between NNLM Region 5 and Pacific Northwest Chapter/Medical Library Association (PNC-MLA) through the efforts of its Diversity Committee.
Session title: Challenges for Agricultural Producers and Workers - How to Assist Those on the Front Line
People who work in agriculture are directly responsible for feeding the world, no matter if they go and work in the fields or with the animals on a small scale or a big scale. They commit their time and efforts to provide good to the world. Unfortunately, on a day-to-day basis, they are exposed to multiple stress sources related and unrelated to their work that may lead to chronic stress. The Western Region Agricultural Producers and Workers Stress Surveys were designed by members of the WRASAP team to understand better the stressors and desired mitigation techniques that can be adapted based on gender, race, and age.
Presenter: Gracia María Puerto Hernández, Spanish Speaking Agricultural Extension Coordinator, Washington State University Skagit County Extension
When: Wednesday, August 7 at 11:00 a.m. Pacific
The session is free and registration<https://www.nnlm.gov/training/class/challenges-agricultural-producers-and-workers-how-assist-those-front-line> is required.

I’ll see you there!

Emily Hamstra, MSI (she/her) | Assistant Director

Network of the National Library of Medicine, Region 5

University of Washington Box 357155

Seattle, WA  98195

https://nnlm.gov<https://nnlm.gov/> | ehamstra at uw.edu<mailto:ehamstra at uw.edu>
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